Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seven Charged in Kosovo Organ Traficking Ring

PRAGUE — At least seven people have been charged with participating in an international organ-trafficking network based in Kosovo that sold kidneys and other organs from impoverished victims for up to $200,000 to patients from as far away as Israel and Canada, police and senior European Union officials said Monday.
According to the indictment, the traffickers lured people from slums in Istanbul, Moscow, Moldova and Kazakhstan with promises of up to $20,000 for their organs. Law enforcement officials say many never received a cent. The operations were performed at a private clinic in a run-down neighborhood on the outskirts of Pristina, the Kosovar capital.

While the ring was first discovered two years ago, the global scale of the network and its victims is only now becoming clear.

Officials said the ringleader was a highly regarded surgeon and professor at Pristina University Hospital, Dr. Lutfi Dervishi. The clinic was run by his son, Arban. Also charged was Ilir Rrecaj, a senior official in Kosovo’s Health Ministry when the ring was broken. They and two others are accused of crimes including trafficking in humans and body parts, unlawful medical activity, participating in organized crime, and abuse of office. All were released on bail.

The charges have shaken Kosovo, which has been struggling to integrate with the West since it declared independence from Serbia in February 2008. The case is also a test of the nascent legal institutions and rule of law as Kosovo seeks to overcome a culture of endemic lawlessness and corruption that has reached the highest levels of government.

The trafficking network’s tentacles reached far. Warrants were issued for a Turkish doctor and an Israeli financier, and two other doctors, an Israeli and a Turk, were named as co-conspirators.
The police said the ring had its roots at a medical conference in 2006 in Istanbul, where Dr. Dervishi met the Turkish doctor being sought, Yusuf Sonmez. Law enforcement officials describe Dr. Sonmez as a notorious international organ trafficker.

The Medicus clinic had been founded by a European philanthropist who aided ethnic Albanian doctors during the war in Kosovo in 1999. Dr. Dervishi, police officials said, secretly transformed it into a hub for illegal organ transplants, which were performed by Dr. Sonmez.

The indictment was first reported by The Associated Press. In it, a European Union prosecutor, Jonathan Ratel, said that in 2008, 20 foreign nationals living in “extreme poverty or acute financial distress” were “recruited with the false promises of payments.”

The police said they broke the ring in November of that year, when a young Turkish man, Yilman Altun, was found at the Pristina airport, weak and frail. Mr. Altun told the police that his kidney had been stolen. When the police raided the Medicus clinic, they discovered an elderly Israeli man who had received Mr. Altun’s kidney.

European Union officials said that the indictment in the case had been filed in district court in Kosovo and that a preliminary hearing was expected by the end of the year. If a judge confirms the charges, a trial will follow.
The European Union has a large law enforcement mission in Kosovo to combat crime and corruption. But that fight has proved difficult, with suspicions of bribes, money laundering, organized crime, fraud and now organ trafficking, ensnaring high-level government officials.

Several countries are examining the Kosovo ring, with police investigators combing through the phone records, computer hard drives and bank transfers of those charged. European Union officials said the recipients paid for the kidneys by bank transfers, helping lead the police to the main suspects.
Western law enforcement officials said they suspected the ring might be part of a larger criminal network whose nexus was in Israel. In September, five doctors from South Africa were charged with participating in an international kidney-trading syndicate in which dozens of poor Brazilians and Romanians were paid for kidneys for wealthy Israelis. Analysts said the organ-trafficking case was part of a disturbing global trend in which unscrupulous traffickers take advantage of the growing waiting lists of desperate patients and the vulnerability of poor people further buffeted by the international financial crisis.

In the United States, more than 109,000 people are on the waiting list for organ transplants, mostly kidneys, and 18 die each day, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, which manages the American transplant system.


  1. Many people die,and some decide to donate their organs, but sell them i think that the people that seel them and the ones that trafficants should be punish badly.

