Monday, March 21, 2011

Do you agree or disagree with the protestors?

Hundreds protest treatment of alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower

By the CNN Wire Staff
March 21, 2011 8:33 a.m. EDT
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Protesters: WikiLeaks suspect a 'hero'
  • Hundreds of demonstrators protest the treatment of Army private
  • 1971 Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg among the protesters
  • Ellsberg and retired Army Col. Ann Wright are among dozens arrested
Washington (CNN) -- Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the gates of Quantico Marine Base in Virginia Sunday to protest the treatment of Bradley Manning, who is being held at the base prison on charges that he released classified government documents to the site WikiLeaks.
Among them were Daniel Ellsberg, the 1971 Pentagon Papers leaker and Retired U.S. Army Col. Ann Wright, both of whom were arrested along with at least 31 other protesters, according to rally organizers. See a exclusive interview with Ellsberg in which he talks about his kinship with Manning.
The 23-year-old Army private is accused of giving WikiLeaks hundreds of thousands of classified military and State Department documents, and is awaiting a military decision on whether he will face a court-martial.
The protesters marched near the base, carried placards, shouted slogans, chanted "Free Bradley Manning" and left flowers in front of an Iwo Jima monument at the entrance of the base. Supporters of Manning and WikiLeaks also made speeches deploring Manning's alleged treatment and asserting that the dissemination of secret military documents is vital for democracy.
Did Army ignore WikiLeaks warnings?
Secy. Clinton spokesman out
Later police arrested dozens of protesters for apparently blocking an intersection leading to the base. Prince William County police did not provide CNN information about the arrested protesters Sunday night, including what possible charges they might face.
Reports that Manning has been held in near-total isolation and forced to sleep without clothing during his nearly eight-month detention has sparked outrage from human rights and peace activists. The controversy even played a hand in the resignation of now-former State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley, who reportedly suggested that the Defense Department is mistreating Manning.
Ellsberg told CNN that Crowley "acted honorably and boldly" for uttering the remarks that resulted in Crowley's departure. Crowley called the treatment of Manning at the hands of the military "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid."
Ellsberg called Manning's detention illegal.
"The president could change this treatment of him. Apparently, (President Barack Obama) has been told by the Defense Department that this is appropriate," Ellsberg said. "That's a terrible commentary on our standards, which means that they feel free to use illegal measures against someone in their custody."
Ellsberg said the Marines holding Bradley should not wait for an order from Obama "to stop disobeying the law."
Ellsberg said his opinion is shared by legal experts across the country.
"As a Marine I am ashamed that the corps is doing this," said Ellsberg, "and I would like to see them stop it."
Sunday evening, the protesters put their grievances in a open letter addressed to Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
In addition to Ellsberg and Wright, the letter is signed by a number of musicians and actors, including Rosanne Cash, Michael Stipe of R.E.M., Danny Glover and Viggo Mortensen.
The Obama administration has said repeatedly that Manning is being treated properly.
David House, a friend of Manning's, disputes that. House told CNN that he has visited Manning nine times since the soldier was taken into custody. House said that his friend recently appeared to be in "decline mentally and physically."
House said Manning also has been reluctant during recent visits to discuss his treatment. Manning's attorney has said that, among other things, his client has been put on suicide watch and forced to stand at attention while naked.
Military officials have said Manning has been forced to sleep naked to prevent him from committing suicide.
"There can be no conceivable justification for this type of degrading treatment," the letter from the activists says. "It brings back memories of the abuses committed in Abu Ghraib, which blackened the reputation of America's armed forces," said the letter, referring to an Iraqi prison that was the center of a prisoner abuse scandal.
The letter demands an immediate investigation into the conditions of Manning's detention.
On Sunday, many of the 400 supporters, peace activists and veterans tried to enter an administrative building to deliver a letter to Base Commander Daniel Choike, but were stopped by police.
It was the second straight day of rallies -- and arrests -- for many of the protesters, including those from antiwar groups Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against War and Code Pink, who attended a demonstration in front of the White House on Saturday to mark the eighth anniversary of the war in Iraq.
For Ellsberg, Sunday marked his second arrest for the weekend.
Ellsberg famously leaked thousands of classified documents -- dubbed the Pentagon Papers -- that revealed that top American officials were actively concealing the "unwinnable" reality of the Vietnam War from the public.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree that that Manning should be free. Even if he let people know about top secret information, there have always been leaks in the Pentagon. So why leave a man being watched naked? Set him free, you can keep watch over him though not have him captive all the time.

