Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Drug Trafficking... What do you think?

Clinton: U.S. can do more to help Mexico fight drug cartels

By the CNN Wire Staff
October 16, 2010 5:33 a.m. EDT
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said drug cartels in Mexico are acting like terror groups in terms of their organization and brutality.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said drug cartels in Mexico are acting like terror groups in terms of their organization and brutality.
  • Clinton speaks at a club in San Francisco
  • She compares drug cartels in Mexico to terror groups
  • Remarks come the same week she talked about the Falcon Lake case
(CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. can do more to help Mexico battle drug cartels that have started operating more like terrorists and insurgent groups.
"It is one of my highest priorities," Clinton said Friday during a speech in San Francisco at the nonpartisan Commonwealth Club. "This is one of the most difficult fights that any country faces today. We saw it over the last couple of decades in Colombia."
"We are watching drug traffickers undermine and corrupt governments in Central America, and we are watching the brutality and barbarity of their assaults on governors and mayors, the press, as well as each other, in Mexico," she added.
Clinton said the U.S. can do more than sending the Blackhawk helicopters it promised Mexico.
Video: 'Pirate Lake' mystery
She said the U.S. is helping Mexico create an anonymous tipline to report drug cartels. However, she said, it can also help Mexico rebuild its criminal system and train its police force.
She likened recent drug cartel violence to terror groups.
"For the first time, they are using car bombings," Clinton said. "You see them being much more organized in a kind of paramilitary way."
Clinton's remarks come the same week she discussed the U.S. effort to find David Hartley, an American believed to have been shot by drug bandits on the border of Mexico and Texas.
The United States is "supporting local law enforcement, supporting the authorities on the border, doing everything that we know to do to try to assist in helping to find the body and helping to find the perpetrators," she said.
Hartley is reported to have been shot during a September 30 boating trip by gunmen investigators believe are linked to a Mexican drug gang.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The article is pointing out the increase of violence and corruption that the drug cartels are bringing in Mexico. It is a time of being attentive as the U.S. wants to cooperate to battle this negligence before something horrible occurs. Clinton compares these cartels as terrorist organizations because for the last recent months, the actions that they have committed has surprised the international community entirely. Technically, it is of great need that countries should help in these circumstances because not only is it affecting civilians but tourists as well who are captured and murdered. Such as the case of the one survivor who told his story as he witnessed the killing of almost 72 people trying to cross the border. The exportation of drugs and weaponry is also something debatable among other groups which others have to pay for. The U.S. should help this cause because since this is bordered with Texas and other southern states; the danger is very high at the moment. They need to help Mexico out because these days nobody is trustworthy and with the stop of these cartels; the terror can be minimized for a certain time bringing a crack down on this business.

  3. I agree with Hilary clinton in that the U.S. being not only more powerful but a neighbor to Mexico, they can do more in helping Mexico fight agains drug cartels.Although I somewhat disagree on that training the police would help,because the Mexican police is corrupt and are very intimdated by such cartels and I dont think that wioll change, but what does need to change is the control that these drug cartels are obtaining, if they continue at this pace, these cartels might become more dangerous than actual terrorist.

  4. The drug cartels are getting more dangerous with each passing day. No longer a group of people, now they are considered a terrorist group because of the ways they terrorize the people and kill them. The other is now they are using car bombs, which is the same ones being used in Pakistan against our troops, and that they may be communicating with terrorist.

  5. Well in my opinion I just think that if for real they want and think that there can be a change then they should prove it. They should do it as soon as possible since many are suffering consequences and people should see the affect that this is causing to the US and Mexico.

  6. hmm so the US is finally taking notice of the drug problem in mexico. well i believe it will take some time to wipe out the cartels. mexicans come to the US for jobs but those whose stay there have to find jobs. i believe people join cartels bc they see money in it. so in order for the cartels to go aways mexico's economy has to change.(dont comment on mine)

  7. I think the US should not interfere with Mexico's problem because we can practically start a war with the drug cartels. And seeing how these cartels are already using methods that terrorists would use, I really don't think the US would want casualty with the same method in their soil, that will create terror among US civilians.

