Friday, January 7, 2011

Defining Terrorism: Ms. Fugit's MUN 3/4 Class

When defining a group as a terrorist organization, complex questions arise.  The five factors below are starting points for evaluating the terroristic nature of a group.  As we work on our terrorism tribunal, your group will have to consider all of the questions below to build a strong argument. 

In your blog response, create your own one-sentence definition of terrorism.  Then respond to three of the questions below (each from a different section), using examples to support your opinion.

Terrorism includes violence, but what about threats of violence? Kidnapping? Arson? Rape? What if no one is harmed -- is it still terrorism?

Who carries out terrorism? Is terrorism always carried out by organized opposition groups? Can states be terrorists? Can individuals? Consider issues of inspiration, planning, provision of weapons, military assistance.

Does terrorism target only civilians? Could an attack on a military target be terrorism? How do you decide what a civilian is? What about off-duty military personnel? Colonial occupiers? What about assassination of a head of state, one of whose roles is commander in chief? For an act of violence to qualify as terrorism, must its perpetrators deliberately target civilians, or simply be reckless as to whether civilians as well as military targets might be harmed? Are all attacks on civilians terrorism? Is the target of terrorism always human, or can acts of sabotage against property also be considered terrorism?

Is the motive behind an act important in deciding if it is terrorism, or should only the act itself be considered? What is the objective of terrorism? Is terrorism "violence for an audience" -- an act committed to inspire fear in the public and therefore force policy changes? Or does a terrorist act have specific strategic objectives? Does it make any difference if the perpetrators consider themselves a martyr for a religious or political cause?

Point of view
If a cause is considered legitimate, are any means to achieve its goals legitimate? How does one distinguish between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? What is the difference between terrorism and guerrilla warfare? Is terrorism "the weapon of the weak"? Are illegitimate acts against an enemy in war terrorism, war crimes, or is there a difference? Does history change the definition of terrorism? If a group achieves independence using tactics called terrorist by their previous occupier or sovereign, making their "rebellion" into a "war of independence," are they justified by their eventual success in becoming a state?


  1. A terrorist is someone who causes damage and destruction, hurting innocent people to bring fear among others so they won't be opposed.

    1. Even if no one is hurt during an attack, its still a terroristic act because it was intended to hurt civilians and those they consider enemies. Rape and arson can be included since they are sending a message to those who oppose them and its endangering many lives. Violence in their eyes include sacrificing themselves but without realizing (or they do) of what they're doing.

    2. I believe the purpose of terrorism is to bring fear to civilians and enemies. They will use any form necessary to obtain what they want if it means causing harm to those who aren't involved. Sometimes these acts are only used to catch the attention of the public but sometimes it can only be used for one thing: death. In many reasons, some say its for religious purposes or political but at what point do they have to take it to if it means harming the innocent? Terrorism is wrong and inifficient.

    3. Terrorists are those who don't think of the consequences of their actions and only think about the role they play in order to get what they want. Now, a freedom fighter is someone who even though is killing people, they are doing it for a good reason probably trying to liberate a country from control of an abusive government or if there's an invasion. Fighting for satisfaction and freedom are two different points. It doesn't matter because either way, people will die but they have different objectives.

    That's what I believe.

  2. terrorism can be defined as random acts of violence intended to frighten off a group of individuals and or oranization. Terrorism is carried out all people. anybody can be a terorists if their interntions is to harm or frighten another group or individual for their personal gain. Terrorists target everbody and anybody in their way with no real prefrence. The objective of terrorism is to scare off a group in order to get their way.

  3. My definition of terrorist is people who just use scare tactics to terrorize people.
    1. The way to distinguish the difference between terrorist and freedom fighter is that freedom fighter takes arms to help improve their lives or situation and fight for constitutional rights but terrorist fight just to increase violence and terrorize a country, community or a home regardless of age, race, or country. (Al-Qaida and…….)
    2. How do you decide what a civilian is?
    Civilians are those who aren’t arm but yet are terrorized by gorillas or terrorist.
    3. Is terrorism always carried out by organized opposition groups?
    No, occasionally individuals acting on their own undertake terrorist activities but they might be influence by organized terrorist group. For example, Theodore "Ted" Kaczynski who sent sixteen bomb to a mail and killed 3 people and injured 29 others.

