Friday, May 6, 2011

MUN 4: Final Exam Reflection

Read the Asia Society Graduate Portfolio System rubrics for English Language Arts and Social Studies. In regard to your work in Model UN over the past 3-4 years, highlight where you would rate yourself for each criterion. Your ratings can be based on work in class, at simulations, mentoring younger MUN students, or any other contributions you have made to the Model UN program at IHSS.

After rating yourself on those two rubrics, you will choose an overall rating for yourself: Emerging, Developing, Proficient, or Advanced. You will argue your rating in a two page essay, using specific examples to prove your rating. To refresh your memory, some of your projects this year were:

-Haiti emergency relief simulation
-Nuclear energy simulation
-North Korea/South Korea conflict resolution (semester 1 final)
-Global Classrooms
-Terrorist vs. Freedom Fighter tribunal
-Terry Jones Mock Trial
-Teacher Assistant for an MUN class (if applicable)
-THE BLOG!!!!!

Those are just a few examples, and you can also use examples from previous years of Model UN.

In your concluding paragraph, use the language from the Global Leadership Performance Outcomes to summarize how Model UN has helped you develop into an informed global leader.

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