  8. This is only going to get worse and if the U.S gets involved they will get thrown under the bus with Mexico. Those people don’t care for the law or no one and the people are sacred of them so they won’t step up agents them

  9. I think that the U.S. should help out on the drug cartels that is ocurring in Mexico. But I believe that the United states should be aware of the consequences that could bring if they intefer in the drug cartels. At the end I believe that the drug cartels would never end but it can be control.

  10. The United States is doing a great job to give assitance to Mexico as it did towards many other countries. The Drug war in Mexico is turning more into terro war there is violence and the mass murder of civilians. The government does need help and having the phone system will help bring the violence or criminals of the street

  11. I agree with ruth on taking action but also believes that the united states should be aware of the consequences it can bring if they interfere withe the cartels.

  12. I sort agree with phi, what we are trying is to prevent war and to continue in peace.

    Doris I agree with her
    Also I agree with Mauro

  13. I think its great that the US has good intentions towards helping to stop the terror of drug cartels in Mexico..But I dont believe that it is going to stop the terror soon.

  14. i think that if the U.S. does help Mexico there force might be a little stronger but the stronger the force get the stronger the traffikers get we also know that its not just the drug cartels they have to stop because is not just them theres also some police and people from the government that are undercover and that are dug traffikers

  15. I think that we do ned to help Mexico with the drug cartels but mexico needs to step up as a country and fight this issue. The drug cartels are now using bombs to get there way sooner or later they will get alot of bombs and other weapons to harm people. There acting like terrorist groups wich for US is a very bad thing to get into.

  16. To the delegate Phi Tat I totally agree with your statement on not trying to create terror on US cicilions. I also think that this problem that only the US should be involved but also other South Amersican countries.

  17. in reply to ruchama & cristelle the us shouldnt get involved at all in mexico's business because we are putthing are selfs in danger and i tottaly agree with phi

  18. I think it's great that the US is stepping up to help stop drug trafficking in Mexico, because in a way it's their responsibility as well. Forget the fact that they are International meighbors, the US shoulld carry the burden along side Mexico because it's due to the demand that is in the US that keeps the drug cartels alive in Mexico. I'm also liking the approach that Clinton has decided to take, instead of just barging un with military awe, she wants to help by helping Mexico rebuild its criminal system and train its police force. Hopefully both countries get together and finally stop drug trafficking or at least reduce it substantially.

  19. I hope that the rest of Clinton's peers are in accordance with her, as the United States must take a more active role in helping combat the cartels. Enough violence has already spread across our borders, and we must not tolerate such utter brutality when it threatens our citizens. And with this advancement in their tactics as far as violence is concerned, I believe it only adds more urgency to the situation.

  20. In reply to Josu You do not believe that we should help a country that is in total need of our help. if we do not help Mexico its like the US has all this power for nothing.

  21. I think that the U.S's intentions are good, but they shouldn't get entirely involved because that could bring negative consequences to the U.S. The drug cartel problem may even expand to U.S. soil. The problem with the cartels is that many civilians themselves are joining because of the economic crisis in Mexico. In my opinion the cartels are nearly impossible to stop.

  22. Hilary Clinton plan is effective because if the US ignores to heed this problem then the drug trafficers are going to start bringing it into the US starting problems in our government and so on forth.

  23. In Response To Josue Zelaya:

    I couldn't disagree more. The US is already more involved in this than anyone would dare admit. It's the demand in the US that keeps the suppliers in Mexico with a job. Also consider the fact that the US might very well start coming under the negative effects of the drug wars in case the Mexican Cartels decide to expand (which they will)
    It's only a matter of time before direct US involvement is mandatory, so they might as well get involved now while the actual physical war is being fought on Mexican soil.

  24. well i agree with this strategy of what she is doing because it will enforce the mexico law to act with more force and wipe out the cartels

  25. Commenting on Crystal's response if the US doesnt help the problem then the mexican government well suffer then the civilian causing more of them to join the drug trafficers like she said or even try to move somewhere better like the US adding more problems on the borders.

