Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Should we keep the death penalty?

Abu-Jamal death sentence to be argued in court

By the CNN Wire Staff
November 9, 2010 3:11 a.m. EST
(CNN) -- The death penalty imposed on Mumia Abu-Jamal will be argued again in a federal appeals court Tuesday.
Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther, was convicted of gunning down a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, police officer more than 28 years ago.
He has been an outspoken activist from behind bars, claiming there were procedural errors during his capital sentencing, and that too few blacks were on the jury.
In 2008, a federal appeals court ruled in Abu-Jamal's favor saying that the jury instructions given at his trial were flawed. The decision nullified Abu-Jamal's death sentence and granted him a new sentencing hearing.
But in January, the Supreme Court tossed out the appeals court ruling. The Supreme Court also ordered the federal appeals court to revisit its ruling and that will occur Tuesday.
The appeals court now has the option of reimposing the death sentence or ordering a new federal trial to hear other claims of injustice raised by Abu-Jamal.
The case has attracted international attention, amid charges of prosecutorial misconduct and the inmate's outspoken personality.
The onetime radio reporter and cab driver has been a divisive figure, with many prominent supporters arguing that racism pervaded his trial.
Others countered Abu-Jamal is using his skin color to escape responsibility for his actions. They say he has provoked community unrest for years with his writings and advocacy.
He was convicted for the December 9, 1981, murder of Officer Daniel Faulkner, 25, in Philadelphia. Faulkner had pulled over Abu-Jamal's brother in a late-night traffic stop. Witnesses said Abu-Jamal, who was nearby, ran over and shot the policeman in the back and in the head.
Abu-Jamal, once known as Wesley Cook, was wounded in the encounter and later confessed to the killing, according to other witness testimony.
Incarcerated for nearly three decades, Abu-Jamal has been an active critic of the criminal justice system.


  1. I believe that Abu-Jamal should stay in prison because there is no denying he shot a(n) police officer in the back of his head. Abu-Jamal is using his skin color to get out of jail and thats not a good thing to do. He should stay in jail and live with that.

  2. I think that as long as there are criminals out in the world the Death Penalty should always be present.. I think that if a person is so cruel that they would actually kill another human then they deserve to suffer and pay for the crime that they committed. As for Abu-Jamal, he deseves the death doesnt matter that his trial was unfair, he killed he should be killed too.

  3. It seems as if Abu-Jamal is using excuses to try to get out of his punishment for killing a police officer. Their are witnesses that he did it. He is using his skin color as an excuse to get out of what he did but in my opinion, he is guilty.

  4. I agree with Ruchamah Abu-Jamal did kill and should suffer the consequence of his actions.

  5. Although personally i have to symphatize for the former Black Panther, and I agree that the jury instructions given at his trial were flawed. So i comepletely think it's fair that he has a second hearing, but i dont think he should get a weaker punishment. If you kill a man, you should get life in prison, regardless of your skin color or how biased the court was at the time. I think in this case, he's trying to use his skin color to get out of jail.

  6. I agree with Christellecrazed.
    Abu-Jamal should serve his sentence, because he did commit a serious crime. Skin color doesn't matter at this point

  7. I totally agree with Crystal..Abu-Jamal is using excuses to get out of the consequences that he should be getting..that he should have gotten 28 years ago..THE DEATH PENALTY...

  8. I don't agree with Ruchamah
    I dont think because you kill, you deserve to be killed too.
    That's "and eye for an eye" type logic
    and we all know that makes the world blind.

  9. i think that the death penalty should be removed because if some body kills a person they should not paid with their own lifed they should suffer more then the one he killed and make him feel the pain

  10. i totaly agree with eddie its not an eye for an eye

  11. i understand that abu-jamal is making excuses but just for that were going to kill him put him in prison and that will solve the problem

  12. I disagree with Josue Zelaya about the death penlty being removed. Because ever since the ancient times if you kill someone you to must also die. That being said the death penalty should remain as punishment to people who kill other people.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Well there isn't ,much detail of this situation provided by the article. It states that there is suspicion of possible rasism, but there seems to be a lack of any actual detail. Based on what is provided by this article, I find myself compelled to lean towards the idea that Abu-Jamal is using his race to escape the consequences of his action. However, whether or not the jury didn't consist of enough african americans or racism played a roll in the courts decision, the fact of the matter is that Abu-Jamal confessed to the crime.
    But still, I have a feeling that I should be questioning whether or not this article is bias. Perhaps there are details of Abu-Jamal's trial that have been excluded from this article.

