Tuesday, February 8, 2011

News Briefs

Find a world news article on one of the following websites, and summarize in 3-5 sentences on this blog.



  1. In Cairo, Egypt proteseters have crammed themselves into Tahrir Square and demanded that President Mubarak step down. The revolt is now 15 days old. The vice president has met with opposition groups and the government has said that they want a smooth and organized transfer of power. Also, demonstrators now wish to broaden their movement.

  2. That the protesters were still crowding Tahrir Square on Tuesday, the government unveiled a new package of pledges, and promised not to punish protesters. that is one thing that has been hapening right now in egypt

  3. The article that i read was the things that are happening in Egypt. After the Government took away their internet and they connected their phone back, but they are still mad that they don't have internet. Even with out the internet, the journalist have been taking pictures. Some of the journalist have been beaten and their cameras have been confiscated. Even so people haven't stopped protesting.

  4. In Afghanistan a suicide bomber killed an American soldier and a afghan civilian. It is the fourth bombing just in this year. They checked every civilian thoroughly to see if they were armed. The only ones who weren't cheeked were the trucks. They think he might have came inside a truck.
    Suicide bombers are killing too many people, they need to find a way to stop them.

  5. Federal judicial vacancies reaching crisis point
    Since President Obama took office, many judges have been retiring, which leads to vacancies rising. This crisis affects mostly on the southwestern border. Experts have been blaming Republican delaying tactics, slow White House nominations and a dysfunctional Senate confirmation system. They have been putting the blame on Obama's Presidency for causing all this. If everything works out, Obama will be given a chance to appoint dozens of judges who might, in the future, reverse the “conservative drift" in the lower federal court under the George W. Bush administration.

  6. the government will not punish the the the protesters. they have been located in trahir square. they in the good path because they are preventing chaos.

  7. china is in a very critical problem they are suffering of drought. This is a big problem not only to china but the whole world. With the drought china's agriculture will go down and china and other country's will have to raise food price and effect economy.

  8. -This article is about china's drought. This drought in China has been the worst in 60years. Crops are dying very quickly, And the cattle are drinking very little, And even the drinking water for people is short in amount. China is also one of the biggest producers of wheat, So with this situation going on the wheat prices are going up.-

  9. As most Egyptians fight for something they belive in. A google executive Wael Ghonim who was behind the Facebook campaign for protest was released from a kidnapping that was by the Egyptian authorities on Monday. He doesnt want to be though of as a hero, only the people out in the streets should be the heroes.

  10. North, South Korea hold official talks

    North and south Korea held an official talk for 8 hours. North korea apologize for their attack in march and might also promise peacful behavior. South Korea also beleives their talks can improve their realationship. It is to resume on wednesday and might also discuss about higher level military.

  11. U.N Food Agency Issues Warning on China Drought

    There's a drought in China. Is one of their worst droughts in 60 years. This is not only affecting business but is also affecting people in the drinking of water. This drought destroy 14 millions acres of wheat. This drought affects china because is the world's largest wheat producer.

  12. Protesters are in Tharir Square,the president(Mr.Mubarak) is not going to harm them and long before elections around September, he said that he will step down.

  13. from crystal..im doing a position paper of egypt and they are having lot of problems.which i think perople should knotice.major problems the protesting then the internet problems.i really dont blame the government.in order for something to be taken away there must be a cause or something that caused it.i dont know why the people are mad if they were the ones that were giving information and were meeting other people.so its actually their falt it was taken away.if they didnt want the internant to be taken away they should of never done that and they at least should be happy that the government gave the phones back...

  14. In tahin square Thouands of egyptians are still protesting against their president mubarak,not only is the violence getting stronger but their president is getting very stubborn putting no attention to this matter.More and more people are joining the protestesters and even surgeon Amr Fatouh has joined the event and wishes for peolple to keep on going and for even more people to join the protesting.Many of them say they will not leave until their demands are met.while mubarak's message is getting stronger by saying he will not leave until his current term expires in september.Many peopole too want their lives to go back to normality but still want the campain to keep on going

  15. Egypt's protesters have been struggling in the 15-day revolt.Protesters are trying to let Mr. Hosni Mubarak know by their actions that they don't want him as their president & that they are willing to do whatever it takes to take him out of the position he is in right now.Also demonstrators filled once again into Tahrir Square in even greater numbers to reject anything less than the president’s immediate dispossession.

