Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Taliban Prison Escape

Comment on the current event for today. Suggested comments:

-Write about what you find most interesting or shocking about this story.
-Write a few questions you have about how they did it.
-Write about whether you believe prison guards were involved in the plans, and explain why.
-Write about the consequences this will have on our war in Afghanistan.

Write at least 5 sentences.


  1. It's dumb how a lot of people escaped a prison while there were guards "watching" or whatever. How did they not hear the people waking up and walking, if a prison is hollow on the inside and echos are heard everywhere..Why'd the talibans free them tho?.Are they all taliban or what connections do they have with the people escaped.?Now there's more corrupt people in the world and more U.S soldiers are gonna die now that they're out and about.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This story was really shocking when i heard about it. 500 prisoners escaped without no guards knowing. What i believed is that guards were involved because in 5 months of digging a guard could haved been hired to work there and the guard that was hire was already a Taliban.Since the U.S is in war with Afghanistan, so they wanted to take the best men out of prison to fight in the war.

  4. I find this very amazing how the taliban "helped" people for once. Usually they are violent and unmerciful but this actually caught my attention. I am wondering how many people it took for them to make that tunnel. Why was their reason for helping now? I believe that some guards were involved in this because I know guards are awake at night.
    -Eric Medina

  5. What I found here interesting was that how all of the prisoners escaped from that jail with 476 of them whithout them getting caught. I think that police man were involved here because non of them were caught. They might think that it was us who helped them escape.

  6. i think that what happened in afghanistan is very stupid since thee people escaping actually maked noise to escape, so i think that the guards actually knew that the prisioners were escaping.This will make the US rearrange its strategy towards the war i think that their will be more civilians dying.

  7. -The mostly thing that shocked me was that about five hundred people escped and that they didn't even noticed that they did escape.Something else that shocked me was that the prisoners diged for five months.

    -What did they dig with?
    -How did they do it so they won't get lost under neather?

    -I think that prison guards were involved in this too because for five hundred people to escape with out no one noticing that they are missing or are escaping is pretty much inposible.

    -Some consequences that could happen on the Afghanistan war could be is that it will now be harder because maybe some of the prisoners could be helping the Taliban.

  8. I think the taliban were able able to get 476 prisoners out without been notice without the help of someone. Because probaly some of the guards were involved in it. I don't think how 476 prisoners could escape without been notice. This is the only reason that I find that 476 prisoners could escape.

  9. I find that the seriousness of this situation includes many sacrafices to put these men in prison were wasted. American soldiers have put their life on the line to protect the country yet the prison was not guarded enough and was a waste. How did they get away so silently? Where there any help from the prison guards? Have the taliban gotten help from citizens in making the tunnel? The prison guards must of helped in some way or form. 500 people can not get away quitely nor were they that organized. Not only that, only three people went to each cell to wake up te prisoners, it should have caused a commotion since noises were made in the middle of the night. The prison guards either lacked proper training and ignored these noises/ disruptions or helped the talibans themselves. Many of these prisoners are dangerous, and to be let out into the world again, many will suffer. These taliban leaders wont stop until they get what they want, even if it means to kill. The sacrafices were wastes, and many died in vain.

  10. i find interesting that men can be working on these tunnel for 5 months nun stop just working and working to get them out of prison.
    How did they get the tool to make the tunnel?
    Did country or cities help these people get away or just their friends?
    well we can not be sure if the guards actually help on this escape because thy might be telling a laing or telling the true.
    The consequences is that more people is going to get in and we don't ave that many solders to fight in Afghanistan right now we have solder fighting around some were in the world

  11. Taliban Help Hundreds Tunnel Out of Prison's Political Wing:
    One of the most interesting issues that happened in this article was the fact that no one of the officers heard anything when the prisoners were escaping. I believe that the officers were involved or that they knew what goanna was happened.
    Some of the questions i have will be that if the officers were really involved and if they had something to do with the Taliban prisoners escaping.
    The act of the Taliban escaping will have a lot of problems involve with the Afghanistan war happening right now because it will increase the dangers and fights in that place. I also think that since the country is not united the Taliban’s will try to take over this country and have it under there power again.
    -Daisy Valdez-

  12. it looks to me like they ave been watching tv (: its amazing how they could manage to escape i doubt it was a "perfect escape" somehow in some way officials had to interbeen its impossible to not notice over 400 people missing from their cells, having escape routes such as the suicide bomb and taliban fighters im pretty sure they were well prepared for any betrayel

  13. this story was really shocking because how can 500 prisoners escape without them not knowing anything at all. it's amazing how 500 could escaped. i would understand is like 3 prisoners escaped but 500 is a lot for nobody to know and it took them 5 months thats a lot of time. i think that the guards were involved in this. they helped them escape.

