Friday, May 6, 2011

Torture and Interrogation

Read this article about how torture may have been used in some interrogations that led us to find Osama bin Laden. Think back on our discussion from last class, and write about whether you support these kinds of interrogation methods based on what you read. Be sure to justify your answer with examples.


  1. -Yes. I do support and of course iam in favor with this kind of interrogation, Because when we need information we need it. And if torturing for example.: ''Waterboarding'' Is something we have to use will use it. I dont feel sorry for those people getting tortured..They are old enough and they know that being terrorists has consequences and very bad ones. So they knew what they were getting into. So,. I DO SUPPORT THIS KIND OF TORTURE.-

  2. Janeen and Crystal:
    Yes we support this because this led to osama bin Lden.If we torture osama bin Laden people theyll eventually say what the government wants to here.its good to torture people because that intimidates people and makes them wonder what there going to do next,and if people were smart they wwouldve spilled it out.and if torture is the way to find or take put th3 truth about someone/something then it must be done..

  3. It is obvious that torture has lead to people to tell the truth and is useful for interrogation. In this article, waterboarding was used, which is wrong in many ways. To the extent of interrogation came with the new ways of getting information, using torture. It is intimidating and dangerous, which could eventually lead to one's death. In the Constitution, it is stated that everyone has the right of life, liberty, and the pursure of happiness. One's life is precious and shall not be threatened with torture.

  4. I don't support this because i don't think is fair to torture someone just to get information out of them. They should of just took the hostages to a prison and ask them questions there in a little room. We think these methods are sort of harsh and should stick to interrogating.

    -Cindy :D and Kevin :]

  5. I think what they are doing is alright but they are getting a little way out of line they are extremly toturing people to get information out they dont even know if they are innoccent that they have no idea and are being honest. Yes torture may have help osama bin ladin but its thewrong thing to do so i think they should end torture

  6. While the article said that interrogation played a "small role at best", it still resulted in a description of the currier. While enhanced interrogation may not always prove useful, it is still the only way to force terrorists to provide information on their fellow members. As to its brutality, one has to decide if the comfort of a terrorist is more important than the lives of his potential victims. But it should ONLY be used if you are completely certain of his guilt, meaning you catch him actually commiting an act of terrorism.

  7. If it's torturing a terrorist where we get very valuable information then i don't mind. In this case I don't feel for those who are being tortured. They are terrorist which means they've done something similar to this kind of torture or worse. If it's an important case like this one where we're fighting terrorist and we need to bring their top guy down then i don't mind this kind of torture.

  8. I think that it was wrong for them to do that when the people that they were torturing didn't know anything and either way they kept on hurting them. I really feel like they shouldn't be hurting people unless they really know something and only if it’s necessary.

  9. yes i do think & support that by making brutal interrogations help our soldiers find Osama bin laden & kill him.& in any other situation like this that has other peoples life in risk we have to make brutal interrogations to make people speak up the important things that we want to know & they wont tell us.

  10. Yes and No. Its kind of good to know that we have this method to get answers that we really need out of people.Its good that we were able to get answers of his whereabouts and we were able to get the answers that we needed. Its really bad that were using torture to actually get answers out of someone because were basically just doing to innocent or guilty people they are all human and do have rights to do what they want.
    -Itzchel F. &Leslie G:D

  11. I do not support these methods of torture because some of the people they detain and question don't give them any good information.I also dont support this type of methods because some of them are innocent and have no more information.Most of them die and they havent done anything.U.S soldiers use very gruesome type of torture.They drag them naked and treat them like dogs.This happened in Abu Ghraib.It was shocking to find out that soldiers who we thought were nice and friendly did such things.
    --Alan and Cristian

  12. Samuel and Jimmy...

    we agree because we the united states were terrorized cuz of the horrific event of 9 11....but at the same time, we kind of feel bad for them..the reason is cuz not allthe muslims was involved in there are some innocent people that are being tortured....they are being pushed against the wall, being spit on....they are being treated like they are slaves....

  13. Marina Ramos
    I think that we should torture people if we need to so we can get the information that we need to get rid of the bad people that are always doing bad thing in the world.

  14. yenifer and bryan m....
    Yes we agree because we think that thats a good way to get the answers out of people if they dont want to tell us someting aka information about some that we want or need to know.But sometimes its bad to torture people because they all have human rights.

  15. In this article, waterboarding was used, which is wrong in many ways. To the extent of interrogation came with the new ways of getting information, using torture.and we get information on this people or on what they are trying to do.

