Friday, April 1, 2011

"It's What I Do:" Women in Journalism

Read Lynsey Addario’s essay “It’s What I Do” here. Respond to all the questions below in your post.

1. Many people criticize Addario and other female journalists for putting themselves in danger in war zones, especially in the Muslim world. List at least three of the arguments Addario makes to defend her profession.

2. Addario says, “People think photography is about photographing. To me, it’s about relationships.” Explain why building relationships is part of being a good photographer or journalist.

3. What types of stories might female journalists have more success covering than male journalists? Explain.

4. Addario explains that even though she feels accepted by her peers, she still thinks photography can be a “chauvinistic profession.” Explain what she means by this.

5. In the final paragraphs, Addario describes the reasons working as a female photographer is difficult. Summarize these reasons, and tell us whether you think she’s making the right decision by continuing to work in war zones, and why.

6. Choose one of the photos featured in the article. Write about what the photo reveals and the feelings it evokes.


  1. 1.Many people criticize Addario and other female journalists for putting themselves in danger in war zones, especially in the Muslim world. List at least three of the arguments Addario makes to defend her profession.
    1) One of the three arguments she gives out is that journalism is her life and its her job to put the coverage on the table for people to see.
    2)Also, by being a woman its a great advantage because they are more trusted and get more information than men usually do.
    3)When it comes to photography, its a way for people to open up about their lives and even with the dangers that they face, there's always the hospitality of the people itself.

    2. Addario says, “People think photography is about photographing. To me, it’s about relationships.” Explain why building relationships is part of being a good photographer or journalist.
    Building relationships is a good way to become a better journalist because you're getting more in depth about what you are trying to learn about what's happening and the reality of the situation. Forming these bonds can express confidence along with trust which is something at the moment many fear of showing.

    3. What types of stories might female journalists have more success covering than male journalists? Explain.

    4. Addario explains that even though she feels accepted by her peers, she still thinks photography can be a “chauvinistic profession.” Explain what she means by this.
    When she refers to "chauvinistic profession" it pretty much relates to the dominance in which men these days have in the news coverage because most of the time, its men who go to these places of war and show what they see. Women also do their job, covering every detail but it isn't provided as its supposed to.

    5. In the final paragraphs, Addario describes the reasons working as a female photographer is difficult. Summarize these reasons, and tell us whether you think she’s making the right decision by continuing to work in war zones, and why.
    She speaks about the responsibilities such as carrying equipment, the way it affects you emotionally and physically, along with the risks of being killed and families not knowing on whether they are dead or alive.I believe she sometimes regrets being a journalist because it takes her time when she could spend it with family and friends.It's incredibly pressuring trying to manage things but as she says herself, "I think it’s a very good reason that a lot of women decide that they don’t want to do this."

    6. Choose one of the photos featured in the article. Write about what the photo reveals and the feelings it evokes.
    The photo March 3: Bodies of rebels killed around Ajdabiya. This kind of photo evokes a lot of questioning and the horrible sense of seeing these dead bodies laying there like rag dolls. The conflicts that each day reporters coverage, it always ends in a way where reporters themselves fear for their own safety. These rebels where fighting for a cause but what? It's a feeling of loss and hate but they must continue on. Life goes on.

  2. I forgot question 3.
    Mainly the coverage that women reporters can get is mainly the stories of those who have suffered through the situation and are terrorized that they may be captured and killed. Women are more trusted since many of the men who do their coverage sometimes take advantage of the situation.

    Too much writing. ;) Happy FRIDAY!

  3. 1.Women offer a different perspective.
    they can understand women on a different level than men can and they are more trusted by the people.
    2. so that you can understand and feel what you are photographing. the way of the family with the mothers and women.
    5.the pine that they put on the people they love.
    6.the last one you can see them so happy to be together, it makes you feel good 2.

