Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Factbox: Pakistan's Blasphemy Law Strikes Fear in Minorities

4:44am EST

January 5, 2011

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's anti-blasphemy law has been in the spotlight since November when a court sentenced a Christian mother of four to death, in a case that has exposed deep rifts in the troubled Muslim nation of more than 170 million people.

While liberal Pakistanis and rights groups believe the law to be dangerously discriminatory against the country's tiny minority groups, Asia Bibi's case has become a lightning rod for the country's religious right.

On Tuesday, the governor of the most populous state of Punjab, Salman Taseer, who had strongly opposed the law and sought presidential pardon for the 45-year-old Christian farmhand, was gunned down by one of his bodyguards.

Here some facts about the blasphemy law and its fallout.

* The law has its roots in 19th century colonial legislation to protect places of worship, but it was during the military dictatorship of General Mohammad Zia ul-Haq in the 1980s that it acquired teeth as part of a drive to Islamize the state.

* Under the law, anyone who speaks ill of Islam and the Prophet Mohammad commits a crime and faces the death penalty but activists say the vague terminology has led to its misuse. The law stipulates that "derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo or insinuation, directly or indirectly shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine."

* Christians who make up 4 percent of Pakistan's population have been especially concerned about the law saying it offers them no protection. Convictions hinge on witness testimony and often these are linked to personal vendettas, they say.

* Blasphemy convictions are common in Pakistan, although the death sentence has never been carried out. Most convictions are thrown out on appeal, but angry mobs have killed many people accused of blasphemy.

* In 2009, 40 houses and a church were set ablaze by a mob of 1,000 Muslims in the town of Gojra, Punjab. At least seven Christians were burned to death. The attacks were triggered by reports of the desecration of the Koran. Police had already registered a case under Section 295C against three Christians for blasphemy.

Last July, two Christian brothers accused of writing a blasphemous letter against the Prophet Mohammad were gunned down outside a court in the eastern city of Faisalabad.

Hence a conviction or even an accusation under this law is often a death sentence, activists say.

* Some attempts have been made in the past to either repeal the law or try and amend the provisions to prevent their misuse, but each time the government has faced the wrath of religious conservatives. The current administration has ruled out scrapping the law altogether, saying such a move would hand a weapon to religious extremists and fuel militancy at a time when it is struggling to tackle it.

* Islamist parties have warned against any attempt to change the law, seeing it as a dilution of the country's Islamist character under foreign pressure. On December 31, thousands of supporters led a nationwide strike warning any attempt to change the law would only be "over their dead bodies."

* Earlier in December, a pro-Taliban Muslim cleric offered a $5,800 reward to anyone who killed the Christian woman, Bibi, in prison, angered by attempts, by among others governor Taseer, to save her from the gallows.


  1. Whoa, this is updated really, really early in the morning! :)
    The response from my part on this article is that this law is discriminating the beliefs of people from minority groups and their religious traditions. It's a sad fact to see how they killed the poor woman just because she was trying to practice Christianity. Everyone has the right to practice what they want and when they want. This suppose "law" should be banned and changed, it sort of saddening because other countries get the coverage of this and haen't done anything. Innocent people are being killed without regard, of course who wouldn't be offended if someone insulted a certain religion but it can't go to that degree. That just makes them bad people who want to exterminate those who get in their way. If they were truly Muslims, they wouldn't act in such harsh actions. It has been discussed to do something about but they are afraid of what extremists may do....there has to be a change in politics and if this continues who knows what will result in the future. The hatred between minority groups can only stop if someone puts a stop to it. The law is useless and endangering everyone who wants to express themselves.

  2. I believe this violates the human rights of the christians because they are living in fear of their own safety because of their choice of religion . This law that is current in pakistan is ridiculous and it seems that when somebody tries to change it or do something about it, something happens to them. I really believe te government should take action before a genocide takes place like the one in Rwanda.

