Monday, February 14, 2011

Police Use Tear Gas on Iranian Protesters

BBC News

Read this article on the BBC website about protests today in Tehran, Iran. Answer these questions:

1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not?

2. Check Twitter. Summarize one tweet, posted video, or link to another article--it must be something that wasn't covered in the BBC article.

3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.

4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain.


  1. 1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not? Yes, they will have results such as in Egypt because the same events are occurring especially with the false ballads choosing who will be president and how it will affect the future of the country itself. Many countries have seen how the public has reacted toward these events and the casualties these protests have led to. Iran has had this problem with
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who has over and over again been elected and if anyone goes against it, of course, the result will be death itself. Times are grave even in politics and now with the recent events about the ex-Egyptian president resigning it holds in place what will happen. Iran is no different in this situation and will continue on.

    2. Check Twitter. Summarize one tweet, posted video, or link to another article--it must be something that wasn't covered in the BBC article.
    They posted how other countries are in support of the change in Egypt and their encouragement to change.

    3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.
    No one's right. The mass protests haven't really led to anything and for sure, that there's no change in Iran since the voice of the people is ignored not even playing a role in what happens. The opposition which support the schemes and injustices don't have reason because with these protests the world has seen what has happened and what could be done. There's been a lot of conflict between nations, especially the "extermination" of Israel. The Iranian Government has been nailed against the wall in some ways since the protests have interfered with the process of who's chosen and whatever.
    No one's in their right mind to say who's right or not though since they both have their faults.

    4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain. It will make the situation a whole lot worst especially since they aren't in approval that the same man has been receiving the presidency for the last couple of years. They want change like any other group of protesters and this will be another "Egypt dilemma" all over again except with a lot more at stake. Since Iran is more strict, covering up for their actions and their statements, the situation before hand can result more than just citizens getting hurt but lead to death or threats toward families to those who oppose them.

  2. 1. In my opinion yes i think that protest will result the same way as it did in Egypt. Egypt gov, gave up as seen that their citizenships neeed a change. Iran also has to realize that their people all what they want is a change, a way were they can be free.

    2.the twit just say that protesters persist in streets of major cities

    3.None, this protestants have different motive on protesting, so what ever the reason it is, they can. Neither of the groups is going to give up,any soon until they see change.

    4.If Iranians are told to stop to protest, they won't, they'll go crazy and obligatre my own opinion they should not give up, they should continue protesting so things can change like Egypt.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, because the Egyptian protest has led to many other protest around the Middle East. The people feel they same way as Egypt about their government, If Egypt can overthrow a president that's been in power for 30 years they sure can overthrow the President of Iran.

    2.I found on Twitter that Security forces clash
    with Iran protesters. by CNN

    3. I agree with the Article that the Protest has to do with what happened in Iran in 1979, the Election in 2009 and what's happening in Egypt. All enspire the people to want change in their government but it's really hard because the government uses brutality against the people.

    4. Trying to block the people will hurt the people or make them more angry rather than stopping them from protesting.

  5. 1. I beleive they won't have similiar results as Egypt becuase they'll use what happended in Egypt as an example of what not to do.(Learn from other people's mistakes.)
    3. I believe oth are right since both of them might inspired people to revolt aguainst the gov. as people look towards the past and the present to justify what they do.
    4. It would make them fight even more becuase when people see the sign don't trespass people will trespass, they might as well tell them to go for it.

  6. 1. I don’t think the Iranian people would have the same result as the Egyptian people did since Iran is a communist country , therefore the Iranian police force act in humane toward the people.
    2. The video basically shows the protesters and also how the police forces are using tear gas to break up the crowed. There is a big chaos in Iran and the people were calling out “Death to communist” .
    3. No, I think the protester were encourages by the Egyptians people success and how they throw away a government that was in control for almost 30 years.
    4. I can’t really say it might make it worst reduce unrest , either way the country is in chaos ,but I would I have a feeling it will get worst , more harm will be done toward the citizen before anything good happens.