    Love: Cindy Mondragon <3

  4. 1. Many people criticize Addario and other female journalists for putting themselves in danger in war zones, especially in the Muslim world. List at least three of the arguments Addario makes to defend her profession.
    Men and women can faced the same dangerous, women have the right to do with their life whatever they want, and if men don’t want to do this work, that men’s women can accomplished.
    2. Addario says, “People think photography is about photographing. To me, it’s about relationships.” Explain why building relationships is part of being a good photographer or journalist.
    Building relationships with people can help you being a good photographer or journalist because it can help you go deep on the story or event that is happening.
    3. What types of stories might female journalists have more success covering than male journalists? Explain.
    They can communicate better with women and get the trust of them.
    4. Addario explains that even though she feels accepted by her peers, she still thinks photography can be a “chauvinistic profession.” Explain what she means by this.
    What she trying to say is that even though photography is her job she gets affected emotionally and on the road she meets with new friends and beloved people.
    5. In the final paragraphs, Addario describes the reasons working as a female photographer is difficult. Summarize these reasons, and tell us whether you think she’s making the right decision by continuing to work in war zones, and why.
    I believe that a person can do whatever they want in their life, as she stated that she is passion of what she does and can handle the responsibility that she carries with.
    6. Choose one of the photos featured in the article. Write about what the photo reveals and the feelings it evokes
    Picture 14: this is a kind of things that you asked yourself the reason why horrible things happened to innocent children.

  5. 1.Addario feels like she has been treated well in the Muslim world. She has been fed, offered a place to sleep and he translator have taken good care of her.

    2. Building relationships is part of being a good photographer/journalist because people will not allow you to take personal pictures or ideas of them if they do not feel safe or calm around you. Also by building relationships you yourself are safe wherever or whomever you want to photograph/write about.

    3. Female journalist have more success covering private homes or conservative Muslim family type stories. While on the other hand male journalist are limited

    4. Photography can be a chauvinistic profession because male photographer/journalist are more respected then that of women because people believe women photographers/journalist have no right or are put in harms way covering stories in a war zone.

    5. Addario believes that working as a female photographer is difficult because the pain her family goes through, when they do not know whether she is alive or dead. Putting her family through such an emotional state when shes gone somewhere and captured. Its up to Addario on whether she is making the right decision by being in such a profession but it seems to me that she is happy doing what she does.

    6. Photo 14 in the slide shows a boy being washed by a doctor. The 9 year old boy was killed while herding sheep in Ajdabiya. The photo is very depressing and sad. That a little boy is put through that due to a stupid conflict, that could have been avoided is a shame.


  7. 1. One reason she gave was that if a woman wants to be a war photographer she should, its her life. She also mentions that women offer a different perspective, they have acess to more places because they are trusted more for being women. The third reason she mentions is that their is always hospitality.
    2.To her photography is about building relationships and about "doing your homework and making people comfortable enough where they open their lives to you". Also if she builds relationships she will have the confidence to go more into the story, and better inform the reader.
    3. Stories that involve women and personal stories because women can be more trusted by these families than men.
    4. By this she means that men are still superior in a way when it comes to professions like these.
    5. She talks about the physical and mental challenges,about the risk she runs of being killed, and about how shes away from her family and friends.
    6. The picture with the body of the 9 year old is really sad. It shows how people there always run the risk of being killed even though they are innocent.

  8. 1.Men and women face the same dangers, women have the right to do whatever they want, and that being a woman allows her to attain more informaion than a man.
    2.Having a good relationship is necessary because it allows the photographer to get more information and it also gives the photogragher a stronger background on the topic.
    3. Probably domestic violence and affairs that deal with emotions and such.
    4. She feels that she is 'accepted', but not 'favored'. And this is where the differences are.
    5. In the final paragraphs she brings up several reasons: "It takes a great toll on your personal life," It’s physically demanding, The hardest part is what we put our loved ones through.
    6. The picture i chose was the one with the resident area bombed; a car was bombed and children in the surrounding area were covering their mouths and noses with their shirt, this picture is very saddening. Seeing this makes me imagine my neighborhood like that and how i would feel.

  9. 1. a.Women offer a different perspective.
    b.This is my life, and I make my own decisions.
    c.People think photography is about photographing. To me, it’s about relationships. And it’s about doing your homework and making people comfortable.
    2. Building a relationship in photography helps open door and makes the people around conformable to talk to you.
    3. Female journalists can cover the mistreatment of women in middle eastern countries and any other country where women don't have freedom and independence.
    4. That other groups of photographers look down at here and believe that they other better and the country that she most covers don't have that much respect for women.
    5. Her safety and the selfishness of her profession in which it hurts those who love her.
    6. the picture with the three dead Libyan rebels reveals that people are being killed over a selfish dictator.