  2. Hey, we just did this article. :)
    Well, mainly it relates to the issues such as human and organ trafficking that have been happening and a few months ago, there was a crackdown on this trafficking network which now seven people are being charged for because of the bribes made that if people gave their organs they would get up to $20,000 dollars but it was all a lie because either these people were rendered weak or payed nothing at all. It's horrible to hear of this seeing that Kosovo became its own nation almost 3 years ago and with this scandal it brings into mind what the West countries have to say toward this. There seems to be more people involved since it was a large web of trafficking to other nations but now that this comes into mind, human rights are being violated. These people took their opportunity to manipulate the poor without them even considering them; stripping away their lives. Its a sick reality to actually come into this but anyone with a brain can realize that these organs aren't to save people but for the money. It should be combated like other issues and strict regulations should be put down to stop this abuse and help those who are in real need of an organ for their survival.

  3. I think what was done by these individauls is not only illegal but also inhumane. I believe that they shouldny have let out on bail. They shoud have been put to traila and given a more cruel sentence because in a way it makes the government look bad and unjust.

  4. People are being mistreated,cheated, and manipulated.In hopes of gaining money to help their families many impoverished citizens give up their organs.These people are promised money and many of them never see a penny from the person who has taken their organs.This is a dishonorable act and must be stopped.

  5. In my opinion i think that the organ traffickers should be punished because they are doing ilegal things. They convinced people give them their organs and make them believe like they were going to get $200,000 after the whole process.

  6. everyone wants to live even if it means some else suffers for it then again you'll problaly never meet the donor so it'll be easy not think about it to much especially when you think the donors are getting paid and doing it out of their own will sadly that wasn't the case. the doctors should get punished for giving false promises to the donors.

  7. The traffickers should be punished because many people who is & need of the organs are not receiving it properly because they are transporting organs illegally. Those people who get caught should pay a fine and jail time. If this continue this can be very deadly for Hospitals because people would want to give organs for money and not donate organs instead.

  8. I see nothing wrong with the selling of organs. People usually wouldnt like to live without some of there organs but they do this. Most of the time they do sell there organs is not for personal wealth but to pay off something that is killing them. If your poor I serouisly doubt that donating a organ is on there mind but if told they will get some sort of income of course they would hop on it. These people have no way to pay for medicine and there house night be taken away. But these peopele do it for a reason not just to get money.

  9. I don’t think there is any way to justify this insane issue; it is disturbing and the most horrifying thing.I personally do support donating an organs in some cases, but selling an organ is just something that really scary, I think the international community should solve this problem before it goes too far.

  10. people have been promised to give them $20,000 for their organs and in many ocassions they don't give them a cent. Currently, seven people have been charged with participating in an international organ trafficking network based in KOsovo that sold kidneys. Many people buy kidneys because their relative needs it and have to wait the waitting list.

  11. Kosoco just became an independent country three years ago. This scandoulous issue ismaking Kosovo look bad in the eyes of other countries.The people that give their organs away are promised $20,000 and what thy are actually left with is $0 and a very sick frail body. These people are being cheated out by very smart peoplewho just areout to make money. The organ traffickers such as the doctors should be put on trail and forund guilty foreverything they have done.Also they should be sentenced for along time in jail.

  12. These people are so crazy to even think of the Illegal selling of organs. I think that there really should be a severe punishment for those doctors who abuse their liscense.Maybe some of the people who have those illegal organs really needed it, but they are getting it the illegal way. Its sad that so many people are being cheated out of their organs with the promise of receiving money, many of them don't even receive the money. There should be something done about this issue.

  13. I agree with Toxicinity about her commint on the issue "It should be combated like other issues and strict regulations should be put down to stop this abuse and help those who are in real need of an organ for their survival"

  14. After reading this article, I believe that this is a very big issue in the world. Not only because organ trafficking is a very dangerous thing but also bbecause I believe that its unfair for those people that need organ donations. Like this article mentioned, theres thousands of people in need of organs and many of them die everyday. And look at these people doing this the illegal way and not giving everyone in a need a chance. I think that this should really get stopped because people are getting basically ripped off for their organs. And those organs aren't being sold or used the way they should.