  26. I believe that Clinton is very right. Drug Cartels are getting even more worse as time passes by. To the point where they're using car bombings? SERIOUSLY? It seems as if they're getting better and better at this...
    Well all i have to say is that we should try and stop them because this situation can keep getting worse and it can, sooner or later, affect other countries other than just the US. I say that they should start focusing in protecting the mexico citizens. Especially starting from the poor people.
    After that, they can try and find a solution to stop drug cartels or try and make a deal, which i doubt, but could be possible.
    Drug cartels can almost be compared to the Talibans in the middle east. Not yet, but we all know we wouldn't want that to happen here.

  27. Commenting on Derege, IT IS neccesarry for the U.S to get involved in helping Mexico stabilize but by getting fully involved the U.S. could be in danger since the U.S. borders Mexico so it would be easy for the drug cartels to expand into the U.S. and we dont want that.

  28. I agree with what Mauro said, I believ that the US is doing really great in encouraging Mexico with this issue and I hope it's stopped eventually.

  29. its good that the u.s is helping mexico but it should not get too involved with the problem since it can cause the cartels to react against the u.s and thats the last thing the u.s needs. i also think that mexico is full of corruption and people that jst want money and power and will do anything even kill to get wat they want. i also feel that if we get too involved than the cartels will go against the u.s and i understand that the cartels might be weaker than the u.s military but the people like me will live in fear. because jst one line divides the u.s and mexico and the cartels apperently have many 'connections' they can attempt against us the u.s civillians.

  30. I agree with clinton, the us can do much more to help mexico, the has been a huge outrage in the increse of mexico's violence "there using car bombs for the first time" i think that is a big red flag saying we need to be helping more instead of worying about the publicity and the media,and i am really glad clinton has drug cartels for her first priorities, the us should be getting involed in it

  31. -I think that the US should help! But mexico can do alot to help too! Like instead of using cops! they should use the mexican army! And in mexico they dont use the death penalty,,Like the US! Mexico can do alot to help themselves! But they dont want to! because their CORRUPTTS!-

  32. @Karina:
    Weell yeah, but the us has power and all we're doing is help protect mexico and help them find ways to avoid this. It's not like we're finding a way to have problems of our own with drug cartels too.
    And I kind of agree with what you said about people doing ANYTHING just for money and power.

  33. i am commenting on crystal's blog, i think the us should get INTIRELY involved because if it was us in that problem,we would want help from them "be in their shoes"

  34. i am commentin on brayans, mexico is doing the best they can so you got to understand they need help brayan, you dont understand the thing they are going through

  35. In respond to Brayan_54!:
    Well I mean, The us is ALREADY helping mexico. And I agree with you about Mexico being able to do much more. But hey, they're trying their best.
    ANd about the Mexican Military, I don't believe that's a good idea because we're not trying to start a WAR here dudeee.

  36. In ResPONSE TO jennifer
    I Agree with you ..Duh.. @ Brayan_54b the US is already helping MEXICO!..wHY WOULD YOU BRING THE MEXICAN ARMY INTO THIS?

  37. man wat the hell. if ur goin to help. it means u goin to help all the way. tanyacastro95 u are so right.

  38. hilary clinton is saying this for the media and the publicity if they wanted to help mexico with all the violence ocuring we would start to see that but i have not seen the u.s help mexico with all the violence and cartels .....they are more woried about the media that they have taken any responsibility or action in the help for mexico

  39. i disagree with clinton.....this is why she didnt become president

  40. jennifer..
    well mexico can find a way to stop these people i saw the news a few weeks ago supposely they had captured some guy that was like 'BIG' on this cartels thing but there has been nothing done with him so i suggest mexico tries to fix their problems and the u.s will send some help but thats it..
    i agree with u that its a silly idea of bringin the mexican military out wnt do anything because they are corrupt as well which i dnt think that would help at all it will probably make it worse..

  41. -They should use,,The military! Cops are not Cops!! Their drug dealers! their the zetas! I have family in mexico and they know whats going on! come on we were not born yesterday!-

  42. KARINA,

    mexico IS tring to fix their prolems,but they needf the u.s help..be on their shoes how would yuo feel that you needed some help but their telling you should fix your own problems??