  10. 1. Three of the arguments Addario makes to defend her profession are:
    a) She mentions that it's her life and that she if she wants to be a journalist; she can be one no matter what other think or say.
    b) People see photography just as taking pictures but to her it's about relationships.
    c) It might not look safe for a woman but she mentions that she has been offered the 'utmost hospitality and protection and shelter in the Muslim world.'

    2. Building relationships is part of being a good photographer or journalist in the sense that if you get to know the people, you get to know more about the situations therefore when you have the camera in your hand, you know what moments are important to capture and which are not. Also you get to feel what other are feeling while going through the situation.

    3. Unlike males, females have a much different story to cover. Since in the Muslim world woman are mainly mistreated, they get to experience what women go through every day. Not only that, but they’re most likely to be accepted anywhere while males aren’t.

    4. Addario mentions that being a woman photographer seems to be a “chauvinistic profession”, by this she means that people seem to accept male photographers much easily that females. Also that it doesn’t seem to be accepted as a female job.

    5. Addario gives some of the reasons why being a female photographer is so hard and the main reasons are such as; it is physically demanding, it takes a great toll of your personal life, it’s lonely and emotional. I believe that Addario is making the right the decision in the end because like she mentioned, It’s her life and she’s doing what she enjoys doing.

    6. I chose the ‘Bodies of rebels killed around Ajdabiya.’ I think that it must be very emotional to actually witness these type of things. Being a woman, it must be very hard for Addario to see all of this and have to put up with the situation going on.

  11. 1)the three arguments she defended on were:
    a: its her life and she makes her own decisions
    b: people underestimate photography that its just about taking pictures but it involves relationships
    c: both men and women face the same dangers.

    2) she says having a good relationship is good because it allows for the photographer to really get in depth with the issue learn more about it.

    3)Types of stories women would cover better in than men is about violence against women. Since muslim women are treated of the lesser.

    4)By her meaning its a chauvinistic profession she means that men are more accepted in this issue than women.

    5) It is very difficult for being a female photographer since it is very demanding physically, the family of that person dont know if she is still alive. And being in an area that she doesnt know anyone can be very lonesome and slow. I cant say anything in saying if she is making the right choice since its her life and she can do anything to please it.
    6)I chose Bodies of rebels killed around Ajdabiya because it really hurts a person inside to see many dead people in one spot. Escpecially being a woman it can be very traumatizing to see that. It can very well scar a person for life.

  12. 1. Addario defends her profession in that she says the woman offer a very different perspective on things than men, another way she defends her profession is by stating that most people trust women more than men , also she has been offered hospitality by Muslims she is loved by alot of muslims.

    2. By building relationships you can get the most honest and most inner feeling and thoughts of people or the most beautiful or most amazing picture.

    3. The stories that woman can get the better coverage than men is stories that have to do with sentimental emotions because women are more sentimental than men.

    4.what assario means is that most jobs are mainly male dominant and that as a photographer men get better opportunities than women.

    5. The difficulties that addario says are hard is putting pain on her family and making her family suffer emotionally because there are times in her career that she cannot communicate with them because she can't and her family doesn't know if she is alive or not.i believe that she is making the right decision because she is pursuing her dream.

    6.march 3 pic. the picture is very disturbing and sad. the photo reavels all the bad and horrible things that the war causes. it evokes a lot of feeling most of them sad and anger related. it kind of gives you a view on why the people of that country feel the way they do.

  13. 1 its her job to cover this news and she says women have a different perspective and its also her life and she gets to decide what she does
    2 building a relationship can help better develop and understand whats going on
    3 women journalist get to understand more of the family issues that they can cover
    4 she means giving more than what you can see to truly show what is happening
    5 the risk of death and the loved one that might not know until certain time passed
    6 the picture with the dead men on the floor it shows what they have to photograph each day and how some of the material might be strong and have gore

  14. 1. the three main argument that Addario make are:
    -she has the rights to be whatever she wants no matter what peoples opinion is.
    -she makes her own decision in life no one else besides her can do that.
    -a woman has many advantages that a man himself doesn't have

    2.she said it herself, "it’s about doing your homework and making people comfortable enough where they open their lives to you." the Muslim world woman are mistreated, they get to experience what women go through every day.but they’re most likely to be accepted anywhere while males aren’t.