  3. What this mam is doing is wrong, because he dosen soposto be saying anithing abut how the malitari dose in there. I think that enemigs countrys may us that information gins the country. The praiveci of the military nis to keep cofident, is not to be saying it arownd.No one like that and if he has t go to jill for doing that that is faind.

  4. Why can't Obama just tell them to stop doing this to Manning, this is not a the correct way to bring justice! Their making a bad example to the U.S people... And they have no right to act this way!

  5. i believe that the protesters should be free. but even if one of them leak something the people have no right to torture him like that . i think that im truly neutral cause both reyna and christian have a point. but i still think that he shouldn't be tortue

  6. I agree with Reyna, but i won't classified it as dumb i would say more like horrifying!!!

  7. , I Think They Shoudln't treat them like that because it's cruel. But really theres is no necessity to torture him like that. I don't agree with it because i think it's dumb what they are doing, and i think Manning should be free.

  8. What they did was wrong exposing information of other people. they should be protecting them not putting them in danger or anything like that. they should keep him in jail. privacy is something that should be keep only for yourself, not to the entire world to know that is why is called private.

  9. there should be further investigations to the allegations of protesters that are claiming that Brad Manning is being abused of his human rights. If these allegations are right. The people responsible for this abuse should be arrested.

  10. I belive that Manning should be freed because what they are doing to him is not the right way to bring justice. Even though he let people know about the top-secret information, it does not mean that he should be treated like that. Told or not told, the information would havebeen eventually been leaked somehow...

  11. if it is true he is being held there with out proper cothing or a place to sleep, it will attract more protestors and what does the pentagon has to hide its not like he was about to reveal a life or death secret of the u.s

  12. I think they should let the protesters free because this man already gave those top secret information he cant get those back and torture a man its not a way to punish some one

  13. I Think The Protestors Have No Right To Be Treathening Manning Like That.. Just To Get Justice, Its So Cruel; Obama Just Need To Let Them Know Whats Going On..Protestors Shouldnt Be In Prison For No Reason Everyone Gots the Right To Speak Out Loud What They Think.This Is So Unfair To Those People.

  14. i think that this men is doing wrong in saying some of the top secrets but its not good how the people are threating him. they should leave manning free.

  15. personally i think the goverment should never hide thing from the public and also a man showing infromation about vietnam shouldn't be a problem because it was during the 1950's (is that right?)and lasttime i checked we did some pretty bad things there coughmilaicough

  16. I Belive The Protesters Should Be Free, They Were Just Protesting And There Is Nothing Wrong With That.They Had The Right To Say Whats In Their Mind.
    Plus Why Would The Goverment Have Secret Document.? Why Would They Be Hiding Anything From The Public.? This Man Did Nothing Wrong. This Is Just Being Unfair.

  17. The person gotten arrested should have been smart enough to not let the governments secrets out he should have known this would happen but the treatment in jail iss mest up and the arrests whats that about you tell me im bloking an intersection no homie im standing on grass i can protest.

  18. I think manning should be free even though he told people top secret info. it does'nt mean you got to lock somenone up &nd treat him with cruelty.anyways people will still find out about the top secret information even if manning did or didn't tell them abt it.&nd the protesters that got locked up i think they should bne free becuase they were just having the freedom of speech &nd telling the people what they feel &nd expressing themselves

  19. i think that the way they're treating manning is not te right way it all happende because he opened his mouth... so!!! whats the probolem sooner or later everyone was going to find out we have the freedom of speech i think they should stop this and let manning free!!!

  20. There should not no ignorance towards this issue what so ever. I believe that they cross the line making Manning sleep naked because of suicides attempts.i agree with Josue Rodriguez there should be a Stop.

  21. I think that they have there right to protest and freedom of speech.And also about torture to Bradley Manning it just kind of stupid cause he gave information away, secret information about the Vietnam war which was a long time ago.Also he can be in jail and custody but not be torture like he is right now for giving information.

  22. I think that they should let manning be free because as it is say on the human rights article that there is no right to torture. therefore this people does not have the right to be torturing manning for such a simple mistake he made. in fact they should also let the rest of the protesters be free.

  23. i think they shouldn't be treating him like that. but in other hand he shouldn't give top secret stuff to other people.

