Thursday, October 28, 2010

Activist Tells of Torture in North Korea Prison By MARK McDONALD

SEOUL, South Korea — An evangelical activist from Arizona, imprisoned by North Korea last year after he illegally entered the country on Christmas Day, appeared Wednesday on South Korean television and spoke for the first time about his treatment by his captors.

The activist, Robert Park, 29, a Korean-American who was released in February after 43 days of detention, gave a harrowing account of his imprisonment, which he said included beatings, torture and sexual abuse.
“The scars and wounds of the things that happened to me in North Korea are too intense,” Mr. Park said in an interview with the South Korean broadcaster KBS. “As a result of what happened to me in North Korea, I’ve thrown away any kind of personal desire. I will never, you know, be able to have a marriage or any kind of relationship.”

Mr. Park said he attempted suicide soon after he returned to the United States. He told the magazine Christianity Today that he had been “in and out” of psychiatric hospitals for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. He had crossed into North Korea over the frozen Tumen River, which forms the border with China. He carried only a Bible and some letters urging the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, to close prison labor camps in the North, free all its prisoners and resign.

Analysts in Seoul said such personal affronts to Mr. Kim were forbidden in the North and typically drew long prison terms or death sentences. But Mr. Park told friends in Seoul before he left that he would die with political prisoners in the North if Mr. Kim refused to free them.

Mr. Park read a confession on North Korean television, after which North Korean officials said they “decided to leniently forgive and release him, taking his admission and sincere repentance of his wrongdoings into consideration,” according to a report at the time by the North’s official news agency, K.C.N.A.
But Mr. Park said Wednesday that the apology was a fake, and that the statement had been dictated to him.
He said that he had a new appreciation for the harshness and cynicism of the North Korean government, which he vowed to devote his life to fighting.

“They have really thought about this,” he said. “How can we kill these people? How can we starve these people? How can we enslave these people? How can we control these people?”
Robert R. King, President Obama’s envoy on North Korean human rights issues, has called North Korea “one of the worst places in terms of lack of human rights.”


  1. I agree with president Obama, North Korea lacks human rights, they should not torture humans in the persecution of abuse, that torture them mentally and physically. They're not in the state of mind of thinking clearly. Mr. Park is just one of the examples. North Korea is one of the worst places primarily because of their communist government.

  2. -I agree! humans should not be torture! they should only be torture only!! if they do,,something really bad.-

  3. I agree with annie, North Korea does have a corrupt government and that they should not torture a person just for speaking their mind.

  4. Human rights are important!!! yet they lack it.
    no wonder there's a south korea and a north korea, i would rather go to the south.

  5. i agree with annie nd with brayan human should be torture for anything but they can get ounish by staing in prison foe all there life or something but not get torture people what is this world have come to yaaaaaay brow=)

  6. Brayan, you mention that no one should be tortured unless they do something really bad. What is an example of something bad enough to deserve torture? Anyone else can respond, too.

  7. I think humans should not be torture for anything is it either bad or good..they have rights and they can't take that way from us.

  8. i agree with Jenny...
    it's true they lack the humans right..but is also true that they know what are the humans right for other people, they just don't want to admit they are doing the wrong thing.

  9. it hink torturing should be good for people who did something really bad

  10. Everyone around the world has rights and we are supposed to respect them. If we dont then we are no way near good people.

  11. I agree with Brayan, I think people that commit murder deserved to be tortured. Anyone can feel horrible if one of their family members was murdered. Not everyone deserves to get tortured, just those that commit horrible crimes like murder.

  12. what they are doing in north korea is unfair because everyone has rights!!! no one should torture someone without a reason!!!

  13. I believe that everyone is entitled to human rights whether they have done right or wrong, and the North Korean government does not have the right to strip any person of those specific rights.

  14. I agree with annie korea has the worst type of goverment. .people that have rights dont suppost to be treated like that?

  15. i agree with brayan no one should be torture only if they do something really bad....!

  16. i think that nobody should be tortured everybody has rights nd the people that are doing that wouldnt like for people to do the same to them like they do to others

  17. I disagree with what Miguel said about torture being good for people who have done wrong. Who are we to judge other people and their actions!