    4.this is non sense what she is saying is that people prefer male photographer rather than female.

    5.she says it very hard to be a photographer because she can't maintain a relationship and that she hardly home. an i think she make a pretty tough choice but i would applaud her for it because she pursing her dreams and she refuse to give up

    6. the dead body: looking at this picture it makes u feel very depressing it makes u think again on how fortunate and lucky we are

  15. By Mande Douohou and Erick Gutierrez(He didn't have a laptop so we worked together)1. -She stating that this is her life
    -She also stated that women were granted more privileges than men such as being allowed into homes
    -Women have great bonding and relationship experiences

    2.Having a good relationship lets the interviewer grow a stronger open feeling and is free to give out more information than they would to a stranger.

    3.Females have a better opportunity in cases that involve women's rights in sexist societies

    4. By chauvinistic she means that it is sexiest and portrayed mainly as a male activity

    5.She talks about things such as the struggles of her physical attributes, the equipments, and the selfishness she holds of her family not knowing weather she is alive or not. I feel that she has every right to continue in this profession but it is a very dangerous job indeed, but what jobs arn't dangerous these days?

    6.The photograph of the 3 dead bodies gives me a sense of sorrow and fear for the villagers and innocent people in war-torn societies.

  16. 1 its her job to cover this news and she says women have a different perspective and its also her life and she gets to decide what she does
    2 building a relationship can help better develop and understand whats going on
    3 women journalist get to understand more of the family issues that they can cover
    4 she means giving more than what you can see to truly show what is happening
    5 the risk of death and the loved one that might not know until certain time passed
    6 the picture with the dead men on the floor it shows what they have to photograph each day and how some of the material might be strong and have gore

  17. 1. She argues about her own decision as she wats to be a war photographer and the advantages of it and also the danger of war photography.
    2. If a good photographer builds relationships they might know more about their story and are more likely to give their photographs more detail.
    3. In the Muslim world, female journalists might be better at getting stories since they are more mistreated and they are more likely to be accepted at almost anywhere including private homes.
    4. What Addario means by photography as a chauvinistic job is because people might accept male photographers and their stories over her own work as a photographer.
    5. She explains the difficulties as a war photographer such as the risk of getting killed, the distance from her own family, and I also think she is doing the right decision working as a war photographer because if she wants to be a photographer its her decision and also she is informing people about the war, the number of people getting killed, and the current events on the war.
    6. In the picture with the dead rebel bodies I think this creates a deep emotional appeal as the people in the picture are all observing and having some deep sad thought about the blood and dead people.

  18. 1. One thing that Addairo said to backup her job was that this job that she is working on, can make men and woman face the same dangers. second is that she has no relationship because she knows her job will make it impossible to have a stable relatonship. Third she can enter to people lives more easy because she is constantly laughing so the people put their guard down.

    2.Building a relationship is part of being a good photographer,journalist because it makes the one who is going to be interviewd that Addario has more in mind that just taking pictures. To create a string that will make Addario and the person feel comfortable enough to get the details.

    3. Female journalist might have more success at covering stories like what happen with other women than male journalist. For example, violence agaisnt a woman, can be one because they will see that there is awoman journalist and it' same sex. Or probably get an interview with a man that does violence to a female.

    4. Addairo feels that the job is doing is a chauvinistic profession because its mostly ruled by men. That even though she gets along with her peers, men will think that they are the gender that will rule in that proffesion.

    5. One reason that why it is difficult would be because you can put your family in worrry. That makes the family feel uneasy because they dont know if they are okay. Another reason why it is diffcult is because someone who has this job wont have a stable relationship. Once they call her to do a photography job, she will be gone for almost 4 months and that makes it hard to have a strong relationship. Thirs is because it can affect someones life mentally and physically. I think that she should continue her job as long as she knows the risks she could be put off. She is old enough to measure the danger she is puting herself in those zones. If shes dedicated to feel lonely, then good for her.

    6.Photo number 5 shows what she is facing everyday while working there. The feeling it creates is dangerous for both men and women who work in this type of surroundings.