  3. To me, religion has never been more than ideology as what to believe is right and what is wrong. Many who practice their "religion" sometimes violate laws and say that it was their "higher" power who told them to do it or it is what their "religion" tells them what to do. But, I believe everyone has the right to practice their "religion," that is established, as long as it doesn't violate any laws and that countries should be tolerable of their poeple and should protect all. In this case, the "law" discrimates againt non-Islamic people, and use this law to say that it is right to kill them. They make up fake accusations, fake witnesses, and the end, the defendent is guilty. So if the government doesn't kill them, eventually the mob does. The government should take action and either dismantle the law or remove it all together.

  4. I believe that their blasphemy law is right, but the consquences for commiting blasphemy are way too cruel. I agree that no one likes it when people attack their religion but to kill them is wrong, after all don't most religions disagree with killing others? Don't they realize they are commiting a sin that defies their religion? Also, people should be able to practice any religion without being afraid of dying.

  5. I feel like that these laws are inhuman. The people should have the right to choose if they want to be in a certain religion or not. They should have the right to express the freedom of religion.

  6. Blasphemy is an extremely good law because it does protect against hostility toward certain religions, and that law would protect a lot of people from being hurt or killed.

  7. The law should be abolish period. The women shouldn't have to be punish just for stating her opinion, she shoud have the right to freedom of religion. It's really sad how in this 21st century people are executed for the littlesst things. Blashphemine laws are legitimate but to certain point.

  8. well every country has its religion and they follow it accoring to it and the people in pakistan has the right to do what they are doing and dont necesary have to change the law but they also have to keep in mind that pakistan is not a hundred percent muslim, there are also christians and they live in the country which means that the law has to protect them too. going out to the streets killing others is not right and something has to be done.

  9. The laws that Pakistan has is very harsses on how it citizens are able to expresses themselves freely although there should be punishments they should nt be so sivere. I belive that they use death to put fear towards the public

  10. I think this whole thing show how this people are behind and not changing with the time. In way I understand people should have respect to any religion out there, but at the same time it is ok for people to have their own opinion about other religions. I just think it is stupid and pointless to restrain people from other religion and their belief.

  11. Blasphemy is completely inhumane and unecessary. Governments that implement such a law is completely bias and only favors a certain group of individuals. People have experienced harsh punishments because they only practiced their beliefs. This is really unjustified and once again unnecessary.

  12. Terrorism can be define as a group of people that will use terror in order to suppress their opposition(s)

    Even if no one is harmed, threatening your opposition(s) with violence is still terrorism because you’re terrorizing your opposition(s)

    Terrorism does not only target civilians, however, they target governments by harming or threatening to harm that government’s civilians.

  13. I think that is not fair, to kill someone just because of its religion. Every one has the right to believe in whatever they want and just because this country is a believer of the "holy prophet" doesnt mean they have to kill someone who doesnt believe in the same thing as they do. They shouldnt do this to innocent people who's just following God's will and what he says we have to do, because all of this is in the bible, and if the christians don't believe in the same thing i don't think is fair that they should kill them.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think that Pankistants should create the same right as we have in the US that law is call "FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS" because not everyone has the same belifes so why killing people is like if u don't like pizza thats your opinion that doesn't mean they should kill you you choose what you want to believe or eat ect.

  16. i think this law should not have been put into effect because some people mite find it racist against poaple who arein the minority group.

  17. I think that they did this because they don't want christians on their land! And also it's a free world, and why isn't anyone steeping inside to try to stop this nonesense!? I can't belive they are doing this in pakistan when they have bigger problems to face??? And they are paying anyone to kill the christian lady!!! That is too extreme...

  18. I believe this is a misuse of religious laws. Since there are Christians in the country, people are going to blame them for blasphemy to get them killed. If the Christians do commit blasphemy then they should be chased out of the country not shot and killed. Everyone gets mad at people for offending their religion. Christians wouldn't like it if someone uses blasphemy at them.

  19. I agree with Brook....this isnt necessary to do with the christian people or any other people that believe in something else. I think they should just leave them alone and let them practice theyr own beliefs, and the muslims just keep believeing in their belifes. Because thety wouldnt want them to kill them just because of their beliefs, they would say the same thing. "i think it's not fair", and i think they just should leave them alone. so yeah Brook your right!

  20. I agree with Jenny, everyone has their own opinion and no one should get hurt over it. We are all equal no matter what religion we are we need to treat everyone the same.