  15. I agree with Nicholas this article is flawed in a lot of ways such as not enough evidence, and Abu-Jamal did confess on kiling the officer.

  16. color is not important because this has nothing to do with skin color or nothing like that...what matters here is that he committed a crime and as he as the criminal should pay for the consequences that he made.

  17. As stated before(Nick) this article is horribly vague on a topic that has been in the heart of many debates for nearly three decades. One could not possibly make a valid opinion on the issue, given the lack of credible detail. As for the death penalty, I find it circumstantial when it can be fitting, as there are many variables considering, the victims' family, the relevance, the severity of the crime.

  18. Abu-Jamal should have his death sentence because he did kill someone else and from that he should get what is fair to him and that is death... Skin color shouldnt just change the sentence and mess up the trial..

  19. Well i say that we should keep the death penalty because if we dont people are gonna still gonna do bad things even more bad things like more rapimg and other bad stuff.

  20. Do to all of the missumptions given upon the trial I beleive that there should be a second hearing just to kind of clearify the emphasize expressed in the court room and to grant Abdu's recommendation i think that there should be more black people presant in the jury. But regardless this man did kill an officer and he had testified so i belive that if the supreme court isnt ruled upon of being biased that Abdu should remain in prison for life beause he broke a law and the law of justice must be interpretated

  21. i feel that the death penalty is something extreme to give to people that have committed crimes but for people that have killed others without remorse its something fair. most killers kill because they know that they will most probably not get the death penalty and in my opinioun people that kill others should get the death penalty. they should not be given a second chance to go kill more innocent human beings.

  22. Many people kill all the time, personally i think that it's BAD but Death Penalty isn't even a option for me. Kiling is bad in the first place so why do it a second time. People that kill could get life in prison. And color should,'t even matter to this. Abu-Jamal should get a second trial but the charges shouldn't be minimized.

  23. i think that what Abu-Jamal did was wrong and he should just pay for what he did by getting life in prison becasue if he receives the death penalty then the person is doingg the same crime that he did by killing someone.

  24. i agree with jhossepht on that he is just using his skin color to delay the trial and hopefully get out of the death penalty. he is trying to postpone his sentence because he knows he should get that death penalty but he doesnt want to.

  25. To chavez: death sentence can be harsh at some points but if its the fair thing to be done then that thats what should be done.. After smomeoe does kill someone else they shouldnt get a second chance which i agree with chavez...

  26. In response to Joe7:
    I think you're wrong! Killing should never be the answer. Wasn't it wrong killing the first time, what makes you think that the second time its not going to be.

  27. i dont think abu-jamal should hav the death penaty or anyone else even if they comited some terrible crime. only god decides who dies and live men doing this for jutice is wrong. who gave men the wright to kill others if he is sentence to death then we'll be no better than him he shold just have life in prison something that in the mind is worse than death.

  28. In response to mande
    I dont agree because if people pass then limit and do other things that is way to far agressive or violent well they deserve death not life in prison.

  29. Abu-jamal did commit a crime and he's just saying that they're racist so he can be released. he should just accept the consequences. personally i think the death penalty is pretty harsh though and they should get life in prison or smething like that instead of the death penalty.

  30. @ valeria post i agree with you by saying that people that kill should just get life in prison and also when he gets his trial his charges should not be minimized

  31. Abu-Jamal should have the death penalty because he did killed a police officer. But I also think that he should feel more pain than just the death penalty because it's not equal. So I can say that i'm neutral about this. Whatever happens to him on Tuesday, he should not complain because that is what he gets for his own actions.