  19. 1.if she wants to do this, she has the right to do it. she is old enough to make her own decisions. it is also her job to do this.
    2.building a good relationship is good because you get to know someone better and also get help wen you need help, and also understand each others opinions. understand it better from a person who in this case is the women and understand her point of view.
    4.she means that she is going to show more than what people expect off from a woman.
    5.i think that she is doing this is because it is her passion, but her family worries a lot because she risks a lot but this would still not stop her from accomplishing this.
    6.the picture that attracted my attention was the picture with the rebels lying on the floor killed, and it caught my attention because it looked very deadly and brutal.

  20. 1)One argument Addario makes to defend her proffesion is that women offer a different perspective. Most male collagues can't enter private homes and Addriano has always been able to do that. Another argument Addriano makes is that both men and women face the same dangers when they go to Muslim places. women can be raped and men can be kidnapped and treated brutally. The last argument she makes is that its her life and her decisions. She enjoys what she does and feels that women have the same authorization of this job as men and nobody can tell her that she can't do what she loves.
    2)Building relationships is part of being a good photographer or journalist because making people comfortable enough where they open their lives to you can lead to getting full stories. The relationships with people lead to having good partners with you also.
    3)Female journalists are more capable of getting stories from innocent people that live in the war zones and their personal lives and perspectives because people might usually trust women more and see them as harmless. for as men from america, Muslim people wouldn't interact well with them.
    4)Addario thinks photography can be a chauvinistic profession because it takes a great toll of your personal life, its lonely, its physically demanding, you have to see and document things that take a lot to process both mentally and physically. Most women decide they want to put their personal lives first.
    5)I think its good for Addario to have such courage to go to a war zone and be a journalist. the world needs more women journalists as to seeing that they can do things that men usually can't. its her life and nobody but God can tell her what she can do with it.
    6)photo taken in Feb 28. this photo shows a residential neighborhood in Benghazi. It reveals the fear and the danger there is for people in the middle east. It evokes a sad feeling.

  21. 1.the three arguements she defended on were that:
    *she makes her own decisions in her on life
    *taking pictures its not photography its really about the relationships
    *both men and women faces the same danger in life
    2. she says having a good relationship in photography b/c it makes anyone to get into the issue of the assignment even more getting to know the topic she talking about and knowing everything thats happening
    3.types of stories women would cover is that they have more open doors than man....women have more success than man in war
    4.she still thinks photography can be a “chauvinistic profession,”b/c it has to do with attitude and men have more to be in this issue than women
    5.well its difficult to be in a situation like addario is in b/c she putting her family in a bad crisis not knowing if she still alive or not but i believe its not a right choice to risk your life in a photography on a war zone but its her life anyone can do what ever comes to mind everyone has there own decisions
    6.i would choice March 3: Bodies of rebels killed around Ajdabiya b/c its really sad n it hurts to see bodies in the ground bleedin to death in the spot of anyone in there way. if i was addario i would be really scare and afraid with everyone i would see over in ajdabiya it would freak me out and bring me nightmares

  22. 1:Arguments that Addario makes to defend her profession are: becasue as a women she can offer different prespective,she doesnt take photography as just taking pictures but for her is about relationships, and also because she thinks that men and women should do what they belive they should should do.

    2:Building relationships is part of being a good photographer or journalist because in that way you are able to understand better on what people are going to thru instead of taking just a picture of what is happen and not getting the whole point of the picture being taken.

    3. The type of stories that women journalists have more success on covering than male journalists is the some male are not able to cover some stories because depending on how conservative a family is but as for women they have the advantage to go in a private house or in a very conservative family to get a story becasue they are women.

    4.What she means by chauvinistic profession is that men get tread way different that women photographers.

    5.Addario describes the reasons working as a female photographer is difficult because it takes a way a big part of their personal lifes and requires alot of commitment in on that job but i think she is making the right choice by still continuing to work as a war photoghrapher becasue she say thats what she like doing in her life.

    6.Photo of March 3 where the kid washed after he was killed. Looking at this pictures makes me feel bad for the kids that are there becasue they are inoccent and they dont deserve to die for no reason.