  18. i think anyone has right to stand up and speak for them selves and there belief no one should be ignore?every one has human rights

  19. i disagree with miguel because torturin is not good so if he did something bad he wouldnt like for them to torture him he would just want to go to jail and other people dont want to get tortured either they would just want to spend some years in prison

  20. i agree with all of you, people suould not be torture when they have not done anithing bad, but people that have, they need to pay what they have done to others

  21. i agree nobody should be subject to torture, unless you do something really bad. i mean inmates have the right o freedom of sppech too. by the way i agree with mr.obama north korea lack compassion and human rights=) thank you ladies anfd gentlemen thank you

  22. i agree that north korea lacks in human rights and that nobody should be submited to torture for eny reason.

  23. i agree with juan here nobody shold be subjected to torture for any reaSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. The police should be the person who protects us, and protects our rights, not the person who violate our right .What they did to this man was wrong they shouldn't have torture him ect. they should fire them ,and hire new people that would protect and not violate their peoples rights.

  25. honestly im surprise that the north korean goverment would torture a man for illegally getting in to korea i mean a political enemy but a person thats abit to far tfor me

  26. i agree with stephanie that torture is not good in eny kind of way

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. mayeli=) korean is is a different story its a dictatorship so the people cant do squat and the police are on the goverment pay roll so they kind of have to listen to the goverment

  29. Its said in universal declaration on human right(article12)everyone have th right to the protection of the law how could the government allow such violation and assult

  30. I agree that North Korea lacks on Human Rights, N.Korea should consider adopting Human Rights.
    These actions towards the prisoners are intolerable and they can provoke chaos in the prison's an outside the prison walls.
    They should just let the prisoners serve their time, they already have enough with with a 75sq ft cell.

  31. I desagree with brayant_54! because people has the right to live even if they did something really bad

  32. I agree with Annie, prisoners should not be tortured physically or mentally its a ignorent act, prisoners are people to.

  33. like the victim said i have thrown away any form of personal desire this could happen to any one so presenting it as a topic is useful idea

  34. I disagree with brayan we are all humans and should not be subjected to any form of torture no matter what.

  35. in this world ther are good and bad thing,people that do god and bad things now we all have rights but are they really protected by the law or not.What people do to others is not bad or good because some times they deserves it,but what abut the ones that dont.The law needs to find a way to stop all of this no just in this contry all over the world. I hope one they the world becames a better place to live.

  36. well i think north korea is wrong well the dictator is wrong and i think that the UN should do something as well as the united states but i also think that nobody shoulld go to north korea and if they go well is their responsability of getting tortured too

  37. i agree with what juan said, "north korea lacks in human rights and that nobody should be submited to torture for eny reason" because no one has the right to torture someone else. yes people might think it's a good idea to torture someone for what they have done but at the same time you should think about if you would like it if someone tortured you!

  38. Well i think that that was wrong that they were torturing him just for going to North Korea he has the right and it was hes country he was born in. And he did not do anything wrong he just went to visit and they treated him bad in his own country.
    And i dissagre with Fernando cause i think the UN should do something but the United Statesi think they can, and if they do we know that it going to be in war and just for this reason not really but they should help but not to much dont get the USA involed in this type of problems

  39. this explains south and north korea, that is horrable!!! how can they be allowed to do this kind of unappropiate acttion to humans, it would have just been easier just kicking the dude out of korea insted of torturing him. the United Nations should take complete acttion for this immedietly!!!!!!!

  40. well i think that nobody should be subject to torture unless that person did something bad but other than that no0body should be treated bad. But if that person did something bad then thats when they can get torture otherwise if people don't do nothing bad why torture them and not the person that had commited something. i think is not fair what their doing in North Korean to people.

  41. I agree with what president Brack Obama said that North Korea is one of the worst places in terms of lack of human rights because a person does not diserve to be torture.

  42. I agree with the no torture, but i think it also depends on what was done. For example take a killer who enjoys torturing people, he should see if he likes what he does to others. Maybe it shoudn't be as bad as what they did even though they might deserve it, the crime commited should just be justified. in this topic i feel a bit nuetral. yes everyone has the right to not being tortured and they want to take that line out when its done to them, yet when they do it to someone else they don't stop to think about that.

