Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Profiles: Multinational Terrorism

Your blog posting will be a summary profile of one of the terrorist groups identified by the National Counterterrorism Center. You can find links to introductory information about these groups here.
Make sure to include:
  • The name of the group
  • The date established
  • The countries or regions where the group primarily operates
  • The mission of the group
  • Important attacks, conflicts, or events in the group's history
  • A brief summary of what your Global Classrooms country's position would be toward the group
Everyone must profile a different group. Let me know when you have selected yours.


  1. Name of Group: Kahane Chai (KACH)

    Date Established: They formed in the year 1971

    The countries or regions where the group primarily operates: The countries or regions were they participate in these terroristic activities are along the West Bank and Israel.

    The mission of the group: The mission of this group is to restore te bliblical state of Israel. They are hostile against Arabs and are expanding there religious and occupy the regions of Jordan. They like those who are against Judaism and enforce their beliefs in actions of violence, even paying $40,000 to make Arabs leave but if they didn't; they would either be arrested or brutally killed.

    Important attacks, conflicts, or events in the group's history: The most recognized attacks from the group are the deadly attacks by the groups came in February 1994, shortly after the signing of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the PLO. Baruch Goldstein, a Brooklyn-born doctor and Kach supporter, opened fire with a machine gun inside the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. He killed twenty-nine people and wounded dozens more before he himself was killed. Also, in 2005, an Israeli soldier burned down a bus that was occupied by Arab-Israelis.

    A brief summary of what your Global Classrooms country's position would be toward the group:
    Bosnia and Herzegovina feel the effects of terrorism but not by religion but ethnicity. They would be against this terrorist group since they are bringing insecurity to the region and even with all the evidence shown that Arab terrorist groups have been trying to "eradicate" Israel itself. Its ironic really but the European nations can only watch as these events occur. There aren't many records shown from this group but the actions are evident and Bosnia would be against this group and its position to bring religious differences as well.

  2. Al-Qaida

    Date established:1998

    Countries: Afghanistan, Middle East

    Mission: To establish a pan-Islamic caliphate in the Muslim world and to ultimately unite Muslims to fight the west.

    Important attacks: 9/11 in the U.S. ,bombings in the U.K. in July 7,2005,

    Although the government fears the violence it could possibly bring to the nation, drug smugglers in colombia cooperate with this terrorist group to smuggle illegal drugs into the nation.

  3. Jamaat ul-Fuqra
    They were establish in 1980
    , operate in the united states and pakistan. They attack the indian community, because they are somewhat recist to Indians. They then to recruit the many americans in the east coast and mainly muslims.

  4. -Jundallah aka People's Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI)
    -"Soldiers of God"
    -began in 2003; declared terrorist in 2009
    -organization supported by Saudi Arabia
    -motive: Equal rights for Sunni Muslims in Iran
    -actice region: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan
    -leader: Muhammad Dhahir Baluch
    -Jundallah uses a variety of terrorist tactics, including suicide bombings, ambushes, kidnappings and targeted assassinations

  5. Tamil Tigers
    Founded In: 1976.
    Country Operate: Sri Lanka
    Mission:The establishment of an autonomous Tamil entity in Sri Lanka.
    Attacks: The Tamil Tigers are best known for their suicide bombings, which are carried out by elite squads called Black Tigers. They have committed about 200 attacks so far. The assassination of Indian Prime Minister Sri Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 and the assassination of Sri Lankan president Premadasa in 1993.
    Russia would called for the arrest of their leader.

  6. Nsme of the group:
    - 17 November Revolutionary Organization

    The date established:
    - 1975

    The countries or regions where the group primarily operates:
    - Athens, Greece

    The mission of the group
    - 17N's strategy has been to target symbolic elements of government, foreign, and business interests in an attempt at promoting a climate of insurrection.

    Important attacks, conflicts, or events in the group's history
    - Killed Richard Welch, the CIA's station chief in Athens (1975)

    A bried summary of what your Global Classrooms country's position would be toward the group
    - Russia would just eliminate this groups because this group target govt. officials, and they bom bmilitary assets.

