Thursday, February 24, 2011

Middle Eastern Uprisings: Per Capita Income and Unemployment Comparison

Find CNN's comparison tool for the uprisings in the Middle East here.

Find the online tool for creating your own graph here.

Choose to create an XY graph. Make a bubble graph. Create a graph with the per capita GDP represented in the X axis and the unemployment rate represented in the Y axis. In "size," enter the country's population. In "Line Width," choose "No line." Email me your graph, then respond to these questions in a blog comment:

1. Is there a positive or negative correlation between per capita income and unemployment?
2. Is country population relevant or important in this graph? If so, how? If not, why do you think they included this information?
3. Think about your answer to question one. What conclusions can you draw about this?
4. Seeing as all of these nations are currently experiencing protests and uprisings, and knowing what you know about their per capita wealth and unemployment rates, what solutions can you recommend for quelling the protests?
5. Using unemployment and per capita GDP data, predict another country in the world you believe might experience similar protests in the future.


  1. When I look at the graph there is no relative coloration between the countries because the GDP and the unemployment rates Varies from country to country.
    2. A countries population is somewhat relevant because the unemployment rate and the amount of people in the country affect the GDP of that specific country.
    3. Unemployment plays a big role in the uprising in the Middle East because there is a big gap between the Rich and the Poor. For Example in Bahrain all thought their rich in GDP there is a huge gap between the people that are in power in the middle class.
    4. I realized that most of the people in the street that are protesting are based upon the fact that they would like to have freedom in their country. The only I can say is for the government to give up if the people asked them to step down.
    5. Haiti is one of the country that I believed can or will overthrow their government if their demands aren't met.

  2. 1. Is there a positive or negative correlation between per capita income and unemployment?
    There is a positive correlation between per capia GDP and unemplyment because the unemployment rate from the information acquired is low and the GDP is fairly high so it continues to go up with no decrease in the graph.

    2. Is country population relevant or important in this graph? If so, how? If not, why do you think they included this information?
    Its very important because the population adds to the unemployment and how it affects the country's GDP itself. The population approximation must estimate how fast a country is developing through the year and what will be the outcome.

    3. Think about your answer to question one. What conclusions can you draw about this?
    The conclusion that I can make from this is that with low unemployment rates, it has caused the GDP of all these countries to rise but there's still skepticism on how far it will increase since the violence has incremented and jobs aren't offered. For now, it has a positive effect on the country but in the future it can have a dangerous downfall to its economy.

    4. Seeing as all of these nations are currently experiencing protests and uprisings, and knowing what you know about their per capita wealth and unemployment rates, what solutions can you recommend for quelling the protests?
    There really isn't anything that can be done for the moment because these people want change. Until then, it will be impossible to guarantee stability in the country itself. Some suggestions is to increase the percentage of jobs in the country and offer security from these new governments. The protests will have an impact on the economy for the entire Middle East and the only way to settle this situation for now is to work together for change and give people an opportunity to express what they want to say.

    5. Using unemployment and per capita GDP data, predict another country in the world you believe might experience similar protests in the future.
    Another country that I believe could have protests is Bosnia and Herzegovina or Cuba since they are exposed almost to the same environment and future protests could result especially with the increase of many who want change in their countries. The unemployment rate may be low and GDP may be increasing depending on the development of the country but other than that, who knows what will happen in the future and how it will affect the nations and what they need to do.


  3. 1. No correlation because some countries have a high unemployment rate and a high GDP and there is no relationship between the two.
    2. Country population is irrelevant to this graph because the population doesn't affect GDP or unemployment drastically.
    3.look back at answer 1
    4.explain to the people that the government is doing the best they can and they can only try harder but with all the protests they wont be able to work promptly.
    5. These protests are breaking out because of political reasons and people feeling that their government is not working at their best. If i had to guess the streets of Pakistan should be filled with protesters.