  21. I agree with juan on the fact that some people may not think the same way as the other people who are doing this crazy stuff...

  22. I agree with Brook because everyone is free to practice their own religious they shouldn't be a law about what you should belief.

  23. I think that all of this is wrong everyone has the right to choise a religous no matter what.however the govermant dont have the right to tell you what religous you suold do,but killing them because they do there religious is a bad thing.people all over the world has the ritht to live.

  24. i agree whith brook and reyna the should leave the rest of the people alone and practise their one religion.

  25. i think this is wron and the goverment shouldnt put this law he cant tell u what religion you should or should not be everybody has rights

  26. i dont think killing christian people is going to solve anything those pakistans need to do something else insted of taking advance of christian's

  27. i agree with everyone.because the people in pankistans have rihts like everyone us. it dosen matter were you are the govermant needs to respect your rihts they cant not be making laws that dont make good things for the people in ther country.

  28. i agree with cristian everybody has the right to religion withou people telling you what you can be!!!!!

  29. Killing the women because of her religion was wrong, actually its just sick... well not sick but just plain wrong. The law should be abolished, okay! My gods... people nowandays are getting killed for just stupid reasons... not cool.

  30. i agree with toxicinity she's right no one haves the fault to be practicing christianity, every women women gots the right like anyone else & no one shouldnt be kiled for no reasonable reasons

  31. This law should be abolished immediately!!
    because it escalates Muslim hatred towards other religious minorities and cases of misuses of Muslims can multiply. This means that any Pakistani Muslim can accuse a christian or any other religious minority of possibly insulting the Muslim religion, were the accused can be innocent and sadly put to death by the rule of this law.

  32. thats discrimation in religous beliefs, basically they're saying believe in our god or die. and that not right especially if you hold a another religious minority inside that country. that like your a religous nazi (no offense)!!!!!!! but um this event might lead to a conflict between religion which also may lead to a civil war. not cool man not cool.

  33. I think evey body has the right to practice their own religion, Pakistan laws are wierd they should do something about it.

  34. honestly all I have to say is wow but this is what happens when religon gets a hold on the goverment, once religon gets power it corrupts it and start religous persecution to keep its control all in the name of "God"

  35. Ehm... I agree with Josue R., because like I said everyone should have the right to choose their religion. How come no one is stopping this? Who knows, Josue rodriguez, who knows? Why don't you step up?

  36. I believe that the law should be abolished because it is indangering the lives of people that aren't of the main religion. The Christians shouldnt have to hide in fear of their lifes everytime they voice their opinion! It is wrong and this law should be stopped!!

  37. in the declaration of human right it said that Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and RELIGION; this right includes freedom to change his RELIGION or BELIEF, this is what the world came together and called it "our" right not the Muslims right now the Muslims are taking laws into there hand by discriminating other believers the called it a Blasphemy which might not even be true so Muslims putting other minorities into fear that's now a violation of right and this fear put on minority can only stop if someone put a stop to it so in quick detail i will rather call it a religious "RACISM"* ...

  38. i agree with OK this Pakistani law goes against article 18 of the universal Declaration of human rights and should be sought out by the Pakistan govt.

  39. for J-me you say that muslims could accuse an christian or other minority of insulting islam but what about america? after 9/11 just about anyone could accuse any muslim of being a terrorist and they would have no way of defending themselfs and the accuser would be seen as a hero. In a way this event is just like that

  40. in j-em's comment i agree with his statement This law should be abolished immediately! because we are the laws we made the rule not the Muslims nor the Christians but we in "general" and we should take over not any critics or any religious so called high authority we should stand to our ground the Christians should believe what the think also the Muslims should basically practice there religion within them self's and take the word Blasphemy rather as a challenge *.....

  41. i think that this law is completly bias in the favor of the muslim extremist and it gives no righs to those who may have other reliogious values. Also who is to say how they would defin blasphemy what if a christian was to say i do not believe in the prophet muhammed i believe in jesus is this a valid enough reason to execute someone, well in there eyes it possibly is, its just on there perspective of blasphemy and this goes against anyone's humane rights period anyone should be able to speak their opionion or beliefs without the fear of death.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I think this law should be abolished because it is really cruel and it's discriminating religous beliefs towards christians.i tought everybody had the freedom of speech and religion;and i agree with almost everybody that thinks this law is a very bad idea

  44. I believe that this law should be abolish because its not fair to take peoples rights away. everyone has the right to chose their own religion, & follow in what they believe. What Muslims are doing right now is just violating this peoples rights. I think that Muslims should juts let this people follow their religion and their believes.