  24. i think it is very bad thing. The protester has being treat very badly. Everybody have freedom to live freely. We know that is the wrong things But i think the fighting for another country is not a good ideal because it can be harmed for U.S. The result will be the same like Vietnam condition. It getting worse . We can make the metting with every country in the world to discussing what we should do

  25. what this people is doing with manning is wrong! they shouldnt take justice for themself thats why prison exist..who this people thinks they are..they are not different from manning...manning still have rights because he is a human like us and there's not enough reason for this people to be treating him like that...he is not a dog he is a person..and he doesnt deserve to be treated like that...(barack obama)should do something about it...because he is the president...thats his job!!!

  26. I argee with the protesters. Yeah the guy let out some info, but that is not a way to punish them, even though "justice" is needed in a case like so, cruel and unhumane punishments like maiking the poor guy sleep naked isn't needed. That's not pnishmwent, it's torture! Honestly it's not a matter of what the President thinks or should do. What should be shown in the table though are human rights, many of these rights are being violated! The protester should be able to PEACEFULLY protest, and they shall NOT be subjected to TORTURE. What's the point of having laws and articles if they won't be put to use. Let the protesters be and hey abide by the law. There's always leaks, so why be so secretive.

  27. Wow this is absolutly ridiculouse no one should be treated this way i understand that it was classified information and i understand the need for privacy in the government in order to keep its citizens safe and not let its plans be divolged so that ememies might attack but this is something that is far behind us and did not cause any harm, and also something like tis should be our right to know.Personaly i dont think it makes a difference anymore and i dont see the point of the govenments actions but i believe that its actions like this made by the government that is causing a rising distrust from the citizens, and imagine if our government is willing to treat its own citizen this way then how much worse would they treat prisoners of war? Our country is based on freedom and equality i dont see this being shown right now and there would be no worry of suicide if they were treating him sivily.

  28. This is not the way to bring justice, its wrong what they're doing to manning. Ok it was wrong that he told the whole world the goverment secrets, but the he shoulnt be treated like that! Obama should stop them from doing this,and i agree with mitzi they so........ crossed the line

  29. I think that Manning and others who have leaked classified govt. info should have not done that and they should know the concequences of giving that information out...i also think they should let Manning out of prison or if they can't do that well they should at least not treat Manning badly. President Obama should stop these people from treating Manning like that. Also the protesters aren't doing anything wrong...they should get arrested or be traeted bad...they are just saying what they feel,its freedom of speech and they have the right to that.

  30. i think they doing a bad thing torturing manning.they should let him and the other protestors let them free.

  31. i think the government is really bad to treat the protestors.they should stop what they doing now. and people has freedom of speech..

  32. government papers, are government papers. they should not be taken for granted, the action that he took to post those papers, are completely illegal, no matter if he did it for a good cause. is if it was his wish to do what he did, he must be over joyed to be naked in his sleep while behind bars

  33. Manning shouldn't be treated like this. This punishment is too cruel and inhumane, he's being treated worse than a murderer. His punishment should be much less severe, but personally, I believe that he shouldn't be punished at all because every citizen has the right to know about what's going on with their government.

  34. manning didnt kill anyone for him to be tortured or arrested. they should let him go because in a way they are abusing his human rights because a person should be able to hAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

  35. I believe that Manning should not be detained in the conditions the Marines has him in. They have him sleep and stand at attention naked. To me this is cruel and they try and cover the fact by saying their doing so, so that Manning will not commit suicide. Thats total BS and everyone can see that. What they should do is free Manning and give him a diffrent punishment because he did do something wrong by leaking PRIVATE MILITARY INTELLEGENT DOCUMENTS out to the public. Those documents were confidential and should'nt have been released that way. Im sure he took an oath of some kind, Manning I'm sure knows the consequences of releasig documents like that out so everyone can see. He knew what he was getting himself into.

  36. At Karina Cruz there is a limit of this so called "freedon of speech" if anyone can go out and just say whatever that popped into their mind America would be a crazy country. Manning went over board with this "freedom of speech". Maybe the USA citizens should know about what their goverment is up to but at the same time the documents were confidential.

  37. I think it is appropriate for the United States government to arrest Manning, but non-appropriate that they use illicit means to imprison him. It is against human rights, in my opinion, and is degrading that they force Manning to sleep naked. It is one thing to have someone on suicide watch but force him to sleep naked is crossing the line.

  38. I dont think Manning should have been punished like that. In fact he was being tortured not punished. It is true that maybe he did release some important confidential information but still that is no way to treat another person. I believe that human rights should be respected and punishments like these should not exist.

  39. Manning should be free, but his action have to come with some kind of punishment because he gave away information that the United State pentogon considered a secret. Any one can see them even our enemies.