  23. 1.To support her argument she says that
    a.if a women wants to photograph they should let her because its her life.
    b. women can get another respective of the warzone than men.
    c.women can enter to some places men are not allowed to enter and she is proud to be a women was very important to built a relationship to her with the people because she could get more pictures and stories about the war.
    3. women can get stories about women being affected by the war. photos in the frontline of battle.
    4. by chauvinistic profession addrio means that people think men are the only ones that can go to the warzone and cover or take picture of it.becauseif women go they would be put in danger and they have little rights in those countries too.
    5.addrio says its hard to be a photagropher because it physically demanding and many women want to put their personalize life first. so many women get lonely and emotionally estress.
    6.the picture i choosed was a residential neighborhood in benghazi becuase it shows the destruction of little communities and how people have abandone there cities and towns.

  24. From Aaron & Samuelson

    1) She said that that its her choice to be a photographer in the war , also that women has different perspectives that men and that women are treated the same as men.

    2) It is good have a relationship when you are a journalist because you can always have people to be with you all the time and you cover the story that you are doing better. When a photographer is working with other people they create a bond that will help them in the future.

    3) I think the stories that women can cover better than men are the stories that has to do with women being treated bad in other places. I think those women will fell free to talk to another woman about there problem and not another man.

    4) I think it means it can be good or bad, yet Lynsey still feel like they are biased against her because females are not allowed to go to war zone.

    5) Just by being a female makes her job more difficult. Lynsey Addario say that the most difficult part was being detained and being concern that her family don't know if she is dead or alive. I think that if she still goes to war zone and work, than she will demonstrate that women can do the jobs men do and not to feel empowered by it.

    6) Well i choose the picture where the neighborhood is destroyed. I just felt kind of angry of what the government is doing to its own people.

  25. 1. Many people criticize Addario and other female journalists for putting themselves in danger in war zones, especially in the Muslim world. List at least three of the arguments Addario makes to defend her profession.
    Different perspective, women look at things differently, get along more with Muslim families. And it also builds relationships.
    2. Addario says, “People think photography is about photographing. To me, it’s about relationships.” Explain why building relationships is part of being a good photographer or journalist.
    That way you know the persons life and their personality. Why they’re the way they’re.
    3. What types of stories might female journalists have more success covering than male journalists? Explain.
    Women abuse, female photographers will look at this differently than male photographers, because they are women therefore they look at in a different perspective.
    4. Addario explains that even though she feels accepted by her peers, she still thinks photography can be a “chauvinistic profession.” Explain what she means by this.
    People looks at photography in a male’s job and it shouldn’t be like that it can also be a female’s job.
    5. In the final paragraphs, Addario describes the reasons working as a female photographer is difficult. Summarize these reasons, and tell us whether you think she’s making the right decision by continuing to work in war zones, and why.
    It ruins your personal life basically you can’t really have one, you might get traumatized and also physically hurt. You make your loved one go through a rough time by them not knowing how you’re. I think personally its not right because you’re a endangering life out there taking pictures of that.
    6. Choose one of the photos featured in the article. Write about what the photo reveals and the feelings it evokes.
    The one with the wounded men lying on the floor. That is scary and sad because I wouldn’t like to go through that. It seems so real and also the man with the whole on his chest that’s scary!

  26. 1. is her life.
    b.she decides what to do with it.
    c.women offer a different perspective than men. is about informing other people about stuff they dont know about.
    3.women get mistreated,get killed during war,get mistreated by men.
    4.she says that because there are still negative comments about women being reporters is hard for women to have a social life and they worry about their families. i agree with her because she is doing something she likes and wants to inform the people.
    6.the one with the dead body it clearly shows how badly people get treated during war or at any time.

  27. 1.a.womens offer a different perspective is about relationship
    c.she has been treated the best in the Muslim world

    2.well i think that when you build a good relationship with a person you have more chances of getting a good report addario said she tell jokes and make people laugh and by having the advantage of a woman they can get more stories than man because of the woman mistreatment on the muslim world

    4.well i think that is because males are more common to the profession than females

    5.she says that she cant get a good relationship because shes out most of the time for moths

    6.i think that the bodies on the floor dead realy impact of how people are taking things real seriously in the muslim world and its just sad because its just for a stupid reason they should all like how things are
