Monday, March 28, 2011

Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Weapons

With a partner or by yourself, read all the parts of
this graphic. Respond with one posting on the blog, and put the names of you and your partner at the bottom.

Why does this feature argue that signing the non-proliferation treaty is ironically a smart step toward getting nuclear weapons?

What are the advantages and disadvantages to using uranium or plutonium to create a bomb?

If you were a rogue nation seeking a nuclear weapons program, which would you choose and why?

Why isn’t a country necessarily dangerous just because it has a nuclear weapon?

Many components of nuclear weapons can be bought on the black market. Name one country that you believe would be a hot spot for illegal nuclear parts trading, and explain why.

The non-proliferation treaty requires nuclear states to “mentor” other nations in developing their peaceful nuclear programs. How has this backfired to defeat the purpose of the treaty?

If you were a nation hoping to secretly start a nuclear program, what would be your strategy?


  1. 1.Why does this feature argue that signing the non-proliferation treaty is ironically a smart step toward getting nuclear weapons?
    This feature argues about this being a smart step because its a way for countries to actually start controlling the nuclear program and coordinating what countries will be in disposal of this. It also allows nations to pursue these programs in order to administer the creation of weapons and how they can be useful without going over the board. The non-proliferation treaty is probably a way in which countries can be more trusted so they can develop their own programs which puts into question if there any different from others who didn't sign the treaty.

    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using uranium or plutonium to create a bomb?
    The process of producing fissile material is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. In the case of uranium, the process begins with the extraction of the white-nickel metal. The advantages of using uranium is that it can be enriched to create more nuclear power along with plutonium. It is also more safer than handling other isotopes since its more simple for the designs. The disadvantages are that its less plutonium than uranium is necessary to build a bomb, plutonium is harder to work with; it is extremely harmful when inhaled and tens of thousands of times more radioactive. Also, it can cause damage to the environment and bring health concerns.

    3.If you were a rogue nation seeking a nuclear weapons program, which would you choose and why?
    We would choose a nuclear program to develop weapons such as nuclear missiles, rockets and weaponry that can test the power of the nuclear energy being enriched, but keep it limited to the point where if our nation is in threat then we can use it.

    4. Why isn’t a country necessarily dangerous just because it has a nuclear weapon?
    It isn't dangerous because many who have nuclear weapons keep them conserved while they use the rest of their nuclear supply to make electricity. Only in time of war will they use tactics to unleash their arsenal but many countries already have been influenced by how much control they have over it so it leaves the question: who is more dangerous in the matter?

    5. Many components of nuclear weapons can be bought on the black market. Name one country that you believe would be a hot spot for illegal nuclear parts trading, and explain why.
    One nation that points out the most is Iran along with North Korea. Mostly Iran because they have for many years now have found ways in exporting nuclear products such as uranium and plutonium to their nation and enriching it in secrecy. Along with what it says in the graphic, Iran along with other 49 nations have been found to hose networks that was exposed in 2003 for equipping countries with nuclear material, machinery and the know-how to produce enriched uranium to fuel weapons.

    6.The non-proliferation treaty requires nuclear states to “mentor” other nations in developing their peaceful nuclear programs. How has this backfired to defeat the purpose of the treaty?
    This has only created more conflicts because many countries feel that there national sovereignty is being violated or also, countries "help" by sending materials which are banned. It has also led for many nations to hold secret spots where they develop their weapons. It has turned into a whole wreckage as many have threatened to go to war. The international community is struggling to maintain order with this.

    7.If you were a nation hoping to secretly start a nuclear program, what would be your strategy?
    My strategy is simple:
    1) Make an alliance with nations who are developed and have major control over the nuclear distribution.
    2)Then sign a treaty (if they make one).
    3)Form secret spots for nuclear development and get supplies for this.
    4)When getting the supplies, enrich the uranium and form weapons.
    5)Make a whole scene about it if they found out. Then if necessary, go to war. :)

  2. 1.because it lets countries persue nuclear programs giving them access to nuclear power and many countries use the excuse that the nuclear power is being used for civilian purposes to cover the fact that they are making bombs.2.uranium can be safer to handle then plutonium,however it requires more uranium to make a bomb.unlike uranium plutonium requires less amounts to make bombs but it is extremly harmful to work with and highly more radioactive then uranium.3.because even though it has materials to make a bomb it still requires alot of stuff to make it a threat such as having missiles or other forms of delivery mechanism and it also would have to go through long process of weapon designs and assembly systems.4.iran, because it has sold weapons illegaly to many countries such as lybia and north korea.5.many countries who are suppose to guide other countries on how to properly use the nuclear energy have aided other countries in building nuclear weapons and supplied them with the materials needed to do so.

  3. 1. Signing the non-proliferation treaty is ironically a smart step toward getting nuclear weapon because it show the international communities on paper that a country will uphold all the articles in the treaty, and that they will excercise with their nuclear materials responsibly.
    2. The advantage of using plutonium when making nuclear weapons is that it take less plutonium to make nuclear weapons but plutonium is much more dangerous to handle and harmful when inhaled. Uranium is needed more when making weapons but it's safer and less harmful to handle.
    3. If I was rouge nation seeking a nuclear weapon program, I would choose Plutonium because I will only need a small amount of it to make weapons.
    4. A country isn't necessarily dangerous if they possess nuclear weapons because they can just use it for self defense and to show that world that they're developed and they're responsible when having those weapons.
    5. I think China would be a hot spot for illegal nuclear parts trading because it is a very private country and the govt. can hide anything they want, plus China has a lot of neccessary connections when it come to weapons
    6. This has backfired and defeat the purpose of the treaty because nations now are just joining a race to compete and see who will have the most nuclear weapons because the more they have, the more they have control over their region.