  40. To cece, I am in accord I believe this punishment should be viewed as 'cruel and unusual punishment'.

  41. We all know that the government in ANY place is NEVER going to give out the REAL truth to the public. There's always going to be secret documents, secret facts, and all sorts of stuff kept to themselves.
    I believe that the government did all this because they KNOW what that man told the public was the truth and they felt the need to punish him for giving out information that was not supposed to be given out or were trying to keep a secret.
    But down to it all, I think that it's pretty unfair to Manning because he simply spoke what he knew or found out, it isn't his fault that he happened to know all this. Maybe if the government didn't want this to happen, they should be more careful with their security system. So this is unfair and i believe the protesters have the right to fight for Manning.
    The gov is being simply UNFAIR.

  42. I agree with cece. The conditions they put manning in were not good, and they had no right to do that so they used "suicide" as an excuse to punish him that way. Also I agree that maybe he does deserve some type of punishment but not like that.

  43. To Crystal their is no proof to show that he is indeed being tortured so I do not think that comment was necessary. (:

  44. To Derege: Yeah, maybe it was a real important secret but it's the governments fault for not being aware of the safety of this 'secret'.
    There's no need to be this cruel to the man.
    There's something called Freedom of speech.

  45. To Jennifer Manning did not happen to know these secret documents he was part of it (goverment) but decided "oh maybe people should know about this, even people from other countires (who can be our eemies)". I do agree with you on the fact that there will always be secret documents in our country and there is nothng we can really do about it. In a way the goverment is protecting us from the "enemy". c(:

  46. Jennifer: It's the governments responsibility but what kind of government have to watch out for their own citzens from stealing their personal and secret document.

  47. Does the United Sates only serve to outrage it's citizens? What is this? A lesson for any other would be leakers? It is truly sickening to see that such a "model" establishment reverts to barborous tactics to intimidate and bully our populous. How feeble minded seeing as we live in an age where information spreads like wildfire. And I've lost too much faith in our government for Manning's arrest to be justified. When an "advanced" and "developed" nation such as this can't even treat it's soldiers, it's rightful citizens respectful treatment that every human being has a right to, his arrest cannot be justifed simply because "it's the law," when the law is upheld by tyrants.

  48. To Derege: Well apparently OUR 'government' does. Apparently citizens don't seem to care for the safety of their OWN country.

    To Christelle: Well whose fault is it in the end? The gov's because they should be aware of the kind of people they have. But yes, it is kind of messed up of the fact that any of our "enemies" could read these "secrets".

  49. Jennifer: Therefore Manning is one of those citzens who doesnt care about his country, and deserves some kind of punishment for cyber attacking the US defense.

  50. Are you serious? Yes Manning risked his personal rights "just because he wanted to be a traitor and tell the 'enemy'(whoever the hell that is) our 'secrets'." Because the al-Quaeda is constantly reading through Wilileaks. These documents aren't plans for the Death Star, or layouts for the pentagon giving weak spots. These documents are confidential beacause they detail the government's cold beauraucratic handling of policy. When you take a look behind the curtain, you'll see that most politicians don't care much for loss of lives or heightening the living standard of our people.

  51. To SaynyorPhallic our "enemies" (as if you do not kow who they are) are out to be at the top and want America at the bottom. They would do anything to pull our goverment down. Yes perhaps most politicians do not care about the loss of lives but we the people can take care of that situation that is why our goverment is goverened the way it is. So we the people can do something about it. c(:

  52. well i think they should keep manning because he did classify government documents and i think that just not right because some other person might get the documents and use them for bad things.

  53. the treatment that manning is receiving is unjust and should be corrected immediately. no man for whatever he did deserves to be held and made to stay naked for 8 months. i believe that government officials are treating him like this so that they can get information out of him. protesters have all the right to be in the street and use their freedom of speech. what the cops are doing to protesters is unconstitutional.

  54. I believe that the way they are holding Manning is inhuman but necessary. This man is posing a threat to our society and releasing several documents to the entire world including our enemies. If the government keeps secrets its for a reason maybe its for their own biding or maybe its because the people are not ready for what is at stake here; but that still doesn't give a person the right to reveal the governments policies.

  55. The government had a reason to why to arrest him for showing to the public confidential paper work but he shouldnt be kept inprisoned from it. It is good that many people want to get them free. He knows what he did and he probably had a reason to do it but the government just hides to many things and it was okay to be exposed both in a positive and negative effect. I think just let him free...

