Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How can we prevent these tragedies from happening again?

Tucson, Arizona (CNN) -- The parents of Jared Lee Loughner, suspected in the Tucson, Arizona, shootings that left six people dead and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded, said Tuesday they do not know why the incident occurred and that they are "very sorry" for the loss felt by victims' families.
The brief statement from the suspect's family came as doctors said Giffords is breathing on her own and a picture emerged of her alleged gunman coming heavily armed to Saturday's event with constituents.
Loughner, 22, allegedly carried a knapsack to the shopping center, according to a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation. He had a semi-automatic handgun, four ammunition magazines and a knife, according to the official.
The weapon was a Glock 19, with an extended magazine that held 31 rounds, according to the Pima County Sheriff's Department. A total of 31 spent rounds were recovered from the scene, it said in a statement Tuesday night.

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The law enforcement official told CNN authorities are still on the scene of the shooting with a piece of equipment called a total station. It is a type of surveying equipment that takes precise measurements that can be used to reconstruct a crime scene.
Loughner has been anecdotally regarded as very troubled and perhaps mentally unbalanced because of his ramblings spotted on the internet and the way he has been described by acquaintances.
His family asked for privacy during a "very difficult time for us."
"There are no words that can possibly express how we feel. We wish that there were, so we could make you feel better. We don't understand why this happened," the family said in its statement. "It may not make any difference, but we wish that we could change the heinous events of Saturday. We care very deeply about the victims and their families. We are so very sorry for their loss. Thank you. The Loughner Family"
Randy Loughner, the suspect's father, asked a neighbor to tell reporters camped outside the family's Tucson home Monday that he eventually would make the statement.
"Right now he can't talk. He can't get out three words without crying," neighbor Wayne Smith told CNN affiliate KGUN.
Giffords remained in critical condition Tuesday, three days after she was shot in the head during a gunman's rampage, but she was breathing on her own and doctors backed off on some sedation. Twelve others were wounded.
Giffords' office released two photos of husband Mark Kelly, an astronaut, holding her hand Sunday.
"I'm happy to say she's holding her own," said Dr. Michael Lemole Jr., chief of neurosurgery at University Medical Center. "Her status is the same as it was yesterday. She's still following simple commands."
Lemole said Giffords was generating her own breaths.