  32. in reply to barcelo well i think tou are straight wrong. how about if you imprison the people for life without giving them a death penalty. this way everyone is happy and also we will not increse the deathrate of our country and make it look bad. we should also try to come up with a punishment for them but a punishment that will not cause the death of one of the prisoners.

  33. I think that Abu should not be given death pemalty. I think he should be given a new trial in court and with a better jury. He can't deny the fact that he acctually killed the policeman but i think he should still be given fair treatment and then we will see the outcome of the trial.

  34. Moraly, the death penalty really isnt right when you think about it. Nobody should have control over any one's life, even as a reprecussion of killing another man, but people have many ways of thinking. Some people believe that the death penalty is right in spite of morals and they make their decision based on revenge. Abu-Jamal had no probabal cause to shoot and kill the officer but that doesnt't mean he should die for it.

  35. In response to Valeria's comment toward's Joe7

    I believe in the theory that if you "kill one you save a thousand" and in this case why should Abu be given a second chance it has been proven that this man did kill a Philedelphian police officer but he is still trying to rule the court as being biased do to his ethnicity and sense of pride.

  36. In reply to joshua
    i totally agree with you man i think he should not be given death penalty.

  37. i agree with ruth he shoud accept the fact of what he did and shoul not be killed he needs to be in prison for life.

  38. In response to MANDE:
    Well than he can have life in prison. Ok? Ok.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. In response to Ruth, I think that skin color is just an excuse to get out. So like Ruth said, he should accept his own consequences. Maybe spending his life in prison is more harsh because he will be basically suffering every day. Which as the death penalty he wont suffer no more.

  41. @JOSHUA
    i agree with what ur saying. death penalty could be given to people that commmit crimes that put a lot of people in danger and didn't learn their lesson in jail but life in prison should be given to those who kill someone else. who are we to decide that their life ends here

  42. i think we should get rid of the death penalty and inssted give a sentence to be imprisoned forever. this way it will be safe for the people in danger and also the prisoners would not have to die. Also What if it was one of your impportant family members like your farher or mother. it wouldnt sound fair to you right. am my right or not so this is why i think we should ghet rid of the death penalty. one more thing theres been inocent people who have been killed and what does this make everyone think about it now.

  43. In response to Dj:
    I totally agree with you.
    No one should be killed.

  44. mande what if it was your father or girlfriend what do you think about it now

  45. I also think everyone makes mistakes and deserve a second chance.

  46. In response to Valeria, you said why do it the second time? Well do it the second time so there will be equal stuff dont you think? what if that police guy was your boyfriend or someone important to you?

  47. Abdu killed a cop 30 years ago. I think the guy should go to life in prison because if we kill him then ur no better than the person who did it so there for we are no better.

  48. i agree with marcelino, everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days lol

  49. In responcd to Jennifer, well I somewhat agree with you.

  50. first of all being imprisond forever and a death penalty are still relevently the same thing they will death will greet them both eventually and it cost way more money to keep a prisoner in jail for life than killing them, and if my father was to be proven guilty well then i will pray for him and let him be in the faith of my prayers and the lord

  51. aaron i apreciate that comment bu that lol common man be serious about it people are at steak with their lifes.

  52. In response to KittyKat19:
    So kill=kill is that what your trying to say?
    I think personally violence is never the answer. Even if it was someone important to me, there is still morals. I would be mad and sad, but not enough to kill.

  53. in response to marcelino
    are u hungry lol steak is food, u mean stake

  54. aaron what if your mother waas in a death penalty would you like to watch her die slowly in front of your face.

  55. I agre with aaron, you wouldn't be a better person if they killed him too.

  56. Death penalty is way far enough for Abu-Jamal because mostly people especially the man that rape and murder girls dont get death penalties mostly they get years in jail and that it. Bad people get let out and they go back to jail again for the same thing. abu-jamal should just be in jail for years till his finish payin hours of sentenced. i beleive he should just be let it go like other people but still do his hours in jail

  57. in respons to Aaaron

    I beleive that even though people make mistakes there should be consequences so that people can learn from them just like when people hurt others in the process and this case Abu hurt the lives of the officer's loved ones they must feel grief and sorrow till this very day

  58. if the prisoner is killed its is not the same as life in prisomn because he will die when his time comes we wont be killing him hell die of age or other unrelated illneses that he might get from fooling around.