  7. 1. I don't think the Iranian protest would not yield the same results because the Iranian government is not afraid to use violence against its civilians.

    2. NikkiBlue1
    This is a video of people beating up a person that appear to work for the government and that person got literally the crap beaten out of him.

    3. No one is right because these people protesting and demonstrating might just end up hurting themselves because the Iranian government might use violence to suppress its people, and Iranian people are wrong too because they're not responding to its people.

    4. I think stopping these people might just make the situation better because if this continue, it might lead to a civil war and that would cause a lot more deaths and violence for both the government and the civilians.

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  9. I don't think the Iranian protest would yield the same results because the Iranian government is not afraid to use violence against its civilians.Also they are doing something wrong to their people because they are shooting at their own people. by Luis G. and Itzchel F.

  10. 1.Yes...i believe so because it may even get worser.The type of government that egypt is goin through can be the influence to the government on iran.
    3.I think that the revolution did make an influence to the people because if it happen once it would be made again.Maybe it could even be the same people that were included in the first revolution.
    4.It will result into more chaos. because no matter how many people go to jail or something hapens to them during the protest, the protesters would get more mad becsause they are messing with the group of protesters.."one represents each other..we are family"

  11. 1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not?
    No I dont think that Iran cvilians would protest like they do in egypt. They know that Egypt is having a lot of problems rigt now and they dont want to go trough the same thing that they are.

    3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.
    Neither is right because either way people are getting hurt. They know that if they protest that the government will not hesitate to use weapons.

    4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain
    I think it'll make it worse because just like in egypt, they only got worse because they shut down their internet. Like Egypt they will find other ways of getting their message out.

  12. From josue...A.K.a....FLUFFY
    The goverment that egypt has a bad goverment and it can affect another countries.
    It will put the countrie in chaos, one countrie is like a type of people together as one. one for all,all for one...

  13. 1. Yes, we both think that the protest will be like Egypts because as the Iranians saw how much work the Egyptians put into making a whole new government for themselves the Iranians thought that they would have enough strength to do the same. Also they are prepared to make the same violence as Egyptians did until the message they are trying to send out is read.

    3. This protest was led on by itself so no one is right. As the Iranians saw how much change the Egyptian protestors did to their government Iranians wanted the same so Iranians started their own protest.

    4. If authorities would want the protestors to stop things will get a whole lot worse for everyone. The protestors would not want to stop and their anger would just build up more and more. It could lead to a lot of deaths in Iran

    - Leslie G. Marina R.

  14. 1. It may, but the result will be determined by: their determination numbers and how much force the government is willing to use and capable of employing.
    3.No,because the people in Iran are still protesting and there is more violence in Iran.
    4. Make it worse, simply trying to force the protesters to stop will not accomplish anything(as Egypt has shown) and will simply make the people more angry.
    Mitchell B. Flaherty/Anthony Nbemeneh

  15. 3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.
    Neither is right because either way people are getting hurt.Their Government will be using there weapons against the protester

  16. 4.We Think it will make it worst because they will be getting angry and start shooting at them. By Luis G. And Itzchel F.


  18. 1. Yes because when the government sees that they can to stop they will put the army in charge and the onl way that they think that they can stop it is by violence.I think that protesting didnt get them anywhere but it shows that the people have to right to speak up.
    3. I really dont believe what the government says because sometimes they just want to cover the truth but if i were to believe one of them it would be the opposition of 2009.
    4. I think that it will make it worse because the same thing happened with Egypt, they cut down the internet and the cellphones it lead them to no where. The only thing that they would be doing is giving them more reasons to protest.

  19. 1.Yes,the same thing might happen in Iran that happened in Egypt I think that mostly because the people might feel like if Egypt can overthrow their president thats been in power for a long time then they can too.

    2. Two deaths where confirmed on Monday's clashes bur the police blames the outlawed gruop for the deaths.

    3. I think both are probably right.But no one really knows what sparked the protest it could of also been done because of what happened in Egypt.