  16. In Egypt a young egyptian google executive was released after he went missing on january 27 many people believe that he was the activist behind the facebook page who made people gather up and riot against the goverment

  17. I Was Looking At The Images Of Egypt & How The People Are Protesting, WOW!!
    It Is Really Sad, Specially Seeing Children Protesting, Running Around!
    Saw A Little Kid Being Pointed At In The Forehead About To Get Shot By A Soldier!
    Seeing Dead People; Hurt.
    It Really Got Me Wondering What If That Happened In Houston??
    I Would Kill Myself Jaja, But Its Really Sad,
    I Recommend Yall To See It
    You’ll Be Amazed.

  18. (@>>CiiCii)

    Would you put a link to it so people could see it because i know i do.

  19. thanks (@>>CiiCii)
    anyone else who wants to see the pictures here is the link to it.


  20. China's drought is causing problems not only for that country but for other countries too. They have only received 1.2 cm of rain since september. The shortage of water has affected the people because about 2.79 million people dont even have water to drink and it is also affecting the crops because there hasnt been sufficient water for them to grow. This will also affect the economy and cause the wheat prices go up.

  21. Korea's Hold First Talks Since Shelling of Island

    North Korea government first time talks to the South Korea for the incident that happen or the bombing and killing 46 people in the warship sinking North has deny that they didn't have anything to with it. They refuse to apologize as setting a agenda for the artillery. South hat toughed their military cut of all aid they have said that they are not playing any games and are serious.

  22. In Romania, there is a new bill that will put witches and fortune tellers in prison if their predictions don't come true.Witches blame there items for wrong predictions and curse the bill to never pass.

  23. I Don't Know what happen to my other comment,it was about this photo the i saw in Egypt, there was this little kid was or was about to get shut with a gun in the head or forehead, but that is injustice to do that to a little kid they should not do that not even to and adult that not right that's wrong, they shouldn't.....but i hope they get better and not do that if those Soldier have a heart...........

  24. Romania's witches and fortune tellers are to be punished if their predictions don't come true. In January ,labour laws passed by the government had said this job was a taxable profession, which had angered many witches. A new bill includes that witches must have permits, and to give out receipts. The witches fight against the government saying it would not be their fault but the customer's providing false details or the failure of their tools.

  25. There was a Buhdas that escaped fron asia. Then he went to India at the age of 14 years old.Now as an adult he at the 17th Karmapa he tried to buy some land but now likw he escaped he cann't buy that part land

  26. Doku Umarov has claimed thatt he was responsible for the suicide bombing that took place in Moscow. The head of the parliament's security committee said that the security officials knew the bomber's ans his accomplices' names, but they decided to hold his name from the public. The video released on Monday has peobably added pressure to Russia's govenrment. Umarov stated that further attacks were being planned as more people are wanting Islamic characteristic in the Russian-controlled Caucasus region.

  27. I meant to put "and" & "probably"

  28. I was reading about the situation in Hong KOng about being really dry. The UN is starting to look into the problem because their wheat production is decreasing due to the droughtness.The United Nation are talking action since Hong Kong is the largest wheat producer in the world. I think they should supply lots of water

  29. North and South Koreas had a meeting recently about the "warly" disputes they've been having. North Korea was blamed for some things that have been happening to South Korean property..The North has denied that responsibility and also refuse to apologize to the South for the "happenings" of November of 2010..

  30. anybody..ckan y'all ask dha teacher dhatt wutt ido after finishing dha world news thingy summary plss:)

  31. its about the swine flu and another sickness going around its when yu suddenly fall asleep and never wake up.The doctors because its happened already.Its worrying,the WHO is trying to find the cause of this thing but they cant for the swine flu they they have the vaccines to help control it.