  4. 1. It does not have correlation

    2.yes, the country population is relevant in this graph, because they want us to see how the county population can affect the country GDP and unemployment rate.

    3. well seeing the graph I can not really make any decision because they were countries with the highest GDP yet they have a higher unemployment rate.

    4. I actually support the people who are protesting for their freedom regardless their capital wealth or unemployment rate.

    5. I compared it with the U.S. , but I can't really predict what country would be protesting.

  5. 1.negative correlation
    2.population is important because the size of the population determines the percent of unemployment
    3.the graph shows a neative correlation
    4.get everyone to were tehey all have the same class of wealth

  6. 1. Their is no correlation
    2. No not really, so people see how bad or good they gotten depending on how many people are in the country
    3. That the money or employment rate no matter how high or low your place can still be bad
    4. All that it needs is change

  7. 1.There is no correlation

    2.Its important so they can see how the population does affect the unemployement rate.

    3.The nunmbers consentrate below 20% and less than 20,000 in capita GDP.

    4.I see that what the people in this countries all the want is freedom and want the government to come down.

    5. I'll comparing with the United States. The rate of unemployed goes up and down, and the population goes up more everytime. The protest will be to help put the people that dont have a way to survive since there are unemployed.

  8. -don't see a relationship between the income and the unemployment because most of the countries have a capital below $20000 but the unemployment varies between countries
    -population is important because that explains the capital income, unemplyment rate, and other things used to determine the state of the country
    -maybe there's nothing to do with the population since most countries are around the same place in the graph
    -there are some countries that don't really have the need to protest according to thier capital it might just be the way government controls and treats its people, unemployment rate is notas low
    -the countries who have to deal with a natural dissaster and there's still something not been done like in haiti, there's more chances to have a protest and want to over troght the government

  9. 1.I believe there is no correlation between per capital income and unemployment because , for example, some countries with a high unemployment rate such as Libya have a high GDP compared to other countries.

    2.I don't believe population play an imporatnt role in this graph, they probably included this information just to show how big the country is and how bad the country may be affected.

    3.That protests are not necessarily connected to the economy because some countries are pretty wealthy compared to other middle eastern countries, its more bout the government and corruption.

    4.I personally believe the corruption in the government should be taken care of first then countries with a higher population need to try to reduce their unemployment rate.

    5.Mexico because of how the GDP is being hurt by all the drug dealers

  10. 1. They are no correlation between per capital income and unemployment because the data is scattered.
    2. The population of each country is important because it determines the unemployment rate and the GDP.
    3. They are no such thing as correlation because the data is scattered in different directions.
    4. I believe that protestors would not let their guard down when they are protesting on a issue that they believe in.
    5. I believe that people protest because the government is corrupt or the citizens doesn’t have the rights that they wish for.

  11. 1.There really is no correlation, is mainly constant.
    2.The outcome of the population determines on how the umneployment rate is and good about a country.
    3. The outcome of the gpd really doesent mean it is realtive equal, countries will still have problems because gpd doesnt mean everyone makes that amount income.
    4.Every one has the right to complaine because but with certain limitations because it needs to remain diplomatic and peacful.
    5. I belive the next country that is going to propest is going to be China. One reason being is that is seemeds that many people in china fight or compet agaisnt each other for wealth and many people are tired of the government.

  12. 1. No correlation
    2. No not at all
    3. Well because there is no correlation but the governments are corrupted so they take the money
    4. Giving the people more jobs
    5. USA

  13. 1. There's no correlation between the per capita and the unemployment.

    2. Country population revelation is important because it show that the more population a country have, the more amount they have.

    3. In a lot of case in the Middle East and Africa, the bigger the population, the more of unemployment there is and also the less money they made.

    4. Those country that are doing the most protest, they have more unemployment rate and also the people's income are really low.

    5. I think Japan would have this problem soon too because there's a lot of people in Japan and they're losing their title as the top economic power in Asis.