    4. I think it might make it bad and good if they where sopped . If they are trying to stop it that would be bad for Iran because the people would get even more angry and it might become like the situation that happened in Egypt. But if they do stop it it would be better also because if they keep going on about this it might spark a protest in another country.

  20. i am with kati the goverment of egypt is a bad person

  21. -#1 My opinion is that yes, The same thing will happen in Iran just like in egypt. Because their protesting and acting wild, Just like in egypt. So ill say that yes my opinion is that it will happen the same as in egypt-

    #3 My opinino is that yes, Both of them are right because, They had that anger inside allready and they just to let it go out.

    #4 I think that preventing iranians from protesting make it worse. Because their going to get more angry making them more furious. So just let them protest till they get tired-

  22. 1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not?
    Yes, because by protesting, someone will have to act. These civilians are using violence to get what they want, and they will not stop at any cost. If they were to continue on, they will have similar results to those in Egypt.

    3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.

    No, neither is true. If they were inspired by the 1979 revolution, then they would have taken a stand long ago. If it was the 2009 protests that encouraged the unrest, then all this would happen sooner. They saw how Egypt's revolt can changed their government, so they are simply "following the trend".

    4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain.

    Preventing Iranians from protesting will just make matters worst. Stopping them will just cause more riots. It will influence them to cause more harm and the protestors will get more agitated.

    Annie and Kevin

  23. 1.yes i think the irian protesters can get the same results as egypt if they really want a change of government its possible to kick out the president they have and get a new one that citizen actually want for president and get government they want if they just protest like egypt.
    3.well i think none of them made iranians protest i think what mad iranias finally protest is the protest they had in egypt they saw how the protested and sucessfully got what they wanted witch was to make their president step out and thats what iranians wat because they want different gov. can not stop protestester from protesting because they would protest even more and get angry and start a big problem becuase protesters wont stop till they get what they demand to get

  24. 1) Yes the government from Iran and Egypt seem the same in ways that dont treat people right or take over.
    2) Twitter that Security forces clash
    with Iran protesters. by CNN

    3)Protestants have different motivation on protesting so what ever the reason it is they can get neither of the groups is going to give up any soon until they see change.

    4) Worse take example Egypt look how they are right now they wont stop until they get what they want.

    Melina A.
    Joshua H.

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  26. 1) Yes, I believe it is similar to Egypt's protesting, maybe more, seems to be more of a riot than protesting.

    3) I don't believe people would protest to bring back 1979. Its easier to recognize that in 2009, someone protest and things became chaotic.

    4) Looking back in the past few months, the protesting will go worse if they don't a thing about it. When pedestrians become rebels to the gov't, things are going to get out of hand.

  27. 1.Yes i do think that people in Iran are going to do the same thing in Egypt because so far they have been doing the same as Egypt.
    3.I think that nether of them are because they have have maybe have been espired by some one else.
    4.I think that it will make them get worser.

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  29. 1. i dont think that it will have the same results because it may be almost the same events happening but everything us diffrent in diffrent countries.Iran is diffrent from egypt.

    2. twitterworld news Clashes after protest death in Iran:
    2 minutes ago via twitterfeed a way it does have something to do because they want to change their goverment it might be diffrent because of the time being now and that was a long time ago. will make it better and worse better because they will be less killing and less violence but if they try to stop it maybe they will get more wild and people will react diffrently you never know.

  30. Jose Perez and Edgar
    1.Yes i think they are going o result back to the people in egypt because is a country with terrorism and i know they are going to have more violence, it may not affect tem so they might result in shootings

    2.the twitter sitejust say that protesters persist in streets of major cities

    3.No because they have a different thought on protesting, so what ever the purpose is, they can. both of the groups are going to give up,any changes happen

    4. I think stopping these people might just make the situation better because if this continue, it might lead to a civil war and that would cause a lot more deaths and violence for both the government and the civilians.

  31. 1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not?Yes Iran's government and Egypt's are similar in a few ways they don't treat people right or they take over the country.

    3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.

