Friday, February 18, 2011

Synthesis: "A Death in Tehran" and Current Events--MUN 3/4

Today we watched an update on the situation in Bahrain, as well as the Frontline documentary "A Death in Tehran." Combine what you learned from these videos, as well as what you have seen lately in the Middle East, to draw a conclusion.


  1. The conclusion that can be drawn is that all these situations that occurred point out one resultant: freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the most powerful tool to express ideas and opinions along with opposition against a group or government that is not pleasing the needs of the people. Violence has incremented in the last century and with the example of authoritarianism expanding among many countries such as China, Iran or even Bahrain, this has led to many questions on whether the voice of one can lead to more dangers than expected. Bahrain is protesting for a better infusion of government, the "A Death in Tehran" speaks about how a protester was shot down when she was opposing the government's results in the ballots and inclusing the situation going on the Middle East. The world we live in has been usurped with much more than power but also to deprive people of their rights and if they see anyone as a threat, they can become a target. The reason we need freedom of speech is to defend the rights given to us as an individual but the Middle East is facing the most critical point now that even the Iranian government has gone to extremes. No one can predict what's truly happening on and about, but these events are worsening and can lead to a revolution which even the government will have to prepare for if the "breaking point" comes to it.

    I like candy. :)

  2. The death of Neda was Tehran is a perfect example of the violence that is taking place in the Middle East by opposition to a different leader. Neda was a women who after the 2009 election results were released went out to protest for what she believed. The govermnet forces got involved in the protest and began firing at the crowd. Neda was one of the citizens that was shot. Just like in many protest in the middle east, violence is always present and gunshots are herd throught the protest and unfortunately, many people loose their lives in an effort to express their opinion as to what they believe. As for the case of Neda, she was not happy with the corrupt government and hoped for changed which is why she attended many protests in support of the reform movement.Saddly, many of those supporters loose their life.

  3. From watching the situation in Bahrain and “A Death in Tehran”, I have learned that the chaos that is going on in Middle East would not end anytime soon and will not have a HAPPY ENDING. Seeing that the police forces are actually attacking and injuring the citizen, the international community should act as quickest possible, before an actual civil war actually begin. It is kind of hard for me to imagine there are people fighting and dying for their rights, I just hope this situation come to an end.

  4. I personally think that people in the Middle East doesn't realize that they actually have a monarchy governing system that actually gives back to its people, they have no idea what it's like to be in a democracy system, because then they will actually really have to work and might not even receive any economic assistance from the government. A stable and powerful governing system is not something so easy that it can be created in weeks or month after a protest, a stable and powerful government take decades develop with no absolute guarantee that it will be 100% effective because a lot of politically well educated people in this regions are already corrupted, chances are the people that construct this new form of government will only create rules that will protect the rich and powerful only, and not the common people, a perfect example of this would be the U.S. constitution, the Constitution was wrote by people that were rich and powerful (founding fathers), and U.S. history has proved that the rich and powerful can use this document to their advantage more than the common people, which makes up the majority of America.

  5. the goverment of these countries seems to take alot of control,limiting the rights of the people within the countires which leads them to erupt in violent protest.the goverment seems to do what they want and then use the power they posses to cover it up.they use fear to rule their countries but the people always retaliate causing what seems like a civil war within the countries between the common people and the goverment and the authorities

  6. When an Authoritarianism government is in power it is harder to have freedom of speech because the government suppresses any evolutional movement in their country and that causes violence and the government is not hesitant to kill any women, men or children that come in their way. For example, in the video about Neda (the girl in Tehran who was killed by the government) it is sad that even thought people were outrage there is nothing they can do about her being killed. It is also sad how the security forces in a country prosecute their own people by harassing them and shooting them without feeling sorry for their own people. The United States wants every country to have democracy but looking at what’s happening in the Middle East today, can the Middle East truly reach Democracy? Even if the people over throw their government who will take control? That’s my thoughts. In conclusion I believed that freedom of speech causes Violence and Revolution based on the type of system of government and it is harder for people to overthrow an Authoritarian government without causing violence.

  7. In “A Death in Tehran” the people were protesting for freedom and rights but as peace full as their protests were the government did not allow it so tragedy hit them. The people of Bahrain are trying to do the same as Egypt but it’s harder for them b/c of their type of government and if they keep doing this what happened in “A Death in Tehran” and people, innocent people will die. What Egypt did is admirable but it also is a onetime thing they went thru hell and there is already too many people dying in the middle east and as I’m told Bahrain is a good place to live they may not have all that they want but its good, because if they get what they want who knows what will come next or who will take control.

  8. Most nations in the Middle East, but not every nations in the whole region

  9. Well what I can saw is that what the citizen is respect and want their rights to be respected. They want thier rights for example in the documentary we just saw there votes were not equally count, and thats why they decided to protest, but they never imagine that a deaths could happen. The government still don't have clear what happen, and are not willing to respond to her death.

    All of this events are happening because government is doing what they want, and not what the citizen are hoping. This is why protest are happening, and the police can't even contrlo them, unless some one is death, but even then they wont stop.

  10. All this events that happen is linked with citizens that use freedom of speech as a right that can lead to a protest because their government is authoritarianism. At the end this can lead to violence between the government or a group of people because the citizens are against the govenment. This situation is happening in some parts of the middle east and what citizens are wanting is the right to have freedom of speech and speak out their opinion.

  11. The video showed a women dying in a protest. The reason she was important is that this video managed to be upload on the internet and it spread like wildfire. People grasped what was going on the other side of the world. It helped peolpe open their eyes to what really is hapening, that they are people prostesting for their believes and some even dying like that women. People realize that not everything is alright, that change is still waiting to be made in countries. Protest are still going on today, maybe thanks to Egypt protesters' victory over their president. Maybe now, people won' be ignorant about what is happening around them.

  12. In my opinion the middle east or the Arab world is going like a domino effect situation, one after another. Tunisia is the spark of the revolutionariness middle sonner or later the oppositional among the world will rise up.In conclusion the middle east is area of the unknow there might be a new middle east pherhaps more friendly to western philosypis

  13. it seems as if there is violence no matter what. people arent happy with what they have, they just want more, like that protest, it seems as if its pointless since they already have the things they need to have a good living. i feel that instead of having a peaceful world, the people are creating it unpeaceful, having wars, revolutions, violence, blood. but i guess this are the first steps on getting the world into a peaceful place. why use violence to get the world a perfect place, to have a voice, this is the only way people and their ideas get heard. especially if theres no freemdom of speach and those other elements included in a democracy.