Loughner parents broken down, crying

Breaking down the Giffords shooting

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"The only reason we keep that breathing tube in is to protect her airway so that she doesn't have complications like pneumonia," he told reporters.
Lemole said he's encouraged by the fact that she's "done so well" with an injury where survival and recovery are "abysmal."
"We're hopeful, but I do want to underscore the seriousness of this injury and the fact that we all have to be extremely patient," Lemole said.
Six of the victims in the Saturday shooting remained at University Medical Center, Chief of Emergency Medicine Peter Rhee said. Along with Giffords, three people were in serious condition and two were in fair condition.
Daniel Hernandez, a 20-year-old intern on the Giffords staff, visited wounded staffer Ron Barber, 65, at the hospital. Hernandez, who initially used his bare hands to stop blood gushing from Giffords' head after she was shot, asked a bystander to put pressure on Barber's wounds, according to officials.
Tuesday night, mourners gathered at a memorial Mass for the six who were killed. The Mass was held at St. Odilia Church in Tucson, where 9-year-old shooting victim Christina Green had her first communion a year ago. A children's choir sang "Amazing Grace" during the service.
The rosary for Christina Green is scheduled for Wednesday, followed by a funeral Thursday. Services for U.S. Judge John Roll, who was among the six people killed Saturday, are scheduled Thursday and Friday.
A friend of Christina's family took the girl to the event Saturday after she had been elected to a student government position.
Suzi Hileman, who was holding Christina's hand before the shooting, remains hospitalized for her wounds, her husband, Bill, told reporters Tuesday.
According to Hileman, Suzi sometimes calls out, "Christina, Christina. Let's get out of here! Let's get out of here!"
Suzi Hileman, a social worker, is involved in the community, her husband said, and was impressed with Christina's civic interest.
"They are generations apart, but are very much birds of a feather," he said of the woman and girl. Christina's parents are supportive and have shown "graciousness" toward the Hilemans, Bill Hileman added.
In remarks in Tucson Tuesday, Gov. Jan Brewer remembered the victims.
"Among the lessons that life has taught me is that, sometimes, loss just finds you," she said. "You don't expect it. You don't want to accept it. But, suddenly, you're challenged by something dark and ugly, a pain you can hardly bear."
Among those killed was Dorwan Stoddard, 76. He tried to shield his wife, Mavi, who was wounded in the leg.
"He heard the shots and covered my mom with his own body. He protected her and saved her," said daughter Penny Wilson, according to CNN affiliate KPHO.
President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, will attend a Wednesday memorial service and visit with victims' families at the University of Arizona in Tucson, according to a statement from the school. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will travel with them. An administration official said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also will attend.
The Arizona State Legislature in Phoenix, meanwhile, passed legislation Tuesday that bars protesters at funerals from getting within 300 feet of services. Brewer, who visited the injured Tuesday, later signed the bill.
The action, according to House Republican spokesman Daniel Scarpinato, was in direct response to a controversial church's announcement that it will picket Christina Green's funeral.
Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, has made its name by staging protests at funerals of people who died of AIDS, gay people, soldiers and even civil rights leader Coretta Scott King.
The shooting has sparked horror across the United States and generated much partisan talk about vitriolic political discourse in American life and what Loughner's motivations were.
Experts said Tuesday the alleged shooter in the massacre may have difficulty making the case for a successful insanity plea.
Paul Callan, a criminal defense attorney and a former prosecutor, and Jeff Gardere, a clinical and forensic psychologist, said on CNN's "American Morning" on Tuesday they have doubts that an insanity plea would stand.
With the "amount of planning that went into this assassination," Callan said he believes "it's highly unlikely he will meet the legal insanity defense threshold."
"It's very hard to prove insanity at trial," he said. "You really have to prove that your mental illness is so severe that you don't even understand that you're committing a criminal act. And it's almost impossible to prove that."
Gardere emphasized that "premeditation will work against him in this one as far as getting an insanity plea."
Judy Clarke, Loughner's defense attorney, has not spoken on that issue.
Court documents released Sunday show that investigators found a letter from Giffords in a safe at the house where Loughner lived with his parents, thanking him for attending a 2007 event, similar to Saturday's meet-and-greet.
"Also recovered in the safe was an envelope with handwriting on the envelope stating 'I planned ahead,' and 'my assassination' and the name 'Giffords,' along with what appears to be Loughner's signature," the affidavit states.
A law enforcement official said Loughner asked Giffords a question at the 2007 event and was unhappy with her response.
"He never let it go," the source said. "It kept festering."
Loughner bought the Glock semiautomatic pistol used in the shooting back in November. He didn't fit any of the "prohibited possessor" categories that would have prevented the purchase and passed an instant federal background check. He tried to buy ammunition at a Walmart store, abruptly left and made the purchase elsewhere.
In other developments, U.S. District Judge Raner C. Collins has ruled that all magistrate and district judges in the District of Arizona's Tucson Division must recuse themselves from hearing any cases connected with the shooting.
The ruling, dated Monday, cited the need to "avoid the appearance of impropriety, and because a judge has a duty to disqualify him or herself if his or her impartiality could be reasonably questioned, whether or not such impartiality exists."
Loughner appeared in a Phoenix federal courtroom Monday to formally hear the charges against him -- including two counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of attempting to kill a member of Congress.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it was he's parents fault, because if he was mentally ill they should of have put him in a asylum to prevent this from happening. And if he was mentally ill i don't think they should put him in jail o something like that because he didnt know what was he doing.

  3. I think if Jared was really mentally ill then he should be put in an asylum, even though many people don't believe that he was really mentally ill. He was able to buy guns and ammunation, I believe mentally ill people can do this, but to shoot someone so important? To me that seems more like it wasn't a mentally ill person, to me it seems that someone really wanted to commit murder.