  14. What I find most interesting about this article is that the police officials didn't have any clues that 500 prisoners escaped by a underground tunnel. Obviously this tunnel was made with hard work because its very long and it took 5 months to finish it. Afghanistan is a country just like any other country where corruption exists. I believe that the guards had to do with all of this. It seems impossible for tons of guards get distracted and not feel that prisoners are getting out of their cells. I believe there would be more crime since the prisoners were set free.

  15. I am very shocked that this took place, although I am not suprised that it happened. I do agree with Fernando because I assume that the guards did know about what was going on. Im just shocked that 476 prisoners managed to break ot and escape.

  16. What shocked me the most was that the Taliban was able to get away with what they planned for only 5 months, right under the security forces without the "working" guards noticing. The idea that none of the guards saw this outrageous crime occurring seems absurd since it was 5 long months that the tunnel was being created, so in my opinion some guards might have been aware of it and they could've tried to distract other guards in order for the prisoners to escape. This could greatly affect our war in Afghanistan by giving the Taliban an increase in their members which could create more weapons for the enemy to use against us.
    Who first decided to plan this out?
    Why or how come the guards didn't notice the people missing?
    Were any of the guards actually "in on it"?
    Did anybody die in the process?
    Are those escapees going to get involved in our war?
    -Erika Acosta<3

  17. What I find mostly shocking about this story is that 476 prisoners escaped the prison without anybody noticing. Were they paid? Wat did they use to dig the hole? In believe that the some guards were aiding them in the process of digging the hole and escaping. This will cause more problems for the troops in afghan. Because the number of Taliban will increase.

  18. I find it amazing that 541 prisoners and among them 106 Taliban Commanders escaped by an underground tunnel and that no one found out or notice nothing wrong going on...But i do think that guards helped them escape because not that many prisoners would of left prison with no help they would have gotten caught one way or another....And its incredible that they made that tunnel in 5months thats fast...
    Who first started thinking about this?
    Did they really get help from guards?
    Why didnt they get caught?
    How didnt they notice something wrong going on in prison?
    Where the guards confident that no prisoner will leave and thats why their wasnt to much security or look out in the prison??

  19. I believe that the most shocking part of the article is that all the prisoners escaped and that not even a single guard heard about the tunnel or heard a rummer.
    -When did the taliban decided to help the prisoners escape and why did they decide to help the prisoners
    -How did they planned everything without the guards knowing or did the guard know
    -Was there a catch for the prisoners to escape
    I do believe that at least a few guard knew about the planning, my reason for believing that some of the guards were involved is that the Taliban are very powerful that they might of bought the guard, that they might of threaten the guards of killing them or there family, or maybe that the guards support the Taliban
    A consequence might me that the Taliban will have lots of people on there side and that they might be more creative and have more plans to kill our soldiers.

  20. what I find shocking is the length of the tunnel.I think the guards were helping them.This will cause more problems in Afghanistan because the # of taliban members will increase.
    Jesus Alanis

  21. there were 500 political prisoners that broke out of prison in afgahnistan by the taliban. I beleive that this is the most insane thing that securyty forces didn't did nothing to stop this.they escaped from a tunnel that was dugged for 5 months.

    By Eduardo Rodriguez

  22. Okay, 100+ out of 500 prisoners were the Taliban, escape, people believe some of the guards had been 'Rats' (betrayal to justice - in my thought). And it took months to plan and dig their way though. I just wonder for what? (Recent News 5.1.2011 US Time →) Osama is dead, who is going to in charge of the Taliban attacks? Don't sound like there won't be any bad consequences.