  4. -a "terror"ist is someone or a group who uses violence to scare other people for the fun of it or a simple purpose.
    -if no one is not harmed, i believe that it is still considered as a terrorist because of the use of violence and terror.
    -anybody can be a terrorist, not necesary for an opposing but for power and control. when people are scare they usually do what they are told.
    -it takes times and alot of planning to commit an attack and it can be at any place any time any where. the attack not necessary is towards civilians it can be to military, government, president or anybody.
    -i dont believe there's any difference if the attackers consider themselves religious, political or other because violance is still used and the civilians are being terrorised

  5. 1. Terrorist are people who take actions that they believe in. They dont see the consequences that can bring to other people and care on the benefits that their actions can bring them.

    2.Terrosim attack pretty much the people that they interfer with their plan. They are people that takes action and dosent measure who they have to go throught.

    3.I beleive a terrorist is called terrorist when they make an action that threats other people. terrorist are people that solve their problems with violence or threat to scared civilians.

  6. The definition of terrorism I when terror used to get what you like. I believe that if a country tries to takeover everybody and rule the world they should be considered a terrorist. No terrorism doesn't have to only be for civilians it can be for the government and on the military as well. I believe that any form of violence is considered as terrorism.

  7. A group or a person is called a terrorist when they cuase fear to someone(s) or threaten their way of life. 1.You don't need to harm someone to be a terrorist as long as you cuase fear. 2.Individuals can be terrorists in the way they cuase fear like a criminal holding people as a hostage.
    3.It doesn't matter for what reason you do it whether for the right reason or wrong reason, you'll be a terrorist to somebody.

  8. To me terrorism is a life style where sick minded people make money by killing innocent lives.
    1. Yes, threats of violence, kidnapping, arson and rape are considered terrorism since it is putting other people in fear through violence action.
    2. Terrorism is not always carried out by organized opposition group, it could be carried by states and individuals, but there are still organization such as Al-Qaeda and Hamas that carries out terrorist actions.
    3. I don’t think it matters if the terrorists consider themselves a martyr for religious or political causes.

  9. Terrorist are people who express themselves in a violent manner and use fear on other people.

    Individuals can be terrorist for example with the shooting in the University of Texas, it is a terrorized people.

    People who carrier out the attacks are probably manipulates or explain in a young age that this and that is bad they are infanticides.

    Terrorist targets areas mainly were they would put fear into people and recognized the actions that there group does violence mainly wealthy civilians.

    The motivations of terrorist is perhaps how there parents or people of common interests have been treated by there government.

    The difference from a freedom fighter and terrorist is mainly that some fight for the expression or freedom of oppression

  10. Every one whether your government, freedom fighters, vigilante, they are all in a way terrorist it all depends on which side your on. A government does things to protect its people in a war but kill and torments others and so does freedom fighters, vigilantes. What is a terrorist one who kills civilians as a means getting his point and a radical who employs terror as a political weapon

  11. Terrorism can be define as a group of people that will use terror in order to suppress their opposition(s)

    Even if no one is harmed, threatening your opposition(s) with violence is still terrorism because you’re terrorizing your opposition(s)

    Terrorism does not only target civilians, however, they target governments by harming or threatening to harm that government’s civilians.

  12. I believe that terrorist and freedom fighters are the same thing because they both use violence in order to fight for what they believe in or in order to get their point accrossed

  13. i think that the parents did bad in not putting him in an asylum because if they had put them in there nun of this would of happen. Another thing if he was mentally ill how could they hired him to work without noticing he had mental problems.

  14. i agree with Phi Tat because i think that terrorist and freedom fighters are the same thing.they fight for wat they want and they even kill and use other types of violence.