    Protesters have different motivation on protesting so what ever the reason is they cant get neither of both groups is going to give up any time soon until they see a change

    4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain.
    It will be worse because it will make the protesters more angry because ther fighting for what they belive in and the protesters wont give up that easy
    Jesus Alanis & Eric Medina

  32. I think that the protest in Iran will have the same resolts as the Egypts if the people dont give up on their rali.
    people have different oppinions and i dont know if they are fallowing one of this acts but all i know is that they want to express themself and are tire of the not having some rights that they think they should have.
    i think it will make it worst because they are prottesting for a reasion and no one likes it when someone comes up to them and start telling them to stop when it has nothing to do with them. poeple will start making it worst until they get what they want or until they give up.

  33. 1. It will most likely happen since similar things are occurring such as the government in Iran is corrupted and the government in Egypt is new and maybe anger some people.
    3. They are not right, its back in the 1979 and some things changed. All protesters have different motives and are protesting because of what they believe is right, and want to see a change directly to what they want.
    4. Its making it worse, they have no say what so ever and want to speak their minds, the only way to do that is by protesting and letting the world know. If they cant speak their minds of course they would get angrier, it's another reason to protest, and the lists gets longer.

  34. 1) Yes, because in Egypt it was the same thing, where they were trying to overturn somebody in the government system, and they prevailed with a couple of protests and weapons, which is what is being done in Iran.
    2) Today, the supporters and opponents of the Iran government were part of a protest as both sides blame each other for the death of a student who was killed while peacefully protesting.
    3) No, neither of them are right, because this is just everyone gathering together, wanting change, or wanting the country to remain the same, and since there is more than one side, it will create a bigger feud.
    4) How would that even be possible? The multitudes of people are just increasing by the day, so it would probably just intrigue more people to go out and fight for what they believe.

  35. Linette, Thelma, & Rosa
    1.Yes, we definately think that the protests in Iran will have the same ending as the ones in Egypt. The protestors have already started a riot. The police already started getting violent with them, and one person is already dead. This is just the beginning, it'll be much worse later on.
    2.The terrorist group Al-Qaida is recruting killers inside the US to attack America. They can't attack the US from the outside because the security has been increased. They're getting people who aren't in a terrorist list.
    3.We think that the opposition is correct. They're triggered by the present not the past.

    Terrorist Group
    Al-Qa'ida was formed in 2009 and operates mainly in the Arabian Peninsula.Their mission is to serve as a hub for regional operations targeting local government and western interests in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. In Feb. 2006 members of this group escaped prison.They targeted the US embassy in Sanaa in Sep.2008 killing 19 people. We think they should be stopped at once. That they are a major threat to the US.

  36. 1.I believe that Iran and Egypts protest are similar. Iran wants to change the government within the country and also Egypt also wanted change
    3.It is similar to the 2009 protest because know they have more freedom than in old times.
    4.I think that if they arrest the protesters in Iran it will make it worse
    Yennifer Turis and Miriam Alvarez

  37. Thank you to all who responded. Good insights on the situation in Egypt. Falconize, who are you? I want to give you a grade for your work.

  38. they will have results such as in egypt.
    egypt government gave up as such the their citizenship need a change

  39. 3.well i think what make iranias finally protest is because egyptian people are protesting

  40. 4.preventing iranian from protesting make it worse because their going to get angry .i think they should let them until they get tired

  41. 1 Yes I believe that Egypt is repeating the same story that Iran went to because the citizens in this moment are outraged with the government and want to make their own justice.
    3. I believe that the mass protestors are being taken because the citizens are not being heard and the only way so they can be heard is by protesting of what they believe is right.
    4. I believe that preventing the Iranians from protesting would not make a difference because the reason that they are protesting is because they are not being heard and may make worse the situation.