  32. well the article that i read i a major news to the russian people, a terrorist man confessed that he planned the sucide attack at the airport.in his blog he often repeated in russian athat that there were more sucide attacks to occur in the following day. Now he is the most wanted men in russia the biggest country in the world.

  33. The article I read was about egypt that the governent still do not want to step down. So people contuine to protest about that they want him out of the country. But it looks like he still do not seem to understand

  34. @Ezahh Flacka, Finish your position paper.

  35. south sudan now is an independent country and it's agood idea because the violence of the north and south might stop

  36. Yes, @Ezahh Flacka, finish your position paper. It is about your country's position on the topic of human trafficking.

  37. The article i just read about mainly talks about drug addicts in Vancouver. In Vancouver they have these twelve tables with mirrors aliened so drug addicts can inject themselves with what ever they bought in the streets. The goal that Vancouver is trying to do is to lower the AIDS infection in there area. Vancouver is trying to proof that the idea of widespread treatment protects not just individuals but the whole community too. In my point of view i think that this idea is not a bad way to decrease the AIDS infections.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. China's Drought Is Affecting Them and Other Countries.They Haven't Gotten Rain Since
    September.The Shortage In Water Is Affecting
    Its Own People.Most Of the Crops Arent Growing
    Because They Don't Have Enough Water Survive
    On. It Will Effect Their Economy Because Of The
    Wheat Growth Lowering.

  41. In new York times the article that I read was about china and the drought. The article was about a drought in china. It caused in drinking water and the crops. Also the food agency is already warned by this problem

  42. In Egypt thousands of people are dying because of the protest that is happening. There are still many people that are protesting but there are people that are starting to reopen their jobs and start gaining some money again. Many people are losing money and jobs as well because tourist are leaving and don’t want to be involve with the Egypt’s problems.
    BY: Daisy and Ca'Tesha

  43. In downtown Cairo,a rally was formed of thousands of pro and anti Mubarak supporters who were drawn there. Compared to the bigger crowds in Tahiri square. The groups has had clashes this week. In my opinion ,Instead of letting them fihgt the military should try to seperate them. Because they aren't joining sides.The military just wants peace.
    Eduardo R

  44. Present of Egypt Omar Suleiman he say he doesn’t think that a 30 year old law that had been used to imprison or suppress opposition leaders .he also doesn’t think that president Hosni Mubarak that he has to resign before his term ends in September and he doesn’t think that his countries is ready for democracy but he consider the lack of the united state has strongly back him to play the pivotal rode in transition progress in Egypt his doing this so he can relying in exciting government make good changes that is steadfastly resist for years and to carried out. But Obama is trying to balance or inspired for the changes in Egypt the [pro-democracy movement could be hijacked]as a secretary of the state [Hillary Rodham Clinton]put in if changes has to be made right away quickly……..

  45. @eza flakahh
    lol she gave it back to me

  46. Rosa's Martinez summary about the topic.
    The plan that Vancouver is doing is to lower the aids infections in their area with the widespread treatment idea. Drug addicts sit in a room with twelve tables and mirrors; they look at them selves while injecting the drug. Doctors are aggressively helping the addicts that might be infected with aids. This is a good way to decrease the amount of people getting affected by aids.

  47. The article I read was about the bombing in Moscow airport Chechen warlord Doku Umarov claims that he was the one responsible for the bombing that happend in january 24. Umarov has sended a video it was published on february 7 but the the russian investigators did not know when the video was made. Th investigators believe that a 20 year old man was the bomber and they have arrested two suspect that are believe are involved with the bombing

  48. Pinshee changa..nomas se hace pato la wey..lol..
    @rosamartinez aka eza friendly
    ohhh..si sabe..si sabe..lol.

  49. Egyptian opposition says no deal until Hosni Mubarak steps down
    Egyptians have been protesting since January 25 the president has shut down the internet and many other internet sources even texting. The protesters have said that they will not give up and will be in the streets protesting till Mubarak steps down from he’s presidential title. It’s been two weeks since these been happening, but the second day of protest the president said to open the streets and to call the people so they can get to work some people didn’t go and were still protesting in the streets.