  7. Name: Palestine Islamic Jihad
    Date: 1970
    Where the group does operates?
    The group central leadership resides in Syria but they maintain small regional offices in Beirut and Tehran.
    Important attacks: They have conducted numerous attacks, including large-scale suicide bombings. The most recent suicide bombing was in January 2007 in the southern Israeli city of Eliat, killing three people.
    They created this group because they wanted to create an Islamic state in all historical Palestine .PIJ refuses to participate in the Palestine Authority’s political process and rejects negotiation with Israel.

  8. The FARC ( Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) is a terroris group in colombia. It was established in 1964 as a military wing of the colombian comunist party. The terrorist organization operates mainly in colombia. FARC are known for their bombing, murder, mortar attack, kidnapping, extortion and hijacking. This groups goal is to support and encourage communist ways in the country and have done so with their tactics.

  9. 1.Jemaah Islamiya
    2.Formed early in 1990s
    4.To establish an Islamic state in the Southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, and the southern Philippines.
    5.It is responsible for a series of lethal bombings targeting Western interests in Indonesia and the Philippines from 2000-2005
    6.Burkina Faso location is far from Jemaah Islamiya targeting group

  10. Name: National Liberation Army
    Date: Lates's 1990's
    Countries: Columbia
    Mission:ELN began a dialogue with Colombian officials in 1999 following a campaign of mass kidnappings—each involving at least one U.S. citizen—to demonstrate its strength and continuing viability and force the Pastrana administration to negotiate. Peace talks between Bogota and the ELN started in 1999 and continued sporadically through 2001 until Bogota broke them off. Negotiations ultimately resumed in Havana, Cuba, by the end of 2001.

    Attacks: 1975
    24 May : An RUC officer was killed by an INLA booby trap bomb left in a car in Ballinahone, near Maghera.
    26 July : An INLA sniper shot dead an RUC officer shortly after he left his Armoured Personnel Carrier in Dungiven.
    10 October : A British soldier died two weeks after being shot by an INLA sniper while on patrol on
    7 February : A fourteen-year-old was killed when he triggered a booby-trap bomb hidden behind a row of derelict cottages on Derryall Road, near Portadown. It is believed to have been left by the INLA for use against the security forces.
    3 August : An INLA sniper shot dead a British soldier on patrol in Dungiven.
    25 November : The INLA shot dead a British soldier when he arrived at the scene of an armed robbery at Monagh Post Office, Belfast.

    24 February : The INLA shot dead an ex-member of the British Army on Glenvale Road, Derry.[25]
    9 May : The INLA killed an ex-member of the organisation in Paris, France. His body has never been recovered.
    27 June : A Garda officer was killed during the robbery of a post office in Ardee, County Louth. It is believed the INLA was responsible.
    10 August : The British Army shot dead INLA volunteer James McPhilemy during a gun battle at a vehicle checkpoint in Clady.
    17 August : The INLA shot dead an ex-member of the UVF at his shop on Shankill Road, Belfast.

    21 January : The INLA shot dead a civilian at his home on Rosewood Street, Belfast. The INLA said it killed him because he was a UDA member, a claim which was denied by his family. It was reported that he had recently bought a car from a leading loyalist in the Shankill area and thus it may have been a case of mistaken identity.[37]
    9 May : The INLA shot dead an RUC officer in the Parliament Bar, Belfast.
    4 June : INLA volunteer John Morris was shot dead by the Gardaí during an armed robbery in Inchicore, Dublin.
    27 December : INLA prisoners shot dead Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF) leader and fellow prisoner Billy Wright inside Maze Prison.

    29 April : The INLA shot dead a man in Inchicore, County Dublin. The INLA claimed he was part of the gang responsible for killing INLA volunteer Patrick Campbell

    Position Global Classrooms:
    Gabon thinks that this group shoould be taken away and give up any weapons.