  42. 1. No because its a different atmosphere and is less friednly area

    2. The article basically says why the reason all countries are breaking away from authoritarianism(c'mon son)

    3. I think niether is right, i feel lke the Egypt is the main reason nothing else.

    4. I think it will be worse

  43. 1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not?
    -I do believe the protest in Iran will have the same reslt as that of Egypy, because the Iranian people want a better goverment. They will not stop till they have their demands met.
    3. According to our article....Do you think either of them are right? Explain.
    -I believe that both thoughts are right because people use the revolution and the 2009 protest as examples for what they are fighting for.
    4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain.
    -I believe that preventing Iranians from protesting will only make unrest in Iran worse. Mainly because people will begin to riot and physically fight till someone steps down or gives the people what they want.

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  45. 1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not? I think the protest in Iran could escalate to the point that they match those of Egypt, however for similar results to be had, the protestors must keep a clear agenda of their demands and they have to keep protesting.

    2. Check Twitter. Summarize one tweet, posted video, or link to another article--it must be something that wasn't covered in the BBC article.
    #Protest Popular revolts and their endings: There's been a progression from euphoria to bitterness in each protest

    3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.
    They both could be right, however i think it is the more recent protests taht encouraged the Iranian revolts.

    4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain. Definitely worse, they might be able to get the protestors off the streets but the unrest that has built up inside of them will not go away. They need to let it all out by protesting and changes have to be made.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. 1. I feel they might but it wont be the same as seen in Egypt, since now the Iranian people are reacting with courage towards the situation. They will get to a point just as Egypt did where they will stand up for themselves and say "ENOUGH"

    3. No I dont think so since we had not heard anything about this until Egypt overthrew their president so i think its like a cause an influence from Egypt to everybody else in the middle east.

    4. I dont think it'll do much diffeence in what these people feel but it will certainly make it worse because they have already showed they dont agree with the president and seeing what happened in Egypt, there will probably be more violence involved.

  48. 1.I predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt because both are protesting similiar isues and the people as well as police forces ar e allready getting violent so what can we expect for the future.

    3. Yes I think both are right in a way. Both of these events could have influenced people to fight for their rights.The protesters still use these two to support their protests

    4. I think preventing Iranians from protesting will make the situation worst. Iranian People will ust get even more upset because they have no say in the government and no rights.

  49. 1. I believe that the protests in Iran will have the same results as to what happened in Egypt, if not even worse. Seeing that in Iran there's far much more violence, it could result to be worse.

    3. I think that the past events like the 1979 revolution could, possibly, maybe have an effect on what's going on rightnow for the reason that people might be in some sort of inspirement, but then again people do things to get what they want and how they want it so yeah.

    4. That will make it much, much worse. People are going to get angrier and there will be way more violence.

  50. 1. Do you predict the protests in Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt? Why or why not? No, because i don't think the problem in Iran is going to get to the point Egypt did.

    2. Check Twitter. Summarize one tweet, posted video, or link to another article--it must be something that wasn't covered in the BBC article.

    3. According to our article, "The [Iranian] government says the mass protests were inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, while the opposition says its 2009 protests encouraged the unrest." Do you think either of them are right? Explain.
    I feel as if the opposition ideas are right because many other countries have had a revolution, but they are not protesting against a dictator right now, and theirs a 20 years gap between the revolution and the 2009 protest.
    4. Do you think preventing Iranians from protesting will make them reduce unrest in Iran, or make it worse? Explain. Reduce because their is a dictator running the country.

  51. 1. Iran will have results similar to those in Egypt because like the protest in Egypt, the protestors will not give up. But also there is a possiblility that the government doesn't change.

    3. I think that both are inspiring the current protest, the Iranian Revolution showing the change in government and The Egypt Protest that is more current.

    4. I Think that preventing protesting will in turn add to the unrest of the people. The hold on the people by the governmsnt just amplifies to the protestors cause.

  52. 1.yes because egypt and iran are protesting for the same reason of ech other.their tired of there lack of politcal freedom.i mean if it resorted to the point of policemen ironically the ones who are suppose to be protecting the citizens, harms them with tear gas. they got to be willing to be like egypt and overthrow their government. and agree iran may take it to new heights because thier far more violent the egyp. their extremist!!!2.