  4. 1) They can pursue to make nuclear weapons without the UN breathing down their neck.
    2) Is is easier to handle but it radioactive.
    3) Uranium b/c it’s easier to handle and to hide.
    4) If they don’t have missiles they aren't considered a threat.
    5) Iran b/c it looks suspicious with its nuclear power for the people.
    6) They don’t do it for peaceful purposes and they can easily help their allies out.
    7) A. Join the non-proliferation treaty.
    B. Get the materials
    C. Create machines for the nuclear power
    D. Mentor helps us
    E. done and secretly prepare missiles just in case

  5. 1. Because the countries can get nuclear material to build these weapons of mass destruction
    2. The advantages of having a Nuclear Bomb is security for your country and the disadvantage of it being used
    3. Uranium would be the one that I would like because its easier to have under control.
    4. Because that doesnt nesseraily mean that they would attack someone with it.
    5. I think Iran because there nuclear production is increasing very much
    6. Because the mentors also help these countries with advancing there nuclear programs and also nuclear arsenel.

  6. Why does this feature argue that signing the non-proliferation treaty is ironically a smart step toward getting nuclear weapons? Because, once countries sign the non-proliferation treaty, they have the right to buy nuclear supplies for energy purpose.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages to using uranium or plutonium to create a bomb? The advantage of using uranium and plutonium to create a bomb they both can be used to create deadly weapons and their disadvantage is that they are both harmful.
    If you were a rogue nation seeking a nuclear weapons program, which would you choose and why? If I was rogue nation I would seek uranium, because it is easier to handle and more it’s efficient.
    Why isn’t a country necessarily dangerous just because it has a nuclear weapon? How the leaders are seeking to build nuclear facilities and also the demand of nuclear supplies.
    Many components of nuclear weapons can be bought on the black market. Name one country that you believe would be a hot spot for illegal nuclear parts trading, and explain why. South Korea and Iran, because these two countries have been acting out lately, especially Iran has been threatening Israel.
    The non-proliferation treaty requires nuclear states to “mentor” other nations in developing their peaceful nuclear programs. How has this backfired to defeat the purpose of the treaty? Because they are basically teaching them how to make nuclear bomb and they are also supplying them with nuclear weapons.

    If you were a nation hoping to secretly start a nuclear program, what would be your strategy? I would probably learn from the top countries.

  7. 1. they can develop their nuclear program without being accused they are using it for the wrong reasons.
    2. uranium can be safer and easier to manage while its also time consuming and requires alot of materials.
    Plutonium is hard to handle and dangerous but it only requires a small amount.
    3.i would choose plutonium because it only requires so much
    4.Once fissile material is acquired, a state has to develop a weapon design or assembly system, usually either a gun-type or an implosion bomb.In addition to actual weapons, a state must also have missiles, rockets or another delivery mechanism in order to be a nuclear threat.
    5.russia because the acquire the most and because they acquire crazy russians
    6.instead of mentorng theses countries aid other nations and help them create a bomb.

  8. 1. 1. It’s safer because countries have the rights to make nuclear weapons peacefully but at the same time there’s no provision that in force the treaty or treatment.
    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using uranium or plutonium to create a bomb?
    The advantages of using uranium and plutonium is that there both can be enriched to create more nuclear power along. The advantage of using Plutonium in nuclear bombs over Uranium is that much lesser of it is required for the purpose of the bomb being equally destructive. A disadvantage is that plutonium increased radioactivity, its reactivity and volatility. It can use to captured and produce electric energy without directly emitting greenhouse gases. Per weight, it can produce a larger amount of energy compared with other carbon-based sources. However, without proper shielding, the decay products can cause radiation poisoning. As the radiation requires a large facility to shield, it becomes efficient to build large reactors to recoup the costs of shielding the radiation.

    3. If you were a rogue nation seeking a nuclear weapons program, which would you choose and why?
    As a nation, I would choose uranium because it’s less dangerous to the planet, but deadly if exposed to humans.

    4. Why isn’t a country necessarily dangerous just because it has a nuclear weapon?
    A country isn’t dangerous even if they have nuclear weapons because they don’t threat other countries or use it for unreasonable purposes.

    5. Many components of nuclear weapons can be bought on the black market. Name one country that you believe would be a hot spot for illegal nuclear parts trading, and explain why?
    Dubai served as a major transshipment point for a number of nuclear-related cargoes. The location of the country makes it hot spot for Iran and other Middle Eastern countries.

    6. The non-proliferation treaty requires nuclear states to “mentor” other nations in developing their peaceful nuclear programs. How has this backfired to defeat the purpose of the treaty?
    This let to countries hiding their Nuclear weapons and secret facilities. Nations are also competing with each to find out who can have a lot of nuclear power.