  11. The name of group: Hizballah
    The date of established: 1982
    The countries or regions where the group primarily operates: Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine.
    The mission of the group: Hizaballah was created to support the Lebanon military, and also the Palestine military.
    Important attacks, conflict, or events in the group’s history: In 1984 Hizaballah attacks the US Embassy, hijacking of 1985 in Beirut, attack of Khobar Tower Saudi Arabia in 1996, and the assassination of Hariri in 2005.
    A brief summary of the Global Classrooms country position: Libya does not support any terrorist group.

  12. The name of group: Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
    The date established: 1948
    Function where: Colombia
    Mission of the group: Sell Cocaine
    Important attacks: The period that followed the murder of populist politician Jorge Eliécer Gaitán in 1948 saw the loss of more than 200,000 lives in what became known as La Violencia ("The Violence"), which lasted until about 1958.
    Global classrooms: I have colombia and our country doesnt like the fact that this is happening and they do attack our police officers.


  14. Name of Group: Al-Shabaab
    The date established: 2006
    Function where: Somalia
    Mission of the group: is not centralized or monolithic in its agenda or goals
    Important Attacks: Many bombings, suicide attacks, they target Somalia Government Officials, was responsible for a wave of five coordinates suicide car bombings in 2008
    Global Classrooms: Any country would dis-like this terrorist group, because they are seen as a threat in this world. They have been bombing and still can invent more bombing technology that could kill many more.
    Sincerely, Annie and Kevin

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Tamil Tigers
    Founded: 1976.
    Country : Sri Lanka
    Mission:The establishment of an autonomous Tamil entity in Sri Lanka.
    Attacks: The Tamil Tigers are best known for their suicide bombings, which are carried out by elite squads called Black Tigers. They have committed about 200 attacks so far. The assassination of Indian Prime Minister Sri Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 and the assassination of Sri Lankan president Premadasa in 1993. by Luis G. and Itzchel F.

  17. 1. Jaish-e-Mohammed
    2. Early 2000.
    3. Pakistan
    4. To unite Kasmir and Pakistan and to expel all foreign soldiers from Afghanistan.
    5. Suicide bombing of the Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly building.
    6. Argentina and Italy would be against this organization which has claimed responibility for murder and damage to property.

    Mitchell B. Flaherty/Anthony Nbemeneh

  18. Established in 1964 as the military wing of the Colombian Communist Party.

    This group is called Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

    The FARC primarily operates in Colombia, with some activities:extortion, kidnapping, people with weopons, and distance in neighboring countries.(includes the main purpose and were it operates)

    The FARC in October 2009 attempted to confront the Colombian Government with an offensive aimed at a wide range of military and civilian targets.

    Delegates of Hungary would approve of it because they know that the Government is doing something bad.And they are trying to confront them..They are doing something good for othat place.

  19. Name: HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
    Formed: Late 1987
    Operates: HAMAS operates mostly in Israel.
    Mission: Their mission is to establish an Islamic Palestenian State in Israel.
    Attacks: This Group has conducteed many anti-israel attacks in israel and palestenian terretories.
    Malawi has seen terrorist groups like these. In the past they deported 5 suspected Al'Queda members

  20. -Established by Usama Bin Ladin in 1988 with Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union, al-Qa‘ida’s declared goal is the establishment of a pan-Islamic caliphate throughout the Muslim world. -

  21. Group name: Alqaida
    Date stablished: 1988
    Country: Afghanistan
    Mission:To unite Muslims to fight the United States and the West. Also saying that it was the Muslims duty to kill U.S citizens and allies everywhere.
    Attacks: September.9.2011, July 5.2005 bombing in United Kingdowm
    - Leslie G. Marina R.

  22. Name:Muslim Brother Hood

    Founded:In 1928


    Mission:"sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".

    attacks/conflicts:They condemned terrorist and 9/11 attacks.

  23. From josue.....A.k.a FLUFFY.....
    THE ABUDANALI ORGANIZATION is the one the one that has spread alquaedas that r killing peolpe as rebels for theire freedom...