  53. I totaly agree with Clinto because these people have the right of speech, and they were not the one's who started to use violence it was their goverment, also the goverment should let say their opinios...

  54. 1.Yes because they are starting to act like the people in egypt they are going on protests and also burning cars and going in a mob at night with fire wood like the egypt people also the police had to control them with gas bombs they just dont want to suffer and be free

  55. i think that shooting tear gas at the protestors was not a good idea. the irean govenment mite have despersed.them but killig protestors and shooting tear gas at them will only make them
    more angry. that will result in more protest and violence.

  56. I agree with ace , one the fact the these people want freedom, and that's why the goverment won't led them speak because he want them silent. But in the future there still going to more protests and the world will know waht this goverment is doing just a matter of time...

  57. I think that Iran is going to get worser than Egypt, they have more violence...and all they want is help. All of this is happening due to political problems they have. I think the government should please them with what they really want or else they'll keep protesting.

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  59. i agree with cap8u because the people will not give up until they get what they want is like the people in egypt they didint give up until they took out there governer or president

  60. I think that everything that stars wrong it end bad.In many countrys this thing happen,becaus people speack up what they want to happen in that country.some popele think that the best way to do it is doing thinks that cna kill them or other people. some times we do things that seen rith but they not.maybey the governanis bad but not for that , the people need to be geting kill. allso they cand do it many differents is a give we dont what to let go but doing this many will keep going.

  61. I agree with Juan, i think that this will get worser than its already is, because killing people its just more violence, more anger.

  62. thank you josue. if yu see how far egypt escalaed the matter of the protest. imagine how bad iran would take to get the voice heard. i mean this is a violent country to be in. and with the policeman throwing tear gas everywhre....infact here's a quote "an eye for an eye make the world blind"

  63. I believe that because of all that's going on Iran will get worse. The people started protesting for a reason, and that reason is because they didn't want the former prime minister there. I believe the people have a right to do what they want. The tear gas won't do much to stop the protesters though. It will just make them get enraged even more.

  64. I think that the government of Iran should change because people would not stop to protest until the president is kick out, since the police, and the government have started violence later people would have no option then start to fight back.

  65. i agree with reyna that iran is going to get worse but, i think that if there leader can just give up power it will be better for every one.

  66. for me Iran will have the same effect they are goin to throw out their leader but then whats goint to happen?? besides the citizen werent using any violence they started using it when the police started shooting people and arrestiing them ect. this could have been a nice protest without needing to use some kind of viiolence.

  67. I agree with Juan, if the government hurts people this will cause an even bigger riot. Of course that's what the government is trying to stop, but they won't if they keep on using tear gas and hurting people.

  68. every one thinks that the govermand is teh one that stares the violens yes that will make sens but who is killing who the pople and people or the govermant and the people you all sai that the have the right to spech what the wantbut dont they killing people that opost to that .

  69. i agree with ramses people are goin to fight back if the poliice keep shootiing people that way its goin to result in a dangerous place to be for everyone in there they need to try to stop iit before iits to late.

  70. I agree with cristian evrey citenzhip have the right to free speech also like he said Iran by the minute its getting worse.

  71. personaly i think the protest in iran is only going to get worse at this rate and unless one side give in the protesters are going to see alot more then tear gas

  72. The fact that a small developing nation is revolting to overthrow their Govt. because of poor nation handling by their Govt. is not really surprising. But the fact that the people of one developing nation stands up to the Govt. in order for change in their poor nation and INSPIRES other people from developing countries to do so as well is in fact surprising. The people should keep protesting for the good of their people, for the good of their nation, and for a BETTER tomorrow.

  73. i agree with Ramses
    all the people want is CHANGE in their nation, they don't want it next year, they don't want it later, they want it NOW

  74. i think iran is going to pass the same crises and destruction as egypt.There leaders are dictaros this will cause to arrest and kill every protester and take over.