  43. @Karina..
    Yeah, i know what your talking about. And well yeah. Well the US isn't really taking ACTION it is just simply trying to find way to stop it but it's not really like trying to make problems with the drug cartels.
    And about the military, yes it is a silly idea indeed. All that's gonna do is cause more violence since drug cartels ARE going to fight back. So yeah, lets stick to Police officers for now.

  44. -We got a situation! But i got it under control!-

  45. -girls! girls!,,Were never going to end the drug war! Because cops are DRUG DEALERS!!!-

  46. @ Brayan:
    Omg dude, understand that if we bring the military into this, it will cause even MORE violence! We're trying to stop the violence!
    And i KNOW about all this stuff. Unfortunelly, I have family in Mexico too and even family members that have been threaten by those so-called Zetas.
    The Zetas are RETIRED policemen. Mexico Knows what it is doing so let's just let them have it their way. The US is just here to help but not get invloved. If mexico wants to use cops, then let them use cops. They're eventually take greater action in this.

  47. haha bryan,brayan ,brayan..the situation haha


    SOME RETIRED cops are the ones.
    But not all.

    There's a reason why Mexico is still using cops.

  49. -Ok then! Lets let the cops be cops! jaja!-

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. @Brayan: Yess! Aghh.
    @Tanya: I'm doing this for a gradeee, therefore i DO have a life. :)

  52. -I got a life too! am a DJ! I was working last night-

  53. WELL JENNIFER im doing thisz fo a grade to and i aint rote dhat aighth? so...yeahh lol

  54. Hillary Clinton and the U.S are trying to help Mexico take down drug cartles. They are getting more violent everyday. They kill people with guns, and other dangerous weapons. Now they're using bombs! The U.S needs to help Mexico before this gets out of hand!
    we should use the military to stop this madness. We need to show them that this is not a real good lifestyle. They dont need to kill to survive. They dont need to kill at all.
    Hillary Clinton is doing Mexico a favor by setting up that Tipline. At least it will reduce the killings and it will also reduce people going into jail for drug trafficking.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. i agree with the choice that CLinton and US is doing they are trying to help MExico become a better place. they want all the voilence to stop and by doing that the US agree to pitch in and help them out. thing got to the point where they are using bombs now. something need to be done or else lifes will continue to be lost especially innocent lifes. thanks to Clinton she is trying to help Mexico by helping them reset their system Clinton want Mexico to become stronger and stop this violence before it gets out of hand

  57. I totally agree with Hillary and everyone else but at the same time if the U.S. steps in we have to know it will be some issues with us at the same rate as in everyone else. I believe we can help it but we can not prevent it. Thats how I feel about this nonsense because the world is changing and people is changing and everyone gets scared to help out in the world and just be to there selves. If I care about myself I care about helping the world!!!

  58. I agree because Mexico is doing really bad right now with all the catels and drug tansporting.

  59. People I say that they should handel there promblems by there owns we dont want to get this situation in mexico i think they should let the presitend handel this situation aight yall fill me brow

  60. The U.S should have been involved since the problem started. The U.S is only getting involved since the Drug Lords are using bombs and other weapons, the U.S thinks its a big offense.The thing is that this has been already a problem because there bringing the drugs in the U.S. This is mostly made from La Familia Michoacana, Los Zetas.

  61. i guess this is just a cause and effect chain....
    what's happening in mexico the u.s is helping trying to erase what some had done

  62. I think that now the USA can't do not because now it's been to far.

  63. Rolf U.S Helping Mexico Such Lies...
    The U.S Doesn't Always Keep Their "Promises".
    And Even If They Try They Still Wouldn't Succeed.
    Mexico Is A Place Were Everything Goes.
    This Is Happening Because They Let It Happen.
    Hillary Is Not A person I Would Trust Or Anything she Says.
    All I Know Is That...
    The U.S Will Fail At helping Mexico.
    They Should Just Stop Trying to Be Helpful.
    And Leave Mexico Alone.

  64. I have family members that live in one of the states that the Zetas have gone to. Its not a bad idead that the United States wants to help the cartel problems. But the only prroblem is that if there are people that buy from them, its oviously the cartel will not end. And its not that I have a negativly point of view in this issue and I want to say things about my country; but this wont end like people think.