  43. well i think that is not fair for Mr.park because for that his not going to have no family and that something nobody could give him back, he should make justice and he should make sure they will pay there guilt. people shouldn't be treating that way.

  44. well edward you are wrong because he is not from north korea and second he did not went to visit north kore did you even read the article ?

  45. I agree with what president Obama said "one of the worst places in terms of lack of human rights" because they torture the korean american really brutal. everyone has rights and for that nobody has the right to violate anyones rights, or take them away because we are all human beings.

  46. I believe that everyone in the world should have equal human rights. I think that North Korea has a bad govt. if they are doing these things to people. A person shouldn't be tortured without not having a reason,but i think people shouldn't be tortured at all. Torture is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights & it is a very horrible act.

  47. I agree with our president "OBAMA" because everyone have they own rights and "Norht Korea is lack of their own rights, they should stop torturing people!!!!! (that's why prison exist to put them people in jail) but torturing them is to much!!!!

  48. I agree with Brayan a person should be torture only if they do something really bad.

  49. well fernando if u read carefully u see it said he illegeli went to north korea!!!! >:)

  50. I think it was wrong what North Korea did torturinq this guy for no reason because no one has the right to torture someone else.&nd North korea lacks of human rights &nd i agree with edward

  51. I agree with wilfredo because everyone has rights no matter what,what would you do if you are in the same position you will think is not fair soo i agree with obama too about that north korean has lack of issues on human rights!

  52. After reading most of these comments, I have noticed that each one agrees with the other, having no backbone of independent opinion, only
    just to get a grade to get it over with. There
    can be more than one side to this story. America
    seems to be a more open type of person, while
    Korea is more of a shy type.
    Technically I disagree with Annie & Jenny, and all of their followers. It's just the way that they run things over there. We are supposedly judging them by what they do yet we don't look at the terrible things we have committed. What is with us trying to change them so badly? They just want to protect themselves (However, I am not siding the Koreans)
    It is Mr. Park's business if he tries to invade North Korea to do whatever he wants to do. He should be aware of the consequences of that if he was caught, before ILLEGALY entering. Mr. Park himself that he would "die with political prisoners in the North if Mr. Kim refused to free them" , and yet he is a man of talk. His torture is well worth, due to his daring task, but I believe he should have taken
    more cautious steps before attempting his
    own mission.

    I'm such a nerd,
    -Allen Wei

  53. you are wrong you dont even know what you are thinking first you say he went visisting and now you say ihe went illegal get a life

  54. j-me is right;) ether kicking the guy out, or inprisoning him shoul be more than enough, the fact that over that the guy has to be scared for life, is not appropite for the future of america. america needs to be an example to the world, not a disgrace to the world.

  55. Fernando!!!it said he went on christmas year.. what does that mean??? and yeaah ur wrong man read carefully the first paragrahp!!!!

  56. I agree with fernando about that the u.n & the u.s. should do something to try and stop this in north korea. Also the dictator there doesnt provide a good govt to north korea.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Miguel!!! I desagree with you because no matter how mean we are!!! or what kind of bad things we do!!! we still have fellings and torturing is to much!!!

  59. well allen i think that you should respect everyones opinion and not call people followers and you are wrong since even he went illegal he didnt deserve to be tortured or tell me if the illegal people coming to the US should be tortured

  60. well mr. WEIWEI whatever dude, USA stands for. UNITED states of america, NOT, SEPERATED states of america. u know what that means? that as a country we make desisions that benefit our social health, even if he did cross with out permission, TORTURE IS NOT THE WAY!!!!! and i want a post back >.<

  61. I also think Mr.Park shouldn't have gone illegal to North Korea.

  62. @ParamoreFreak

    "I believe that a very horrible act."

    I AGREE THAT EVERYONE SHOULD ALSO HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS, yet I disagree that Korea's act of torture was without reason. Mr.Park seems to be a religious man, yet not a very wise one. He entered illegaly in high hopes of doing something great, which should be admired for. Yet he was tortured for being too reckless,
    and attempting to do something great, by doing something bad. The Koreans had no clue
    that he could be just another protestor,
    because of warning before time.