  16. (Tanya & Josue)i am in favor with this type of interrogation because if you ask terrorists nicely of course they are not gonna say anything but if you torture them they will not take the pain anymore,and is not like they should deserve respect because they are TERRORIST and they hate our country,and basicly torture is the only way,in this case, the article said they used waterboarding method, i think that was a good idea so i am in favor

  17. Yes because the information that we got from interrogation and making him talk led us to the most wanted men on the list. But if we didn't we would be able to capture him. Sometimes torture is necessary to get what we need or to get someone like him
    Joshua & Melina

  18. In this case torture is needed to stop terrorist like Osama because if we hadn't done this Osama would have bomb us again.

    Anthony N.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. torture is not something that you wouldnt like to happen to you, so why letting it happen with others? every human being is the same... i think that some people are just being torture just because their attaackers think is fun and those ppl did not even commited crimes. torture is an xtremely delicate topic and people shouldnt be joking with it.

  21. I believe that in some cases you will have to interragate those to get very important information that is needed. I think that in this case torture was definetly in need to find osama and if they did not use their snifty ways osama will still be out there.

  22. In my opinion, these types of interrogation methods can lead to inconclusive confessions. A suspect or witness might be expected to give the interrogators the information that they wish to receive by any means necessary, which could include using tortuous methods thus pressuring the "suspect" to give any information needed to stop the cruelty. We shouldn't always rely on these tortuous methods to get ACCURATE & TRUE information about a suspect.
    -Erika Acosta

  23. Linette&Thelma:We agree and disagree at the same time about torturing prisoners. It is helpful because then they'll speak faster and we can obtain good information. Then again, they could just make up any lie so the interrogators can get off their back. This was a success since Osama Bin Laden is dead, but it took a pretty long time to have this event take place. This also makes the whole American nation look like if we're violent and don't care for others, but just our success...

  24. When it comes to this type of situations, then torture is necessary. Osama bin Laden cause a huge crime in America on Septemeber 11 and we needed to find him ASAP. But it took us years. If torture wasn't committed, then we would've never find him. I believe that torturing that man was right i order to find Osama.

  25. I belive that we should use torture to get people to give information that we need for something or someone.

  26. I think that torture is wrong but if it's for a good reson to taking information out of someone to use it then it's ok.

  27. Torture does work i agree with him because people wont tell the truth if you ask him a question, so in that case torture would work to get the info and declare JUSTICE

  28. I think that torturing some one just to get some information is a good thing because if you didn't do this Osama would still be alive and causing trouble.

  29. The terrorists in this case, should be tortured. They are very loyal to their organization and would not spill any information if we play the nice guy. Torturing is the only method to get those information to maintain peace, and prevent any future disaster. The terrorists would have to suffer and then realizes that their organization does not value a members life and speak out the truth.

  30. I believe that it was a good think to torture the people so that the U.S. will capture Bin Laden but it would of have been a greater sucess if they would of capture Bin Laden alive and that will be a great effort to torture the people.

  31. I feel that torture is a bad thing but at times its necessary to be use like with what they did to find information about Bin Laden.I think that its okay to use torture just as long as people don't go to extreme and kill them. they will eventually let them go and get to live there personal life. But i still think that torture shouldn't be done because it will leave a scared (scarf)in their life and families.

  32. I don't support this situation. It's a cruelty for the goverment to use torture agaisn't a person to get what they want. Even though Osama Bin Laden caused alot of damage it's not right for people to be tortured that is the most painful thing you couls cause it can even cause mental damage. So no i do not agree with this.

  33. I agree with torturing terrorist; we have come to this point of torturing terrorist because of their actions and intents of terrorizing and killing innocent people. So if torturing is the only way of saving people's lives and stop the inhumane acts of these COWARDS, then I say do it (torture them) .

    By: Eduardo Rodriguez

  34. i personally dont agree in any kind of level of torture it may not have been deeply painfull, but it was hurting the interrogant. it did get information about the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden, they mentioned it being a "small role" but i would guess we all have to do things we dont want to in back of the circumstances... the torture gave positive results, but it might have scar'ed someone who was not really a part of it at all

  35. In my opinion, it's alright for the U.S to torture people in order to gain Osama's where abouts. I mean, a religious extremist who kill 4000+ people on Sept.11 who is hiding somewhere in the middle east, so whats the deal. Even to some who's idea f murder/killing is a (if) god-like sin or wrong because it's just plain wrong...but 'Sometimes,taking a few mens' god giving rights as a human being outcome a murky sense of the greater good'.
    -Miguel Le

  36. I personally dont believe that torture is the best mothod for interrogations and i dont believe that it is what lead to Bin Laden's capture. Although, it has worked on some cases is has not always been suceessful. For example,in the article, it states that 2 men who were waterboated actually mislead the Bin Laden investgation. Not only is it cruel and inhumane , its also unconstitution. Performing such cruel acts, totally violates the image of the U.S.