  4. yuo know what many people have been affected in this shooting and i believe the guilty party shold be severly punished for his actions, my condolenses to the families of the six other victims. , this is what i dont get how many innocent people have to suffer for nothing. he shold be given the death penalty!!!!!! christina green was a 9 year old girl an innocent 9year old girl havent even experience the fun of being a teen yet and she cant even experience due to this conspiracy between a punk and his gun!!!!!!!!!D:< its just not fair what is happening in this world today!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Well part of Cristian's comment is right...if he was mentally ill i do believe he would kill someone but not someone important like that women he shot.

  6. even if he was mentally ill that dont give him the right to take someone life, who is he to decide whether someone livs or die?!!!!

  7. I agree with Reyna if the Jared was mentally ill then they should have put him in an asylum. If thay would have done this then no one would have been hurt.

  8. i think what happend whas a tragedy but there should have been more security. in still cant get that he got a hold of a gun when the police said thatv stores are not allowed to sell weapons to people with a mental problem. how was he able to get the gun from the store.

  9. Ihink that he dosen't has any mental problems, they only add that so that he would't he punished totaly!!! And what cause Jared Lee Loughner to do this? or whaat did the lady do to make him do such a thing? Also i think that the parents had nothing to do with this they should't be include in the mess that their so cause!!!

  10. could this accident had been prevented??? well i think yes because they said that he was mentaly ill so why didnt he was send to the place where people with problems go uh? that could have save the life of innocent people that got injure and the little girls life too and our congress. this is everyones fault because this could have been prevented.

  11. I disagree with what reyna said baceuse even if he had mental problems we still has knowlende that he's going to buy a gun and kill people i think that he knows that really clear!!!

  12. whathappen to the women loughner wasent rite for the boy to shoot her the security should have been more carefull and taking care of her even though the kid was mentally ill he shouldnt have shot shot loughner why wasent the mom taking care of him knowing the boy was mentally ill now hes gunna spend a little bit of life in prison for making the wrong dicision

  13. I think all things happens for something,but the true is that we cant not do anithing to change what happen. i feel sorry for the people that lost a family in this trajedis. if he was sick of whatever his problems was he knew what he was doing the cant say oh well he has medical pobrlems, bucause people keep saing that they have mentally problems so they wound go top jail.The only thing we can do is waith and see what the police said abut his mentally problem if he has theme

  14. i disagree with reyna becouse the son and the parents hada bad relation ship and bisides Loughner was not always a bad kid he started ging bad around the age of 10. I think it must at been some bad influence or the drugs that made him that way.

  15. This is a very sad story, but I ont really get it.
    Was it a mentally ill man that went alll shooting-rampage on them? If it was, then why was he allowed to be put in the streets? If he had charges of two murders and two attemps of murder and another attempt at killing a Congress member, why not just sent him to an alysum? I dont think that it is the mentally ill mans fault... I think that the people that are to blame are the ones that let him be in the streets when he has already been proved as a threat

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I agree with Reyna-Oh Wow:) because this could have been prevented if he was send to an asylum this could have save many lifes

  18. I believe mentally ill people can do everything a person who is not mentally ill can do, even commit murder. It doesnt matter how important the people are that he shot. What matters is that he shot and wounded and murdered innocent people for what it seems like an answer he recieved but didn't like.

  19. this guy know what he was doing he wnated to kill a member of the Congress. I heard in the news that their friends declared that this guy consume drugs and that he was acting strange lately, he even wrote a note about the murder he was going to do, I think this guy should stay in jail,It wouldnt be fair if this guy is out of jail they should think about the girl he kill it just wouldnt be fair to his familly, you can even see his face its creepy!