  65. ithink that its okay to do druq traffikant cause itsz a way to qet easy money $$$

  66. thats not the true people make a living there allway ways to make money by working hard if u work hard you will get rich or something like that women do u fill me brow rosa thats 4 u

  67. I agree that the drug cartels are starting to become more organized but I don't think Hilary should be comparing them to terrorist groups. On the other hand I believe that the drug cartels should try and be stopped, because people in Mexico can't walk outside without fearing that they will get killed during broad daylight..

  68. no cause juszt ppl shuldnt mess with them ndd let thtem be and they wuldnt be so much killing if you juszt do wat they say if you qet couqht by them dummiee......richard

  69. Hilary CLinton is actully doing a good thing now which she wantsd to help mexico stop drug traffickers since it is increasing and dammaging mexico's government. And it has been increasing in dangers in mexico as how they are changing to a more paramilitary way. So i think that she is doing the right thing to help mexico stop these drug traffickers from hurting mexico.

  70. hilary clinton is saying that the U.S. can do alot more to help out mexico with its drug wars and drug cartels. clinton is only saying this because she is scared that all of this violence is going to come into the U.S. and they want to stop it before it happens. they are only looking out for their own good. in my opinion its all of the U.S. fault that all of that violence is happening in mexico because U.S. is the main supplier of weapons to the mexican drug cartels. So, they should help out because this is all of their mess.

  71. reply to CHAVEZ: he is right that the U.S is just concerning about themselves, also that Clinto doesnt want for this to get out of hand to the U.S but thats why the U.S is going to help to stop this...

  72. reply to Jhossept.... clinton is not doing anything to help out Mexico all she is doing is having a discusion saying that she thinks it is a good idea that the U.S. should help out Mexico. and i do agree with you because its about time the U.S. gets involed because they are the main cause the drug wars started happening.

  73. I agree with Hillary Clinton that the United States should send more than just Black huck helicopters. Sending the helicopter to mexico is not going to help that much to stop drugs cartels from doing organized crimes. Other technologies like armored S.W.A.T cars should also be sent to help Mexico and also special forces should go to mexico to train the mexican police. After all if Mexico is not able to stop drugs cartels they will eventually spread into the United States.

  74. I believe that The U.S. is doing good in the sense that Mexico needs guidance in overcoming difficult obsticles. Cartels are very dangerouse and as time is progressing thses chaotic individuals are rampaging Mexico like hounds, they are murdering innocent people and supplying illegal drugs all over America and South America; I feel that Clinton is on the right track and Mexico needs a stronger police force that will not fall under the hands of the Cartels seeing as some of them become abstained or corrupt in justice.

  75. I disagree with Hillary Clinton because if USA interfears with the Mexican then the cartels are going to get mad and might plot a terrorist attack against USA which will star a war, USA economy would get even worse that it is right now and a lot of innocent people will die.

  76. Well i agree with this article because im sure mexico can stop this but i feel that with help with the u.s. mexicowill be able to stop this drug problem.

  77. the drug cartel conflict isn't just Mexico's problem but U.S's problem too. people sneak drugs in and out of the border. If they are saying that we can do something about it then we should. people are afraid of going out because they could get hurt. of course it's a problem and of course we should help Mexico.

  78. It's actually good that Clinton wants to help Mexico get rid of the drug cartel. Because of this, many people are being killed, doesn' have a good impact. It's also a good idea because it will improve Mexico's government. Hopefully the United States will really help Mexico with this.

  79. In response to Chavez

    I believe that even if the weaopons were given to the Cartels by Americans it must have been smuggled illegaly, and we shouldnt blame th U.S. for providing them with weaopons just beacuse some ignorant Americans gave it to them. In our society there are always corrupt people and there will always be corrupt people and we cannot blame the entire nation for few lousy individuals. I also belive that Clinton is trying to help Mexico because Mexico is the number one provider of drugs to the U.S. she is taking into consideration that the Cartels are doing dreadful harm in both Mexico and the U.S. and justice must be dropped upon them.