  15. @Ruchamah:
    Yes, I agree that these doctors are abusing of their lisence and are using their skills for illegal stuff.

  16. personally i feels discusted with the fact that these organ traffickers use the poor persons that are in need of money to take advantage of them and take their organs out but also these people are being promised money, money that they will never touch because the have been lied to. i understand that people are in the need of transplants but they dont stop and think about the organ itself if its clean or it has an infection or even disease which i must say if the organ does have any problem i thinkl the person has a greater risk of actually dying because of that organ than waiting for a clean one.

  17. I think that the organ trafikers should be punished for convincing poor people that they are going to get paid, when in most cases they dont.They take advantage of the poor peoples' need for money to carry out the illegal organ traffiking, and plus many peoples lives are put at risk.

  18. I agree with Karina about the organs prehaps having problems and the people recieving the organs are at a higher risk of dying.

  19. i agree with christelle these organ traffickers should go to jail for a long time!

  20. This is a crime because the doctors and other ringleaders are stealing the organs of people telling them that they will recieve money and many don't. It is unfair to those who wait for their organ, "In the United States, more than 109,000 people are on the waiting list for organ transplants, mostly kidneys, and 18 die each day". It's immoral to take away from one but it is even worse when you give to rich only because of money.

  21. i think that this human organ traficking should stay the way it is and if you are willing to donate an organ they should doit they right way not they illegal one even if these people are in need of these organ they should way for a legal one just like many people are waiting

  22. This Is Wrong In So Many Ways...I Something Should Be Done About This Because It Can Cause A Big Problem In The World!

  23. @ Ruchamah:
    I agree that the doctors should get punished for using their license for illegal activity. They took advantage of the fact that they had power and had a liscence to trick people. Like you say, "They are abusing of their liscense"

  24. i a gree with karina also these doctors should be punish and they shouldhelp instead of killing
    the poor people

  25. i believe that this type of crimes shouldn't even have accord in this world and furthermore, they used the people that were having hard times to get their organs and profit from it but don't even try to give the organ donors their cut.

  26. Commenting on what Josue Zelaya said. I disagree with what he said because if these doctors abused their powers as a respectable health care professionals what is to stop other people who are in need of money to do it to even if it is legal.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I agree with what Chritellecrazed said this people should go to jail for their stupid Ideas and illegal way of thinking!

  29. Well quite frankly, I believe that these seven people should be severely punished. To me, organ trafficking has been a touchy topic because in some case (though very rarely) there aren't really any victims. But in this case, these seven people are nothing more than petty thieves only concerned with there own income. To think that there are such highly educated people in this world that are so selfish they would even take advantage of the poverty of others is just down right outrageous. Anyone with common sense can see what is happening here. These men bribe people in actual needs with false payments in return for their organs, then sell the organs that they just got for free to their wealthy clients, rendering those conned out of their organs poor, weak and sickly. As several people have already commented, this act of greed is not only illegal, but inhumane.

  30. i think that Organ trafficking is bad and they should just be send to jail for this because is something that is done illegaly.

  31. the seven people should be imprisioned because they were stealing peoples organs with fake promises of money. it is one thing for people in need to sell the organs and another for their organs to be robbed of just like those 7 people were doing. the should be imprisioned and be sued for all the money they owe the people. it is sad of how people that are poor get taken advantage of with promises of money.

  32. i think this organ traffiking should stop because peoples life is at "steak" many are awating for organs that may contain diseases. people this do this make me sick its sad to see how there sickos in our world doing these illegal things and putting others in danger. i personaly think you should not do this things and leave it to a profesional surgen.

  33. Organ trafficking is an inhumane thing to be doing. Especially when you are taking someones organs without paying them any money in return. I think countries should take strong actions towards this and stop it as soon as possible.