  75. basically its quite surprising to see Iran citizens stand for their selves. Although Iran is a small nation but filled with corruption and guilt but its also fascinating to see them after there year and years of doing horrible things finally belief that the got some problems and needed to be helped because like critics say Iran is one of the notorious countries filled with secrets. But its appealing to here that they need a change they need to stand out for themselves they need to belief in something positive but for the Iran government i knew that one day they would be challenged because there is pretty much a lot of crime in there country also what i belief is that if citizens continue to belief in what is right there will be a change in Iran. That there would be a better future for Iran ..........

  76. All of it is wrong, the protesters just want a better type of government and everything was fine until officials started using violence. All they want is a change and they want it to happen as soon as possible... ?

  77. i agree with ramses and jenny thats true if the police keep on fighting there going to do something about why can they surrender and give them what they want?

  78. i agree with jaime.
    the people dont want the change to happen tommorow, next week, next year. No! They want it to happen NOW!

  79. i think that the protestant are going to end up the same as the egypts. the protesters are not going to give up so i think the government should change. i also think that shooting tear gas at the protesters wasnt good because this will bring more violence from the protesters.

  80. i quite agree with j-me because it is inspiring for Iran to stand out for there self's also inspire others to fight for what is right well let them keep it up and try and avoid evil things.

  81. i agree with perseus152 because wat they doing is wrong the only thing the protesters wants is a better government.

  82. I think that they should already put somebody in control of egypt because everybody has qone crazy &nd that have been protestinq for the past few weeks &nd i also thin that iran is qoinq to end up just like eqypt just protestinq &nd dhey won't qive up.all dhey want is a better a qoverment

  83. i believe eygpt should change its government because if they dont protesters are not going to stop they're going to keep on doing the same thing, making egypt to have more problems than they normally have

    i agree with emily that the shooting of tear gas wasn't such a good idea because it will might cause more violence upon each other

  84. i think the govt. iran has should be removed and that they should put a new govt. i also think that the govt. shouldn't be using tear gas towards the iranian civilians,they should just let them be,but also the protesters shouldn't go crazy either. the govt. should stop the violence towards the protesters.

  85. There needs to be somebody in Eqypt takinq control, Cause at the moment Eqypst is qoinq crazy. If nobody stops them riqht now the situation is qonna qet out of hand and end up worst than already is.

  86. I don't it's right for them to be using tear gas. The protestors aren't doing any harm, they just want a better goverment. i mean who wouldn't want to change a goverment that's corrupt. You know it's bad cause the citizens are standing up for them selves.If the goverment in Iran continues I believe that the same thing that happened in Egypt is gonna happen there. I stand with the citizens in Iran, it's for the better of all in the country to fix such a violent and corrupt system.

  87. i think that in order to put a stop to this chaos in Egypt, a new government should be establish and the current one should be taken out of power. in my opinion i think that this should be done a soon as possible, to prevent this situation from getting worst.

  88. I think that egypt should just change the government, government should give up cause the protestor dint really get affected by the tear gas and all the killing there going to do it until they get what they want. They been many deaths and many have been sentenced to death and protester are still out so government should leave.

  89. i agree with with emily,that the protesters won't give up and the govt. should change.

  90. I aqree with emily because iran is just qoinq to end up just like eqypt &nd dhey just want a better qoverment,so dhey just won't qive up &nd keep on protestinq until dhey qet what dhey want &nd that's a better qoverment

  91. i think that this is all mest up because the people want the goverment to change and about the polce in iran thats not good trowing tear gas at the people this aint gone make any difference people are going to keep protesting until they get whaat they want

  92. Iran tear gased protester and put former government officials on house arrest because they were apart of the prtests.There was no reason to tear gas the protesters in my opinion because they did nothing wrong they were simply demonstrateing their rights maybe thats not aloud in Iran but it is a basic human right to change something we dont find pleasing.It is about time that Iran finally relizes that they are under the control of a lunitic dictator whose only skilled in makeing enemies and wants to whipe out a whole nation. I totally support Iran and I think that this should be encouragment for a lot of nations seeing as how Iran argiuly a country with one of the worst dictators in the world can stand up then so can anyone else i wish Iran a great deal of Luck and that they finally take there president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad out of his presidency.