  80. Well i think we shoud try not to stop drug cartels and drug wars beause everyday people end up dead. we should try to legalize every drug in theworld to stop the drug trafficking and tis will help decrease the number of dead people everyday.

  81. To what Ruth said, yeah the US should help Mexico but hopefully they do a good job don't you think?

  82. responds to aaron perez

    I dont believe that the U.S shouold not send any to mexico. As I said the violence will eventually spill into the U.S if the mexican police are not able to stop the cartels in Mexicoand they need our help to do that.

  83. In respound to Samuelson

    Dont you think if USA sends more hellicopters the Cartels will get furious and plot a terrorist attacks? Thats what happend to USA in the 9/11 attack, Al-Queda was mad because USA was taking there holly land and decided to attack.

  84. @aperez
    i absolutely disagree with you. we can't sit here and do nothing because of fear of what might happen. We have to take a stand because it's our problem too.

  85. In response to aperez156

    How do you know the mexicans are gonna attack if the u.s. has stronger weapons and can beat mexico?

  86. they should do more to help with the drug traffiking in mexico than just send Blackhawk helicopters that wont help at all. most of the organization will be hidden and i belive they will rarely get anyone. what they should be doing is sending in a swat team to look for them and confiscate all of the drugs.

  87. I think that it should be stop on what is happening in mexico with the drug cartels becasue if they are not stop then the issue could get even worse than it is already, but at the same time US shouldnt get involved that much because by getting involved it could make the problem more bigger that it is and could cause a conflict between them.

  88. I think that the U.S. should help Mexico fight and stop the drug cartels but it shouldn't get too completely involved because it would make matters worse as the cartels would try to terrorize and kill more people. I also believe that Mexico should put more effort as a country to stop these cartels.

  89. disagree with mande douhou becase if mexico needs weapons we can provide it with weapons. The usa ccan provide mexico wit weapons and in return mexico can get money. this way it would be very good for the economy. Also mexico and the usa could be buisness partners and allies tat way each country has each others back.

  90. I think Hillary Clinton is right the United States should help out Mexico with the drug cartels since it has increased alot even more lately. But it I think the problem starts of with the goverment in Mexico(not the president)many of the state senators, mayors are corrupted the are even part of the cartels. Policeman too i'm not saying all of them just a few too many of them are. But it's a good thing that the U.S. is trying to help Mexico be a better country.

  91. i aree with sam because he said their not going anywhere with the air patroll. they need more avasive action.

  92. well i believe cartels are all different because some are so kind and just want to protect the people. of course if anyone messes with the cartels something will happen but i believe stoppin drug trafficking will be the best way to stop everything that is happenin in mexico but then i dont agree because its peoples job and its there thing.... but atleast stop the other things that goin on in mexico wit the killing of the innocent people and stop children get into the drug dealing that will provoke them to get in big trouble with cartels

  93. In Response to Mande:

    I agree that there's alot of violence in Mexico. That innocent people have to go thru this everyday and thay don't even have nothing with it. It would be a great improvement that U.S. is now helping them overcome this.

  94. i agree with hillary clinton because the US should help mexico with somethings and stop this crisis

  95. @ marcelino
    how would making drugs legal decrease the numbers of dead people that is just a bad idea because that is going to become a big problem everywhere.

  96. Drug trafficking should be the absolute target to this solution. Too many innocent people are getting injured and killed over pointless reasons. I agree with Clinton because the U.S has some of the same problems as well so we should have just about the same reason to try and contribute to ending all the sinceless violence

  97. In Response to Marcelino

    I didnt metion anything about the U.S. providing Mexico with weapons, i said that some might have American's gave weapons to Cartel members i was just referring to Chavez's feedback. And tell me how will this help our economy? We will be losing money in this process by giving Mexico all of the equipments they need instead of helping them do it theirselves

  98. i agree with Dj.......
    drug traffickin should be the target of the solution ^-^

  99. reply to mande i of might missnderstanded you i am sorry but do you agree n my comment?

  100. In Marcelino

    No, i clearly stated before that i do not agree with you through any circumstances

  101. what are u guys trying to say u guys are confusing me mande, and marcelino