  63. Jenny, I agree with you because everyone have rights!!!

  64. I agree with President Obama. North korea is the worst place in terms of lack of human rights. there is not suppost to torture anyone. They should not torture anyone mentally and physical if someone did something really bad.The UN should has a right to protect those people during torture.

  65. bout allen you should respect peoples opinion and i ask you again do you think that people coming illegaly to the US should be tortured since you said that he deserve to be tortured since he entered to north korea illegally

  66. @ allen: we have to agree to people's comments...

  67. reply 2 Katti
    i agree with Katti. because everyone have right to protect themselves.

  68. @stainless snare

    "well mr. back >.< "

    Ok, sir. First of all get your grammer straight, fu. Do we all not promote independence? Sure, tortue might not be the best way ,but I'd like you to give a bullet-proof solution before criticizing my opinion.

    Sure, we are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
    Does that mean I have to be lazy, and grab a cheeseburger at McDonalds every lunch period?
    You should accept that we have different ways
    of viewing things. You have your way, Ms. Bailey has her way, and I go by the Allen Wei.

  69. aloh16, I agree with you they should pay of what they have done but not torturing them!!

  70. @ WeiWei

    your right on what you said that Mr.Park was reckless. He shouldv'e never gone to North Korea & then they wouldn't have tortured him.

  71. I believe North Korea is violating the human rights. Torture is wrong and shouldnt be used as a punishment for a crime so small. No one should go through that kind of stress, it seriously damages a person for the rest of their life.

  72. I like that everyone is disagreeing with me, especially Mr. Fernando. Sorry Fernando, I did not see your many replies, you should have called me since your right next to me.
    Hopefully with my comments I am sparking
    more comments on this page.

    I do respect other people's opinion, by
    giving my own opinions, so do not get this wrong about me.

    Fernando's question: " i ask you again do you think that people coming illegaly to the US should be tortured since you said that he deserve to be tortured since he entered to north korea illegally"

    If you ask me ,then of course, I would say "NO", because I am not head of Korea, and I do not side by them. But Koreans do what Koreans do, and instead of questioning me, you should ask them why, for I am just a teenager exercising my freedom of comment(speech).

    I hope that answers your question.

  73. @weiwei WRONG!!!

    lets think back. 1)the dude crossed over the border to get to korea with a bible in his hand waitting upon great things

    consequences: dude gets tortured, this includes.... sexual abuse, beaten, raped, and locked in a cell.

    consequences of the consequences:

    1) dude gets scared for life
    2) dude becomes a fighter strugling with what happened
    3) and no one can do anything for what happened. why?
    because " korea didn't aggree to the human rights" which (and i quote) "" it applies to all humans"" let me say it again so u understand,

    """ the human rights apply to all humans""" get the picture? ^.^

  74. @Juan I agree, there is no excuse for torture, its just wrong

  75. i think i dissagree North Korean goverment. They are shouldn't torture the Mr.Park who is entered illegal in the christmast day .the government should stop the punishment for people.he has been affect about his physical and spritual. It has been affect the human right .People have right to live. The result will be affect of all their life.He is one part of united States so this one, Amreican will the person put the punishment for him. The North Korea and Obama should communicate with each other to give the punishment fit to him . The korean should do and pay for Mr.Park. I also agree with comments above me .

  76. @stainless snare (probably Andres Torres)

    Ok, let's all pretend that we are Mr.Park, and that we all have bibles walking across the border. Oh, then we suddenly remember that we
    are doing this ILLEGALY, but we are comforted because our bibles will tell the Koreans that
    we are super good people, and are allowed to do illegal things. It is all responsibility, my friend. Even if everything was accidental, consequences will follow either good or bad.

    Ok, so he gets beaten, raped, and jailed.
    What did you expect from the Koreans?
    You knew that they didn't agree to human rights,
    then why dosen't Mr.Park know? Is it because he bible will get beaten, raped, and jailed instead of him? (I am not disgracing the Bible, it is just for the benefit of the reader to connect spirtually, but not as a shield of physical harm, only emotional)

    human rights are not agreed upon by everybody is it, mr. stainless snare?

    Take that.