  93. i dont personally know if these people deserved that much of brutality on them but i dont personally care this riot shows that something is wrong with that economy and that changes should be made if not people will speak of rebelution or an action

  94. i also agree with cristiandm hes rite

  95. i fully agree with Wilfredo, it should be done as soon as possible. I also agree with Angie..The civilians just want to have a better place to live in. if they're gonna make such a fuss about the protesting, then they should take in consideration what the people want, Because one nation united is enough to take one dominater out of it's glory. why make enimies if you can fix the problem right infront of you?

  96. hiwot is rite to i also agreee with her opinion

  97. i think the government should use tear gas,beause the people against the government and they should do something to stop them. Many country has the same situation. i think they will agree to use tear gas to the people who against the government.

  98. i think egypt should change the government, because if not the protester are not going to stop. and i also think that shooting tear gas at the protesters is not good because this will bring more violence from the protesters.

  99. The people from iran are doing this because they're fighting for what is right. And i feel so impressed, this people have guts to confront their govt and fight protest for what they believe in is right and they dont seem to give up. Their goverment are using violence to avoid them but ok so it is an eye for an eye to them the govt uses violences they use it too. I think this is gonna keep on going until they get what they want

  100. I think it's horrible that these people had to get hurt just because they stood up for what they believe in. The protesters are just demanding that the government should change to benefit the people. Hurting your own people for expressing their concern about their countries' politics is not the way a government should act.

  101. I totaly agree with j-me, the people should keep protesting and dont give up

  102. i think it is very cruel action. They trying to stop the people that dissagree them .They want to killed people in order to rebuild again what they have in the past.They tried convinced the world that they are good so other countries don't against to them. they are all liar. Dissmiss the revolution is one of their plans.That why people want to make the revolution
    i think they shouldn't did that. And it is unfair. Their human right have been affected.They tried to scare them so they will not protest anymore.
    I think the government have to change their action and should have another leader , another new law.

  103. i think that the protesters only wants an good government and be pace full in Egypt. they should not give up and try hard to change the government for the better of Egypt. people should get everybody together and fight for and make Egypt better. i think that people of Egypt can make better and stronger country.

  104. The government should just stop all actions and quit. If the people do not like him now what makes him think everything is going to get better and that the people are not going to be having Riots every other day. He needs to quit for his on good and for the good of the people and let another person run for government.This is just creating more and more chaos.Egypt is being destroyed slowly.

  105. i think they should changed the government because is not right what hes doing.people are still gonna protest until they get what they want. if they keep on going is gonna get worser and worser, so i think the best thing to do is to changed the government.

  106. i agree with yani. no one want to have a government that is corrupt. but for the country. people should not standing up with a group to against the government,it will make people feel how the government can't work at's bad. i mean not all the government are bad.

  107. i agree with gabriel but the thing is each time the people go out and protest people are dying or getting injured. Properties are being destroyed and losing their family business.

  108. I agree with Van, the government is being cruel and violating the human rights.

  109. i agree with everybody that the government should removed and change to another government who have make the right laws, good leadership.
    But i think we should together make a peaceful but good one so we can have a new government and just little violence

  110. i agree with gabriel,they should fight for what they want and the government should just retired.

  111. this is the government's fall, i think if pleople from egypt change their government everything is going to be fine because people is potresting and fighting back because of the government corruptions..and he supposely have to help the people and he is not doing it.!! soo this people should change their government if they wants to live in piece!!!

  112. i agree with katti if egypt does not change their government this is gonna get worse and worse insted of get better.!!

  113. that is so stupid. if the government, or the president is in a bad mood, he should have enough conscience not to do something stupid like throw tear gas at its own people, the best thing was to ignore something that the government didn't want to hear at the moment. to make known that the government doesn't have the attitude to deal with what the people have to say, the should have done some thing that wouldn't harm their people, just to at least warn them before you take a drastic action