  56. i agree wiht the people they shouldnt treat manning like this because this is taking the peoples right that in the constitution says and i wonder what obama has done about it

  57. I think that the government should be mad because Brad Manning put out private documents/information out on the website, but in the other hand it was the right thing because that way the people know what is going on. People are protesting beacuse they appreciate what Manning did but helping them know more. The government is doing the right thing for themselves by having him in jail and according to the people it isn't the right thing because they being injustice.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. i believe this is a cruel thing to do to a poor man its torture it aint right only b/c he let some information out dont mean he gotta suffer this way they should let him free n also the protesters

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. i think i would agree with the protesters because a marine can not disobey a president's order.but also the president said that Manning is being treated right,i don't think that for someone that has to sleep naked is being treated right.they say that they made him do that so he won't commit suicide but i don't really think that is necessary. i think that Manning and the protesters should be free.the protesters are doing what they believe in and they have freedom of speech.and Manning just did a mistake that doesn't have to be handle like this.for them to make him sleep naked is just cruel.instead of arresting protesters they should punish the marine that wants to disobey the president's order.

  62. manning should be let free all the documents that where let out where about the vietnam war. a war that the united states never should had enter in the first place. people already know what they did there and there secret operations that too cover. manning has been treated like a wild animal force to sleep naked and be put on suicide watch. and the president doesnt even care why has our goverment falling so much.

  63. i believe that Manning should be set free he did make a mistake by leaking out personal information from the government because before entering the marine corps everyone is to take the oath and the oath is "I, XXXXXXXXXX, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." he broke this out by spilling information out on the internet but yet the peoples that are holding him captive are very wrong. they are abusing this man and violating his rights, by making him sleep naked that is just crossing the line of human rights. they dont have to treat him like this. are they just mad because what he posted online is true is that why they are treating this man like that. there is proof that he is being abuse so why wont the president step up and do something about it why is he just sitting there and acting as if nothing is happening!! this needs to be stop the protester are right THEY NEED TO SET HIM FREE!!

  64. I agree with the protesters that they should free Manning and stop torturing him with harsh punishment because this is against human rights and justice. He may have committed a wrong act by leaking top secret information, and he could have gone to jail for what he did, but nobody should be tortured that way.

  65. the government is being really unfair and cruel. if Manning wasn't supposed to say those things then maybe there could be a consequence but treating a man like that for letting the people know what's really gping on is simply wrong. we have freedom of speech and let's face it, theres lots people that work for the gvt. that have said things that were supposed to be a "secret". it was about the vietnam war which was a pretty long time ago. i can see why the protesters would be angry. they have the right to protest and they shouldn't be arrested either.

  66. i agree with this i think that this men should not be treated this way because this punishment being done is very cruel. i also think that the government shouldnt keep information away from the people and it was right for him to say what he said since hed has freedom of speech and just becasue of that he is getting this sort of punishment it just not right.

  67. i think that is to far and insted should be punished in a different way for what manning did.

  68. i believe the government should come out straight and be truthful to its people and the man should not be treated with such a punishment. its almost always the protester that are right when it come to this kind of thing because it affects them the most and should have rights

  69. to dan i agree with what you are saying

  70. I think what the US military did to the guy is totally cool because the documents were top secret andhe just leaked them like that. THe documents were top secret for a reason and him leaking the documents could cause serious security threat to the united states and us the citizens. I dont think the way they are treating him is inhumane in anyway because they are trying to prevent him from committing suicide so him sleepin naked i think is good for his own good. I think eventhing the militry isdoing right now is good.

  71. I think that the way Manning is being treated is good becaused he is releasing classified information that only the government has the authority to know. By realiesed the classified information it can make USA more vurnable to terrorist attacks and can hurt thousands of people who live in America

  72. Yes, I agree that he shouldn't be punished like that 'cause of what he did but he shouldn't of expose those top secret files to the whole world because it's just endangering the people in the society. That man just gave more power and knowledge to the countrie's enemies.

  73. I believe that he should of been punished in another way because it's not right of the government to do this. he did do wrong on releasing inmportant info, which he should be punished because it could of been a threat to United States but in another way. Being naked is well, not really a punishment I think. maybe in some religions yeah but in the world of politics not really I think.

  74. I do not belive this treatment should be tolerated. If he is to be detained until his court martial, then he should be treated properly, guilty or not, he still has rights. Any punishment should be official and assigned by the court martial as they see fit, not by over zealous guards.

