Friday, January 28, 2011

Wiki Cable: Police Brutality in Egypt

Go to this link to read a US diplomat's notes on police brutality in Egypt. In your post, answer these questions:

1. Why are some police abusing suspects or prisoners?
2. What group(s) are police targeting?
3. What connection does this brutality have to what's happening now?
4. How might this leak affect how Egyptians view the United States as this situation unfolds?


  1. 1.They target prisoners and suspects because they want information even if it means using brutal force that may end up killing them. Many other nations have already shown their discontent with this situation and want to see how these actions can be stopped. Egyptian police also torture those who are Hamas activists which has led almost 15 officers to prison. Like any other country, they try denying the actions they commit and continue with their torturous actions. Its a crazy situation. ¬¬

    2. As I said before and in the article:
    Police + Violence = Brutality against Hamas.

    3.The connections now is that with this, it shows their methods and to what length they would go to get what they want even if it means killing someone. Sometimes even the pressure of trying to solve a case can be stressful so it leads to what other countries do and what influence the government has done for itself.

    4. Actually, Egyptians may see this as an abuse of their privacy since they are their own independent country and nothing much is heard from Egypt since its an negotiations with the U.S. itself. Now with this leak coming with the abuse that the police has enforced its prisoners, it shows mistrust and even betrayal for exposing this information. Now, this can cause conflict between countries breaking any situations making the country hostile from any access or information given by the U.S. to its citizens on what's happening.

    Man, this is crazy. ¬¬'

  2. 1. To get information out of the people that got arrested

    2. Prisoners and Muslim avtivist

    3. The brutality anger people and it motivate them to join this protest and just get a good chance to hurt police officers

    4. It might anger the Egyptian people because the U.S. is one of the most powerful media power in the world and they're advocating false information, and also they might also think the U.S. is trying to shut out Egyptian that's calling out for Human Rights assistance

  3. 1. to get information about stuff
    2.prisoners motivates people to fight the government to change
    4.they might hate the U.S. since they support/ are partners to the egypt

  4. 1.Police officials are beatiing information out of suspect and prisioners and to "extract confessions". They feel that the only way for them to get what they want is through violence which is their major problem. At first, Egypt government officials denied this brutality but now have begun to accept it and considered to change their ways but without their will to do it, the violence will only escalate.

    2.Muslim activist, prisioners,suspects

    3.This is angering citizens specially since they feel like they are being cheated by their own government which gets them to turn against the government and protest

    4.The Egyptians probably see this as an act of violence against them although not physical, they probably feel like the U.S. shouldnt post nrgative information that will make people turn against Egypt.

  5. 1. The reason for the brutality is because of protesters.

    2.Muslim Brotherhood activists who pose a political threat.

    3. The protesters are tired with the people in Egypt because of Human rights abuse, the people are tired of the way the government run their systems. The people wants change and since the Tunisia experience the people of Egypt is influence by that.

    4.The United States is in alliance with Egypt and if the people over throw the government the United States and Egypt might be affected because the relationsip will be different because Egypt is the ambassador for U.S when it come to the Middle East, so this can not only affect Egypt but the entire Middle East as well.

  6. 1. One of the reason people abuse prisoners is to get information and also because most people think once someone become prisoners it is like somewhat a right to abuse that person since they can’t defend themselves.
    2. Of course the Hamas.
    3. In my opinion it is a human nature to continue hurting and being brutality to each other, so it is a routine.
    4. Well if I am the Egyptian government I would be angry with the United States, but what is the point since they are doing the same thing again.

  7. 1. To Get some sort of information so they can know and understand what is going to happen and where!
    2. prisoners
    3. well the brutality is getting out hand and is leading to more brutality.
    4. Egypt might get upset because of our freedom of speech

  8. janeen p
    1.Offical are hurting prisoners and people just to get information to they can be ahead of the game.
    2.Muslim avtivist and prisoners
    3.This action get people angry and more reason for them to protest even more and join together and fight against offical
    4.The Egyptians would hate U.S for not helping just to keep their friendship with the President.They would also hate U.S because they only care about their freedom and not help to what they are doing to their people.