  20. i agree with josue if someones was mentally ill they would still have some knowelege from going to school and wouldnt have bought a gun he knew he wanted to shoot her is not caused hes mentally ill he made the wrong decision

  21. but they said he was a hardcore republican and the lady he shot was a democrat

  22. i think his not mentaly ill because if there parents knew about this they should of put him in some kind or center or the asylum to prevent nun of this to happen,if he was realy mentaly than,how can he got hired at walmart with out knowing what he was doing;i think he just faking it to not charge him for any damage.But if he realy is than is all there parents faults for not knowing what to do before he did this?& how come,where did he got the guns and how he knew where loughners was going to be at suppostly him his mentsly ill

  23. i dont agree with jenny pople dont what is going to happen every one said that if we cant prevent this from happening wow this days is hard to do so because every one is thing of other thing.we dont see arownd us not more we see what we want to see.

  24. I agree with the girl named Reyna-oh Wow... the people that are to blame are the parents, since they let the man be in the streets. I understand that maybe they didnt send him because they love there child more than anything, and they didnt want him to be locked up in a crazy house. But if he posses a threat... you got to think about the way he or she can harm others. Think about the way this might affect other families...
    Do you understand what I mean?

  25. i agree with marlen if they known any better then to leave him unattended

  26. i agree with juan maybe in his childhood he got some bad sittuation he pass by that made him behave this way that he decided to kill people now;but that dont explain everything he should get some kind of punishment it dont matter if his realy mentaly ill everyone is free to make justice by punishing the person who kill somebody from your family.

  27. Honestly I really have nothing to say about this article

  28. I agree with Jenny-Oh Wow:)
    This man should of been in a mental hospital already if he was mentally ill. This accident could of been prevented. The parent do have the blame of this. If they knew their soon were mentally ill why didnt they just put him in the mental hospital.? Now innocent people are dead cause of this man fault, They didnt do nothing wrong. All they can do now is keep this man in prison or somthing.

  29. he just crazy i mean you culdeve noticed from far away he just smiling right there on the photo i mean sometimes your mind is your greatest enemy but you can overcome it but i guess some people weak gota live through it you know what im sayin but yeah he crazy and its mest up how that lil gurl died man this wurld be mest up on sometin else

  30. i agree with stainless snare even if he hasnt put anything on im reading off the computer

  31. how can they leave a dude with 4 extended magazine that held 31 rounds each iserted in a glock 19, unattaned? thats insanity!!!!! the minute the y knew this guy got a problem he should have when strait to where the people with mental problems NEED to go. to prevent this problem they should have an accurate test to prove that this guy can atleast have enough mental brains to know whats right and whats wrong.

  32. I dont really think he was mentally ill he would be able to buy a gun and all the other stuff and if he was ill their parent should of done something like take him to a mental hospital. And well the guy was a republican and she was a democrat which oppose the Arizona law so maybe that the point he did it. And well Gabrielle Giffords also mest up cause she dint have enough protection and did it on public in a grocery store so anything could happen!!

  33. freaky how sergio like my post, even before i post it....... oO"

  34. If dhis guy was really mentall ill dhen why did his parents let him wonder of and instead of putting him in a mental hospital.I also think dhere needed to be more security for this to be prevented,but it's really sad that families lost people who they really loved

  35. i think the parent have problem with this too. because is they knew there son has mentally ill whay dont they just send him in the mental hospitral?

  36. i dont think that there is anyway that this could go for an insanity plea. he planned it out i mean i dont think that anyone with a mental illness would go plan out to kill someone and then do it.and also isnt there a suspicion that he was planning to commit suicide so he knew perfectly welll that he was commiting a crime HE KILLED A 9 YEAR OLD GIRL. that is insane he must have some sort of issues i admit but no i dont think its a mental issue that can be excused he is just plane crazy and he deserves to get the most painfull death penaly possible. not to be cruel but i think anyone who is willing to kill that many people deserves what he gets

  37. many people believe that jared was mentally ill but is he? if he is how is it possible that he was able to get a gun and was able to shot a very important person?! if jared really is mentally ill is parents should of been more careful with him should of had an eye on him known where he was and what he was doing