  77. i agree with kevin and stephanie! korea is a HORRIBLE PLACE! korea is violating the moet important human right! no one shall be tortured! every body has the right to say what's on their mind. no one in this world should be tortured!

  78. oh really now!?!?

    what about we just ask why the Model United Nations existed in the first place?

    is it to join nations together? is it to make peace? or is it to just take the approval of nations that what to agree to the Human Rights and the ones who dont, the hell with it and let the nations that want to do what ever they want to do with the rest of the world.

  79. MODEL UN is a simulation for education.
    And that is exactly why we are practicing
    it here on this page. If you say "the hell
    with it" and to let nations do whatever,
    then are you just contradicting yourself?

  80. i wrote something, but the page closed by acsident, so im too lazy to write it all again

    stainless snare ----to----> unrealllsnare

  81. haha, so aren't you lazy
    like the example I gave
    with stopping by mcdonalds?

    You don't dare back up your opinion!

  82. I feel sorry for the man, he spent about 43 days in N. Korea and was tortured and abused during that time, both physically and mentally. Right now, due to discriptions, N. Korea is the worst place for human rights, and they should be held accountable for their actions and should be sanctioned for not following laws set by the UN doctrine. But, it was Mr.Park's fault for going to North Korea illegaly and challenging the dictator of that country. So, he basically reaped what he sowed. But torture was not necessary for this type of crime.
    --My opinion--

  83. I am in total agreement with those who believe that no human should be subject to torture for what ever the case may have been.For those who believe otherwise, only thing i can say is that humans are in no right to judge another individual and although what they might have done was against the law, there is no need for torture because we all are entitled to human rights.In this case, Mr.Park did break the law, the punishment for his actions was far too intense for the crime. No human should be sexually abused to the point they want to commit suicide. I agree with President Obama in the sense that North Korea could really use some help in enforcing human rights but even so, there is no excuse for this and the I personally believe the government itself should be punished for its cruelty towards other because I am almost certain that if just by him crossing the border he went through such great torture, imagine someone who commited an even bigger crime..what then???how will that situation be handled???is it possible that it might even cost him his life???

  84. First of all the previous comments about the Torture in North Korea is absolutely ridiculous. No human being should be TORTURE what so ever for whatever cause or reasons. North Korea violated Mr. Park Human rights when they tortured him while he was in prison. Although in such cases such as a nation security, I understand that torturing a terrorist might be ok, only if a government is trying to obtain information for the purposes of National Security but, at the same time it is wrong to torture any human beings for whatever reason or purpose. I don’t know what kind of world we are leaving in? but in the world that I’m leaving in TORTURE is absolutely a no no!!

  85. I see all these comments and really its upsetting, making my brain pulse with anger. All these comments saying this and that and there's no backing of it. How upsetting indeed. Really? Each and every single one of you has an opinion that can be broader than anything. Of course, everyone knows torture is wrong and no one deserves such harsh treatment whoever they are. This man gives his experience of what truly is going on in North Korea: the abuse, the corruption and worse of all, what lengths they go to to actually get what they want silencing those who want to speak out. To this WeiWei guy, you are the smartest of all these sophomores or frehsman and I solute you for giving out your mind. People should give out their minds not just for a stupid grade but from what they perceive from this. Torture to me is unnaceptable no matter who they are because everyone has the right to express themselves. The poor man has lived through enough bearing and suffering that it has tormented him physically and mentally. That's one of the reasons that he will continue fighting on because he has to combat the injustice being expanded among the North Koreans. God, this is too long. My head hurts....

  86. @ Rose and everyone else


  87. Its is completely wrong and against an individuals human rights to torture someone.
    Torture is an unhumane way of getting information out of people, imprisonment should not include any form of torture. Once a person is tortured and sexually abused they are unable to let that go so they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and are mentally unstable throughout their whole lives.

  88. It is completely wrong and against an individual’s human rights to torture someone.
    Torture is an inhumane way of getting information out of people; imprisonment should not include any form of torture. Once a person is tortured and sexually abused they are unable to let that go so they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and are mentally unstable throughout their whole lives.