  45. i believe that this is an act of violate against human's right "freedom of religion"! No one should be killed or thrown to jail just for something they believe in or something they say. Think about of you would feel if people wanted to kill you just because of you belief. Everyone should just worry about their own religion and no one's else

  46. The law should be removed. Everyone has the right to any religion. Just because you don't like a certian thing doesn't mean it's completely wrong. killing that poor women because of her religion is stupid. To each is own. Something everyone should keep in mind for any topic. Not only is this a wrong act but it goes against the human rigths! if your human you got the rights! people don't seem to understand that, it's only true when they need it to be.

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  48. I think that all of this is not good because everyone has the right to chose a religion no matter what ,i believe that the goverment cant force you to be in a religion that he wants you to be in , but its also not good killing those innocent people just for religion. everyone has the right to choose their relion.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I beilive that the law that the muslin are going to do it wrong, and should not pass it abolish it. I think that they should take it out cause the Christian have the right to express their religions and their believes, they have their human right but maybe for the muslin don't care about the human right so there the problem. And maybe instead of passing this law they can separate them like share the land or divide it or something.

  51. in Okey's comment you are right about everyone's humane rights and i completly agree no minority should be put down it is absolut DISCRIMINATION but i would also like to point out that if we could stray away from saying MUSLIMS to saying MUSLIM EXTREMIST because wen we say muslims we are catogrizing the whole religion and in doin such we would be no better then these people and most muslims arnt crazy and dont go around trying to kill people because of heir religious beliefs by calling it BLASPHEMY

  52. i agreed with wilfredo s. because everyone in the world is entiled to blieve in anything that they want to belive in. and people should stop worry so much about someone's religion and worry about themselves

  53. I believe that their blasphemy law is right. I agree that no one likes it when people attack their religion but to kill them is wrong, most religions disagree with killing others? people should be able to practice any religion without being afraid of dying.

  54. I fully agree with ParamoreFreak and Hiwot, someone's beliefs is not a good reason to be killed or locked! Everyone has the right to their own opinion and shouldn't be punished so cruely...or better yet at ALL! because of what they think or believe. This law is inhumame.

  55. in Reply to Karla..
    I'm agree with you because no one should be deciding what to do for other people. They should be helping the them instead of taking their rights away.

  56. i think this law should be removed because everybody has the right of choosing their own not fair to take peoples rights wouldnt like it if some comes and takes yours what muslims are doing is not correct.

  57. In reply to Wilfredo S.
    I agree with you and everything that the muslin are doing the wrong thing but it seem like they dont really care for the human right and the right to express any religion.And well Muslin need to find another way to fix this,

  58. This clearly violates the human rights. Everyone should be able to practice their religion anywhere. No one should have to hide or be put to death because of their religion.

  59. I think this law sould be taken away.Everyone was the right to practice any religion that they want is there life.The goverment should do somethng about this cuz people are beng kill just becase they choose to practice another religion.

  60. i think that this law is unfair. everyone should have the right to express their religion freely. If they are Christians then the Muslims shouldn't kill them for that. i think they should take this law away...

  61. i agree with Wilfredo. because every one has the rights to believe what they want.

  62. i agree with stephanie s. this law should be abolished. i also agree with hiwot. People shouldn't be killed for having a different religion or opinion. This goes against the human rights.

  63. i think this article is right they should abolish this law. I dont think they should kill this women just because she was saying and expressing her opinion. I think she have rights as everyone else does! so they should respect her opinion and not kill her, she is christians and they think her opinion doesnt caunt but thats not right because she doesnt have to hide every time she says an opinion, her opinion should caunt because she have that right so i think this law should be abolish.!!!