  38. I don't think him being "mentally ill", should be and excuse not to go to jail. Im pretty sure he knew exactly what he was doing. Why would a person decide to just randomly shoot an event? and what's even more suspicious is that the shooting was done at an impotant event, and an important person was shot. Who knows, maybe he did have a rough pass or something, but there is never a justification for taking away a life or lives in this case. One is already bad enough, but he went for plural. i think he should get some kind of punishment. Who is e to decide to take a life away?!?!?! He commited murder, there for is giving up his own chance to live. There is no one to blame really to each is own. Everybody knows right from wrong, it's just what you make out of it. Why is it excused for a "mentallly ill" person to kill someone, but when it's it's done cause of justice it's wrong?

  39. I believe that this could haved been prevented way back if hey knew he had mental problems. You can be having crazy people just out tere in the streets free and being able to do whatever comes to their mind. Mentally ill people do not have the ability to take good desitions like what Loughner decided to do now thoose innocent people are dead. I think that he is not mentally ill he should be send to a death penalty.

    PS. he looks creepy

  40. in my opinion i think that he didn't have mental problems because as it days on the article, that they found a letter that planned his assassination. He even had this planned out from 2007, according to the article. i also believe that if the senator would've have more security guarding her, she wouldn't have gotten shot.

  41. i agreed with EdwardG. because if was actually ill he should of been in a hopital or somewhere where they can take care of him

  42. I think if Loughner was mentally ill,then his parents should have put him in an asylum. They should have also seen any signs of something strange going on with their son. The shooting could have been prevented. I also think they should put him in jail for the crime he committed...not in a asylum.

  43. I agree with what Wilfredo said, he knew what he was doing. He had it planned.

  44. In response to Wilfredo S.
    i agree with you about the senator having more protection and everything but still some one would of gotten hurt, and yeah im not sure id he actually planned it but yeah if he did how can a ill person actually planed it.

  45. i think that Jared parents are the one that need to be blame because if he would of have been a mentally ill guy he wouldn't have done this since the first time he would of have been put in a asylum this would prevent him from killing all those innocent people specially that Lil girl man she didn't even got to experience and enjoy her life she was only 9years old , not even a teen girl. i think that this is all mess tupp.

  46. i think this would of been prevented if the parents would of put im in a mental hospital.I dont know why gun stores sell guns to this people that are just really crazy. I feel bad for the familys that lost a member.

  47. in response to Edward.
    I agree with you. your right, i mean not even really mentally ill persons do that. and even if they are they should be kept in the mental hospital. i also agree with you in the fact that he did this because he believe in republican and the senator was a democrat.

  48. i think tat its was maddens of that man... they should put himm in a place for crzzy peoplee... or have him inn prisonn....

  49. i dont think is right to put him in jail, because what he need is help, he wasnt knowing what he was doing, he have mentaly problems, police shouldnt put him in a asylum not in jail, he is not coinceous of what he do or did!!! also his parents have some of the fall too because they knew how their son was and they didnt do anything to prevented it or to help him.!!!

  50. Who knows if he is mentally ill?...maybe he wasn't,because of the evidence they found in his safebox. It seems he had hatred towards Giffords,but anyways he shouldn't have killed innocent people near the crime scene. His parents should've seen what he was up to. Also there should have been more security at the crime scene.

  51. i also agree with Wilfredo's opinion hes rite if he wouldn't be mentally ill he wouldn't have planned this

  52. Jared should receive the death penalty. He might have some mental problems but this shooting was obviously premeditated because of all the weapons he brought with him. I'm surprised that he managed to do this so easily, these things need WAY more security.

  53. It is the tragedy of America and it is the dangerous sign for everybody in America. It know that the violence and we don't know the exactly things will happen again. The violence has been increase. Today, people easy to make the struggle or have the bad think.
    They can make the wrong activities in just a moment. Maybe he planning all of this thing.
    And the result is very seriously , many innocent people being killed
    I think this guy have the relationship with other group and they want to dissagree with the government. They want to see the American destroy in their hand. I don't know it is right , this is just my opinion.
    But we can't let this happen again. The Government should have anything to stop this. They should take more security and searching more the crime and people that going kill the people and make the tragedy like this.
    And this guy should have very strong and deeply punishment for everything that he did for them
    not just like sit in the prison.