  89. I believe that Mr Park was abused in a way that a person should not be abused. I feel bad because they destroy his life. They abused him and beat him in a cruel way. Now he is mark for life and cannot have relationship because he is traumatized by what they did to him in north korea.

  90. North Korea is an a position that realy does not follow its human rights. I belive the american Korean made choice or traveling towards the North Korean country. What he should have done is send a letter or email to the North Korean leader. He put his life in danger there realy is no freedom of speech or freedom of the press in other parts of the world. There needs to be a tought in mind that diffrent countries have diffrent legal systems.

  91. there's no words to explain what north korea has done to robert park. beatings, torture and sexual abuse is just too much for a human being to support. and the bad thing is that this kind of thing doesnt only happen happen in north korea but as well in other parts of the world. this is one of the things that need to be destroyed in order to a have a peaceful world. korruption....

  92. I don't feel bad for the man at all. He crossed knowing he was crossing illegaly and hoping his religious beliefs will protect him from being punished. What did Mr. Park say when he was cought? "I didn't know I came in illegal?"
    he had no excuse when he was cought.
    plus does anyone really care what happended to this man?

  93. This is the Secretary General, and I would like to say Allen Wei is an extremely good debater, and you earned respect from a lot of the 3rd and 4th year Model UN students, including the Secretary General himself. I actually agree with the Korean government because Mr. Park came into DPRK illegally, so therefore he violated the DPRK's national sovereignty, and naturally, the results would be he will have to comply with the punishment according to the nation's law, even though the punishment might be unreasonable to the eyes of foreigners, laws are laws, if you're in a certain country, then you have to follow that country's law, regardless of who you are and what you’re capable of.
    PS: To those that don’t agree with my opinion, bring it on!!! Don’t ever back down in an argument, say what you have to say because there is no such thing as a wrong opinion, however, YOU HAVE TO SHOW RESPECT TO OTHER PEOPLE’S OPINION. Good job all of you, keep it up!!!

  94. In my opinion torture shouldn’t be a punishment for any violation to a person that committed any crime. I think the North Korea authority should have the right to punish Mr. Park for crossing a border illegally, but torturing is just not something that should happen to any human being, I hope one day they get what they deserve.

  95. i feel really bad for they guy.
    Now that he's free he's still not happy because of every thing that happened to him while he was in North Korea. those 43 days had really messed up his life. The poor guy was brutally beaten, sexual abused, and he was tortured.Once he was finally free he almost committed suicide. It also caused him to not want a relationship or kids. Now he goes to a psychiatric hospitals for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.This issue had really damaged his life.

    i agree with Obama North Korea is one of the worst places in terms of lack of human rights.

  96. This guy is not going to have his "normal" life again, he has been affected to the point that he is not able to be in a relationship again neithe rhave kids. Also he has try to suicide,for the reason that he don' twant to live no more. North Korea said that they have apoligize, but Robert says that is fake. In my knowledge this persons rights were violate and well I undersatand him, and there is no excuses on what happen in 43 days, nobody should pass by this.!

  97. From Cindy and all the 3&4 years of MUN we give WeiWei you go girl or boy I think you’re a boy and to stainless snare common man go for it, what you mean say it and don’t hold back AND DO NOT BE LAZY YOU ARE IN MUN MAKE US PROUD OF OUR 1st and 2nd YEARS
    YOU BETTER BE GOING TO MUNSA. Also don’t forget to stay political don’t go uncivilized

  98. I agree with most of the students and Yeah no excuse can response to this unconstitutional

  99. Phi you’re a well I can’t say what I want to say so think bad you overly grown pimple!!!!!!!

  100. After reading the whole situation about Mr. Park i concluded that it was his fault for trying to go head to head with the dictator of North Korea. Most people already knew he was one crazy dude that doesn't care about the well being of his own people and especially the well being of an American! He deserved some sort of punishment but because this is given from American view this article will obviously construed in a bias way. People in America that go to jail also do report of abuse and rape as well! Also Guantanamo Bay was accused for torture as well. All around the world countries extract information through either mental or physical torture. If anything was done United States, they would of taken everything away from you until you do as they say or maybe suicide.

  101. Tell me why? If you're doing this to annoy me, then please don't waste my time, thanks.