  64. This is defenatly violating the human rights. Every one should be free of practice any religion they want and have their own beliefs. People shouln't be afraid of having their unique beliefs. they shouln't be forced into becoming they don't are. I think that the united nations should take action and so something about this. Because aperantly the goverment is coperating into keeping this law and it seems that they're keeping it no matter wat and who ever gets in the way trying to drop the law, gets killed.

  65. I beliedve the Blasphemy law should have a change to it because the consequenses are to cruel.Everyone should have the chance to express what they believe in without having to be chased down by someone and trying to kill them because of something they said about their religion.I defenetly disagree with the way Paskistan's goverment runs the countrty especialy the types of cosenquences they enforce on their civilians.

  66. i agree with Yanin. The people shouldn't be treated like that just because they are saying what they believe.

  67. i agree with angie, this is a very unfair law.everyone should have their right to express their religion and beliefs freely

  68. Itz mest up wat they be doin to that women and the fact that she waz a mother of 4 so i think they should just chill cuz i mean wath if christians go around doin that. this law should be abolished and this goes againzt the human rights and what you be believin thatz why thiz wurld is gonna end we killin ourselves by doin this and the fact that thatz a law over there showes thiz people be crazy cuz they burned down a church

  69. I agree with "Jenny=)" They should really get the same right we have here in US. So they can have the rights for "Religious Freedom"

    This law should be abolished right away. Is unfair what they killed the poor woman just for practicing Christianity. This is a descrimination against Christians and other religions that isnt Muslim. Everybody has the right to belive in what they want, and nobody can say anything about or judge their belive.

  70. i agree with everybody that thinks is a bad idea because theres no reason to killed people because of their beliefs.

  71. I agree with Karla's comment. Everyone should have the right to choose their religion and no one should have to die because of their religion.

  72. i agree with Ernesto people should have the rigth to express their opinios in what they believe or not believe.. oh Ernesto check your spelling. :D

  73. to me i think the article is about the religion of people in Paskistan. I know that the Paskistan is the country of the Muslism but they can not force you are killing people by they don participate of the Islam. Everybody have freedom of religion so they can practice that religion they like. They can't use that right to injuries people
    i think the law is almost about the right for the Islam people and Christian has not anything in the Paskistan , they can't even talk and give their opinion. We know that Islam people don't like Christian so much but the Christian is one of religious and they have the same right like Muslism religion.
    So i think the government should remake another law that Christian and Muslism are people and have solution for people if they try to destroy the other religion.

  74. i agree with jenny=) pakistan should create the same law that we have here in united states so people can have their owns religion and feel free to speak about it!

  75. the government shouldn't keep this law,but it seems like the government doesn't care. they shouldn't do that. they should abolish this law.

  76. I agre with sergio cuz he right and i believe in what claudia sayz too

  77. i agree with Mitzi
    Because they should have their freedom about expressing their opinion
    It is very dangerous if the government like that because the corruption still happen there and the Christian will being kill without any reason

  78. I think this law is really bad to everyboday. Like most people say. We have right to chose our religion.the muslims should not do that, it cause many death, so i think it should be remove the law . that would be the best way to pertect people.

  79. Dam, thats terrible....

    how can tey do such a thing to poor christians in pakistans, they havent done anything wrong,just like the last MUN1 blog.

    (except allen was here to disagree with me)

    even if the muslims do have hate against christian, isnt suppose to give them the right to burn down the churches of pakistan. really is just giving the U.S a harder hate against them in battle

  80. sergio V. has some good intense in the topic, hes right

  81. @ yanni i gree with her, because i think we have the right to chose own riligion...

  82. Although I'm not the first to stand up when it comes to religious issues, this is quite bad. I think not only does this show how far extremist are willing to do in the name of their religion, but it also puts into context how ignorant Religious beliefs can be. None of this would have have happened if people weren't so inclined to having each, their own, "omnipotent" force watching over them. At the very least the law should be changed, but that's optimistic seeing the amount of pressure the Pakistani legislation is under. It's not a nice feeling to know that a family will more than likely die, under the prosecution of an unjust law. In a way i wish people would take this not only as a chance to re-think the Islamic faith, but as a chance of re-thinking religion, and where exactly do their morals stand.