  59. Man, Valeria you're just saying that because you're a person with morals. Which is good (= because not much people have that. And yesh, that's what I'm saying kiddo. But you know how society is today, death is kinda the option for problems like this.

  60. in respond to aaron04
    stop fooling around

  61. KittyKat:
    Well it shouldn't be a option. I prefer life in prison.

  62. in responds to aaron
    i agree with you man mercalino i thinking too much about food like steak think about the article someone's life is at "steak" lol.

  63. Well Valeria maybe it is maybe it's not. Who really knows if we are all imperfect.

  64. I think that Abu-Jamal should not have the death penalty because its a bit harsh but I think he should at least be imprisoned for life. He is trying to escape from the consequences by saying they are racist, but color does not matter for what he did. What matters is that he committed murder and if some sentence happens including the death penalty, its his own fault. Murder is a federal and immoral serious crime.

  65. response to marcelino.....
    i believe noone would wanna see noone die like that at all is really sad and could really affect a person mentally. Who would want to watch anyone die at all, regardless of who they are and what they mean to you? :( lol

  66. samuelson i laugh but not a the issue you think this is a joke what if you were in sierra leone and you were inocent and you wore to be hung from a tree like an apple. how would you feel about this issue.

  67. thank you pam_pam i also agree with you good comment

  68. in respondis to mercerlino
    well i dont tink this is a funny issue but if you are in jail and you want your food so bad and they only give u limited food i dont think you will like that. That will mean that your life is at "steak".

  69. mande why would you kill are you an animal only an animal would do that for survival.

  70. sam stop posting this special comments please keep them to your self if you do it one more time i will report you to the cops and that you are cyberbullying me.

  71. In responds to mercerlino
    I am not bullying you man i am just telling you the truth. I am not putting your life at "steak" of.

  72. in response to Marcelino

    Im not a killer and if you havent notice we are all from a common ancestor which happends to be "an animal". We are all animals and in this case for there to be a much greater chance of peace, prosperity, and in your case survival; Abu has to prosecuted into the death penalty

  73. you are not putting my life at steak samuelson you are at steak samulson of being repport abuse also you make no sense with your dumb comments.

  74. mandev i dont believe in evolution i am very religious an god made us do you have proof of homosepians. no. thats what i thought

  75. in responds to mercerlino
    the word is "stake" not "steak" mercilino ok. SO please elts talk about the article. Are you hungry?

  76. Another article relating to the death penalty? To have it or not to have it? That's the real question. In this case, Mumia Abu-Jamal is another prisoner faced with this matter. The article is mainly speaking about whether this man should live or die but in my response, I believe that this man should be executed unless there's actually a good reason for his case. It says that his brother was stopped by a police officer at a late-night traffic stop and then apparently he was close by and shot the officer in the head. Okay rewind. The brother was stopped and the officer pulled him up... and if I'm correct there was no violence partaken between the officer and brother; yet he came out and did this horrible murder. There's a certain limit where everyone goes but that's just going to far. I believe he should be executed because its people like him that ruin and bring fear to society. The criminal justice by the way?....Let's just say its better than in other countries because if he was in another country, he would be already dead. So don't be so ungrateful you jerk. You killed someone? What did you expect?
    Yes....and to the others like marcelino ramos....what does homosepians relate to what this article is talking about?

  77. in my perzonal opinion, death penalty should be available for those who deserve it according to their krime.the krime like the one Abu-Jamal should deserve punishment and i believe he shouldnt get a lower sentence for killin a man because wat if he kills someone else wen he gets out. for the safety of the ppl. discrimination shouldnt play a role during a case since in the constitution states 'all men are kreated equal' and a fair trial.