  54. I agrre with karla. His parents have some fault too because if they knew their son was mentally ill,they should have put him in a mental hospital.

  55. i dont agree with jenny=) because nobody knews that this was gonna happend i dont think is everyones fault and he is also innocent because he have mentaly problems if u didnt know it eh!!!

  56. i agree with Reyna-Oh Wow:)because police should put this man in a asylum not in jail!! :)

  57. I agree with Yanin, he should not be forgiven because he's mentally ill, he had it planned and he knew exactly what he was doing

  58. OK if he was really mentally ill his parents would of put him in an asylum, but maybe they didn't had the money for it or maybe they were in deniable. But this part of their fault because if they knew there was something wrong with their son they should of done something. But also if he committed that horrible murder,it seemed it was well planned and that he put a lot of mind into it for an mental ill person. I think he should get punished by the law.

  59. I agrre with Yanin. He should be punished for what he did. He also doesn't have the right to take people's lives away.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. i think i disagree Reyna-Oh Wow:)
    Because it is not the parents's fault , it is about himself
    If you said he have the mentally about the his brain and said he can't controlled his action and He kill the people.
    So after that crazy people killed more and more
    How we gonna solve that problem
    it is too late.

  62. i agree with Reyna-oh wow:) if he was really mentally ill, and his parents had send him to a asylum, this could've save all the lives of the victims

  63. i disagree with Catherin . what if he is lie that he doesnt have mentally ill, i think we should sent him to a jail to stop and Introspection what he did.

  64. while i reading this new, i feel sad about the victims that had been shoot by Arizona and feel angry about what he made was a tragedy. He bring many people dead, he might be unable to die, but i suggest that the government can put him in the jail forever. If someone who is mentally ill, and u think he can escape the Legal sanction, is worry. i dont think he have a right to do with it,it might be, but i will angry about if he has innocence just because he has mentally ill. what about if he recover, out of the hospital, do they 100% sure that he is not gonna be kill someone again? i dont think so. so what i suggest the government to do is put him in the jail. thats all i say.

  65. A "sorry" isn't going to bring the dead back alive. It isn't fair though because if the parents already knew that their son has mental illness and feared this sort of behavior, why not seek treatment? Why wait till now when its already done? He has brought shame upon himself and his family, and trust me when I say that many people are oblivious. Oblivious! Yes, he can say he's "ill" but that could be a cover up. First off, if he was mentally ill, why try to kill someone who was already a target? Maybe he killed the others to avoid getting caught but its the parents' fault because they didn't take the issue at hand and now people have died because of him. There have been many cases similar to this one and trust me, they always say that they did it for this and that, but honestly, this man needs to be punished. Even sentenced to life prison or the death penalty. That way he can suffer the pain the family are suffering right now, but how can we judge? We're only human and can decide someone's fate. That's all I can say.

  66. No matter what could be said, or what could be done. What happened, happened. It would be easy to point the finger at negligent parents for not noticing their son's illness or sickness... hell I did it myself. But maybe, just maybe, what people considered his illness was his cynicism. Maybe this man knew exactly what he was doing. All of this is obviously premeditated, but maybe this man was in his right mind. What about all the killers in prison, where is the line between sickness and coldness. Or are they one of the same. Yes, overall we can blame the parents for not taking action in something as big as their son's blood thirst. It just doesn't seem fair this gets off so easily for being sick if that's what he really is. Everyone makes a choice, and i believe he should be held accountable for these frightening events and not his "illness" and not his parents.

  67. I think that the guy yeah he is Mentally ill but i would say its not his fault but at the same time if people knew that he was Ill then why didn't they try to help Him?? They Could have prevented this Accident...