  83. It is sad to see that people are being killed because of laws like these that are cruel and unjust. First of all people should have the right to practice any religion they want to freely without having the fear of being killed. Secondly this law is an excuse many people use to get other people they dont like such as in other religions killed even if they dont "speak ill about the prophet mohamed" .All of this happened because government and religion combined. This makes the government biased towards certain religion groups. Something should be done to protect the small minority groups that are being mistreated.

  84. Lives are being taken away by accusations of blasphemy. This law of blasphemy really doesnt secure the Christian or any other non-islamic religion in the state. I would call for an ammendment giving the accused a chance to defend itself and also the prosicution a chance to provide evidence.

  85. First things first, I believe that this law is cruel to even people that follow the muslim religion. Anybody could maybe accidently do some of the things that are not allowed without knowing and they'll end up being punished too even if they follow the religion so that law is just pointless.
    Second of all, I dont believe it's right that they are focusing only on the muslim religion. 2% of christianity might seem like a little but it's still a good amount of people. If they're gonna make a law, they might as well make a law for both religions or even for all religions. There's no need to specify and clarify on ONE religion.

    Also, the killings are just pointless too. How would muslims feel if christians started killing THEIR people for not being christian? Horrible I bet, but then again that wouldn't be possible since there's those laws that protects them which makes it totally unfair.

    So honestly, we all know here that they are doing the wrong thing thing and it needs to be stopped.

  86. I agree with Eddie(:
    Ignorant people...

  87. i feel that a person shouldnt be discriminated because of the religion that they practice. freedom of religion should be universal it shhould be giving and obtained to everyone. its not fair for one person to practice what they want and the other not to. ti should be optional to a person to choose what religion they want to practice and should not be crimininalized if that person doesnt want to believe in the same religion that the country is known for this doesnt matter people should look at other qualities of everybody else instead of their religious belief and/or color. this shouldnt be a reason to eliminate a person that makes the person look worthless and everyone is valuable. if muslims have/had a problem with other minority groups than that their problem but they shouldnt try to get rid of the others i dnt think allah would want there to be any hatred to another person even if what they believe is not him but someone that is in a way a form of god which i think that every god is the same just that people put it in different ways according to their own opinion.

  88. The law shouldnt even be a law because of the things that christian pakistanies face. No one should be killed because they dont have the same beliefs as you that doesnt mean they're not human. The mother of four doesnt need to be killed how woulld the children grow up; Heating their government or maybe their country or may be join a group to take control of the government maybe even the country.

  89. Eddie brings up a very good point. Where is the government when this injustice is accuring and if they cant handle problems within their country how are they trying to better themself

  90. Agreed, Jennifer Ochoa.
    The law has the possibility that even the own Muslims could accidentally commit blasphemy and get prosecuted.
    And I agree with Karina, that Allah would not want these sorts of things to be happening.
    It's a shame.

  91. I agree with Karina "people shouldnt be discriminated because of their religion"

  92. I can't help but feel a sense of hopelessness after having read this article, as it clearly shows the tide's in the extremists favor. Obviously the abolishing of this law must be called upon,but as the article has already stated, this would only bring the wrath of a militancy that the government is already struggling to ward off. This is the rise of a new dark chapter in Pakistani history, as only death can be brought out from this. An upheaval is needed. A movement that needs to spearhead the eradication of this law with as much force as those supporting it. We need a voice that can be heard over murderous cries, and corrupt preachings. But the voice falters from fear and persecution, so I suppose it's folly to hope it'll materialize. Has it ever?

  93. I agree with both
    cap8u and Derege.

  94. this is law is causing a huge crime increase in that country. many people are being killed just because they practice other religons. its not fair to go around and kill people that have been accused of breaking that supposely law. this law is breaking many peoples right to practice any religon freely.i bealieve that if that law is abolished chaos will break lose in that country.

  95. I feel that this law is just putting matters into an worse state than it already is. Im not ssaying that I will, but if people see these acts being taken place in Pakistan do to racial differences then the world is going to see Pakistan as a misleading country. The actions that the Pakistani did to the Christian mother was intensly cruel, people have the God given right to practice whatever religion they wish to believe why should they be the ones to dictator?
    this law is refurring back to the medevil times where wars where being taken place do to racial tensions amongs kingdoms. If Pakistan continues to withold this law well then actions will be accounted for them from other country, so for me I say to end this nonsence and to worry about other important matte such as counterterrorism.