  34. i agree with jennifer the people should be sent to jail and should never commit a crime of this level again.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. the seven people should be sent to jail for life for even stealing other people's organs and especially for fake pormises of giving these people money. It is just idiotic for these 7 people to do that if they know that the people who actually gave them the organs actualy do need money and dont give it to them. And its just illegal to even be doing organ trafficking..

  37. of course illegal human trafficking should be stopped. the governments shouldn't just leave this conflict like that if they know it's happening. First its ILLEGAL second many people get sick and die because the organs that they were given had something bad. and third there's people that do that because they really need money and some don't even get money back. they are thieves and those 7 people should be punished.

  38. in reply to Joshua

    I agree with you man people's life are at "steak"and if we do0nt do anything to stop it it will get worse.

  39. Personality i think Organ trafficking is a inhumane thing, but at the same time if it helps someone in poverty then its a good thing as long as the person that gives up there organs gets paid.

  40. i agree with jhossept on that the 7 people should be punished for what they did because its wrong on how they stole the innocent peoples organs. and they should be left in jail for life.

  41. @ JOE7 i agree with what you are saying because people doing this king of stuff should just be send to jail

  42. Now in days everyone does illegal things, and organ traficking adds to all those others. Organ traficking is illegal and unfair to those who have been in a waiting list to get a organ, for just another person to get a organ illegally from a unresponsible doctor that shouldn't even have a license. The right thing to do to those who do this is to go to jail for several years. Plus its like basically getting a organ from a stranger you don't even know if it's a healthy organ, they just sell them to make money they don't care about the rest. So organ traficking should be stopped!

  43. Comment to CHAVEZ: I agree with him because he is right that these people should be imprisoned to life. And that it is illegal to even be making promises that you are not gonna keep especially if it involves giving money.

  44. In response to Aaron:
    I think you're wrong because they could find other jobs other than doing something that's illegal and can actually hurt others.

  45. I think it should organ trafficking should continue because people earn money and save lifs. this is very god way to earn money that pepole need and also save a childs life.

  46. Ys i also thi this will be very helpful.

  47. I have the ambience that these individuals should be incarcerated for their horrible ways. People should not be used in a manner of making money, these trafickers are going to impoverished countries to buy organs from civilians for a very low sum of money or they might even steal the organs such as the criterior in the passage. Morally its wrong for organs to be treated as commodities and traffickers should be scourged.

  48. to the people agaist organ trafficking u all could just picture yourselfs on pepole donating organs in the3r shoes. you will have a reason why.

  49. Well, this issue for me is complicated. First because organ trafficking is bad and it's worst when people give their organs and they don't get nothing back. That group of seven people should seriously go to jail because they took advantage of those persons. But at the same time, someone is in danger of dying because they need an organ. Like it said in the article, 18 people die each day. So it really depends on how you are using organ trafficking. It can be bad or good. Which this 7 people did not paid those people who donated their organs.

  50. All against it i reply you are taking other peoples lifes away like your mothers and fathers. picture ur self ur lil bro needs a donated organ wht u think now that is what i thought.

  51. I think that the traffickers should be punished because they are only taking advantage of the poor people by promising to pay them for their organs but they never did. This also proves that organ trafficking is also an immoral crime. Illegal organ transplants are also sometimes dangerous to health because it can transmit unknown diseases from the donor,who can be anybody, usually a stranger in this case, to the receiver, or the person who receives the organ. That is why organ trafficking should be illegal.

  52. In response to Marcelino

    I think that you are over looking the concept of this topic. Traffickers dont always pay the impoverished people for their organs only in some rare cases, most of the time they would steal the organ which in some cases may lead to ideal death. So how would you feel if you or your loved one was to be massacared jus for their "commodity"?

  53. I agree with Jhossept who thinks those 7 people should go to jail for making fake promises.

  54. Hey Jlo but many people are dying. Some people do stay with their promise to pay people for their organs. They actually sometimes save life. Like I said before, it really depends on how this issue is being done by certain people.