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. 1.the name of the group is Kahane Chai.
    2.Built in the early 2000's
    3.There inPakistan
    4.There mission is to unite Kasmir and Pakistan and to expel all foreign soldiers from Afghanistan.
    5.There was suicide bombing in the Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly building.
    Jesus Alanis/Eric Medina

  26. Josue Perez and Edgar
    1.Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
    4.support of Marxist goals today
    5.FARC in October 2009 attempted to confront the Colombian Government with an offensive aimed at a wide range of military and civilian targets
    6. Well i think that they are related to the group in spain ETA and i think they are bad becasue they do it like if it was a gang of terrorism

  27. NAME: Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
    COUNTRIES: Colombia
    MISSION: To support and fight for/towards Marxist goals throughout the country.
    EVENTS: They have committed murder, kidnappings, robberies, and have been involved in drug trafficking situations.
    SUMMARY: Pakistan would believe that they should stop, since Colombia is a pretty normal and stable country, they wouldn't want to disturb that and it is good that the government has been able to reduce their numbers.

  28. name of the grroup:Al-Qaida
    date establish: 1988
    these terrorist group primarly operates from pakistan or the reagions around them.
    Their main mission is to take over the regions and to obey their leadear usama bin.
    AlQaida created the 9-11 attack in new york when they took over the plaine they were flying in casuing the deaths of thousands of people.Seens that attack the U.S went to Afganistan to try and find Al-Qiada but seens they can't pass the boarder to Pakistan cause that could creat a WW3 but people say that they arre hidding there.
    Al-Qiada is a terrorist group that is creating a lot of p[roblem and conflicts for the U.S starting with the 9-11 attack and some other propblems.

  29. name of group- Aum Shinrikiyo (Aleph or Supreme Truth)
    Date established- 1984 founded by Shoko Asahara
    countries/ regions where group operates- Japan
    mission of group- Based on early Buddhism and Christianity,
    history of the group- most known for the attack on 1995: Tokyo sarin gas attack
    My country's position towards this would like to not be involved since its not highly dangerous to us.

  30. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)



    Resolve there diffrence between other Pakistani

    In 20oo a prison was released in India

  31. Group: Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front
    Year they form: 1987
    Country they establish in: Turkey
    Mission: They are Anti-U.S,NATO,and Turkey establishment.
    Events involving the organization: Suicide Bombing in Turkey in 2001, preparing attempt to attack in 2008.
    [They don't sound like terrorist...]

  32. 1.The name of the group we read was about the Basque Father and liberty A.K.A(ETA)
    2.The ETA was established in 1959
    3.The group primarly Operates northern Spain and southwestern France
    4.The mission of the group is to become independent of Spain
    5. They mainly want to injure or affect the government of spaim
    6.In the opinion of our country (nigeria and ghana) our coutry believes that we should let the ETA become a free country so they wont harm more people.
    Yenifer Turis & Miriam Alvarez

  33. Al-Qa'ida
    It was established in 1988.
    Al-Qa'ida operates in the north west of Africa, south western little part of europe, and most of middle east, south and southeastasia part of asia.
    The mission of the group is to unite the muslims to fight the west because they dont want the western influence in Muslim Countries and defeating Israel.They are against jews and crusaders specialy the U.S..
    One of the most important attacks was in US,When Al-Qa'ida suisiced attacker had hijacked four commercial jets-two hit the world trade center in New York City One in the pentegon near washington D.C.,and the fourth one into a field in Shanksville,Pennsylvania leaving nearly three-thousand people dead.
    Pakistan is against Al-Qa'ida in all sorts of ways.We know that we beleif in the in the shiara law but it doesnt mean that we are going to kill every jew or crusader that we see. NO WE DONT beleive that.
    By Eduardo Rodriguez

  34. 1.FARC is one of the groups stands for (fuerzas armadas revolucionarios de colombia)
    2. It was established in 1964.
    3.One place that they where they operate is in Bogota.
    4.They bomb and muder people that are from the US because they think that they are part of the army because of US support for the colombian government.
    Summary: Our contry thinks about the innocent people that are counted as targets and that are being killed. This also reminds us about the Taliban and all those groups in India, they need to be stopped and at the same time people in that country need help but i dont think that the US can help because they see us as targets
    PS(Ms.Fugit i decided to finish the second article i hope thats ok with you)