  96. Well the blasphemy is just an inhumane first of all to even have a death sentence for small convicitons is just out of hand. Of course many people will disagree with something like this because many people are dying from the bad ways of the punishment.

  97. i agree with derege these laws are very unjustice and not be a law at all. just because all people dont believe in the same religon that doesnt mean their bad people.

  98. In response to chavez
    Well if they dont abolish this law well more people are going to be killed and this law should be abolished

  99. i think that people should put an end to this. People are being killed violently and slowly. the part of were christans are being burned to death. The christians dont deserve to die like this. What if your fATHER??? was killed for being part of a religion.

  100. I am totally aganist this law. Everyone is equal and so it shouldn't matter what religion you are you should not be discriminated aganist. In this story basically every christian is not death row the muslims are just looking to see if they saying anything about Islam and they send them to jail, prison or even kill them. It is just sad they humans do things like that to their own kind just because they diont believe in the same thing. I think that freedom of speech should be a universal law anyone can say anything without beiing hurt or even in the worst case kileed. Some people might mistakenlly say something that is offeneded and they are killed that is not right and somoeone needs to do something about it. Everyone is equal and the same it is just what we belive in that makes us different from each other.

  101. i think that this is very wrong because people are just getting killed for given their opinion and also just because they are Christian they are getting killed. that is not right because everybody has the right to express their religion freedom. someone should really do something about this so that it wouldnt happen again

  102. i believe that this law is just making the pakistanian people get worst because now they wont have the freedom to practice what ever religion they would like and people have the right to have their own believed and after your forcing them to practice what most of them dont wat if they dont doit they get executed this is just a law that will bring the country down

  103. I agree with Chavez because people shouldnt be killed for the other religions they practice. What does religion even do to bother them?.. And it is hurting the country and can passibly cause to the country to fall and wont be a single country.

  104. I also think the law is quite unfir do to many reasons. People are oing to be killed. The death rate would go up. it is prejudice.

  105. I believe they shouldn't punish a woman for what she believes in. people should believe on whatever they want in their own religion and what they believe in...for explain i dont believe on god nor the devil and that dont mean they should punish me for something that everyone do believe in. people shouldnt care about other peoples business or what they belief a sin to the people that send the people that dont believe on anythin to death penalty or in jail

  106. Honestly I think that what they're doing in Pakistan is unfair. They turn religion into such a huge problem when it shouldn't be like that, everyone should be able to have their own beliefs. The law they have there is dumb beacuse people shouldn't be treated like that. The government shouldn't be based upon religion, beacuse the in leaves out all the other religions and the act against them.

  107. in response to everyone i see that you all agree with me so we are all right.

  108. i agree wit derege...b/c most people dont believe on the same religion as other people. its just a major important thing that should be stop

  109. Its pretty obvious that what they are doing is wrong. What i don't understand is why they are still doing it. everybody has freedom of speech, expression, and relegion. its not right that there are ppl afraid of what to think or believe in because they might get killed. there are probably a lot of ppl living in fear because of this. this law should clearly be removed.

  110. In responds to mande I kind of agree with you man lol

  111. I think that this law is really extreme seeing that if you talk wrong about the Islam religion or the Prophet Muhammad then your automatically are faced with the death penalty. In this case the minority is the Christian Pakistanians and they feel that since there not worshiping the islam religion than there face with death. This law should exist because it is really bogus...

  112. This blasphemy law is unjust and wrong. I agree that people should respect any religion that others worship but they also have the right to worship in any religion. Also, many religions are against killing other people and they should stop and veto this law and these inhumane consequences because they are already committing a lot of crimes of killing and murder against humanity and they are even killing a lot of innocent people.

  113. Response to Mande:
    I totally agree with you, this is just making the country itself bad.

  114. i totaly agree with pam dont punish for just believes

  115. i agree with josue zelaya because all the law is gonna do is make the problem more big and also they do have the right to have their own belief and religion

  116. i think that this law should be taking away because a lot of people are being killed just because of their religion. i feel that it is wrong for people to be told what religion to practice. like in the U.S people should have a say in their own religion. not everybody is equal every person likes their own things. which means that not everybody is going to like the same religion.there is some people that believe in just one god some that believe in many gods and some that don't believe in god what so ever.the whole point is that people should have their rights and they should be able to believe in their own religion and not get killed by it.

  117. this is outrageous, peoples right are begining to be taken away. everyone is entitled to freedom of religion. i think that this law should be abolished. if this isnt taken care of soon enough then there will be chaos. which will only then cause more problem. when you are born you are also born with certtain rights. and freedom of religion is one of them. you cant judge someone base on what they believe in. that is called discrimination. what rights do you have to judge someone like that. i also believe that the goverment needs to be part of this. it need to be taken care of ASAP. otherwise more peoples will start to be involved which will then lead to more stuff. no one should be telling you what you should and shouldnt believe in.

  118. in responjse to sam? what is wrong with you man i totally agree with you man. Yes yes yes you are always right you are taughting sense in to the world. Join me to fght this law and i know you are christian and that you wil probably be against it.

  119. Everyone knows that every person can believe in whatever they prefer to believe in. It doesn't hurt no one. Killing the people who believe in another religion should just be left alone and deal with their own business. Much less kill because, isnt religion against cruel things like killing? The woman mentioned in the article shouldn't be killed at all. She isn't doing anything bad.

  120. in response to marcelino

    i agree with you because think about if you own family is being killed for there religious beliefs

  121. In response to Ruth

    Not everyone has unaliable rights only some democratic nations such as the United States. And I agree that this law should be removed but in a settled manor because if this law is just taken into action all at once then racial tensions would increase all over the worl leading up to a great destruction or even worse WW III

  122. i agree with what Ruth said.people are scared to believe in their own religion because of the law.everybody is their own person and they have their own rights.

  123. i agree with Mande, Sam n Jennifer. this is very wrong and no one should have to go through it!!

  124. In responds to Mercilino
    thanks man I AM A CHRISTIAN and i am totally aganist his law i think it should be taken down and a law that givens freedom of speech should be past.

  125. man whats up with people and bringing religion to there laws it makes no sense to me. for me i see religions as a phylosophy showing about the good and bad of life and the afterlife. but these people take that to far they would kil anybody that speaks ill of islam and mohammad. but what happends when that person is their friend brother or father would they killed them too for being christians? also this law just gives more power and security to the islam people not the christians people they feel scared and worried because they can't say anything anymore becuase they migh get put to death.

  126. In response to Kelly, yesh yesh I agree with you in the part that when someone is born they are born with the right of choosing the religion they wish to follow.

  127. Wow Pakistan is really goin' extreme up in here. In my opinion, is that they should obolish this law 'cause everyone has the right to practice any "religion" they want without fearin' that they goin' to get killed just because of they religion. Every human in this world has rights, no one is superior than anyone else and everyone is equal. Therefore it's discrimanatin' Christians. In fact, this will brin' total chaos and might end up in war of Christians vs. Islams same as other religions fightin'. This law will only bring violance and blood spread across the whole world it wouldn't brin' peace unless we obolish this law. Everyone should believe on what they want to believe there's never a right or wrong answer to it. Besides I don't think in their "holy" book (Koran)says killin' is the answer.... and I agree with Dan.

  128. In responds to kelly
    i agree with you this law is one of the things that is causing disruption is Pskistan and it should be demolished ASAP.

  129. i agree with Dan peoples(Christians) are now living their life in fear. which is sad no one should be scared of anything or anyone

  130. in response to Jennifer:
    i agree with what you said about freedom of religion and that they should stop killing people just because of what they believe in.

  131. kelly lam

    Pakistan is a developing countries, the minority religion group in the article is the christian pakistanians, is most of the people worship the islam religion than no one is going to care what right they should have or how they should be threated, I agree with you that this law shouldnt exist but you cant have high expectations like giving them more freedom, minority groups are always threated bad.

  132. we should try to go through war man they are doing the same thing with the jewish like in WWII

  133. i agree with ismael they have the right to choose whatever they want to belive in is just something humanity does we cant help it.
