Monday, October 24, 2011

Iran's Green Revolution

Go to this link to get the information for your assignment.


  1. The educated people are protesting the re-election of the current president. Because of the protest many people are dying. The government cut off text messaging so people would not be able to form more protest so then they switch to organizing it on twitter.The government stopped the protest for a short period of time but they still got together again and protested

  2. In June 12 riots went out because of a rigged election. The voters believed the vote count was not down correctly and so they began to protest. Ayatollah tried to ease tension by offering a partial recount of the votes but this was not enough as the opposition demanded a full reelection. Tensions kept rising as protestors numbers every day dwindled. The opposition was quieted down and Ayatollah stood firm with the election. With Edmundo lol

  3. There were several protests following the 2009 Presidential Election about the victory of President Ahmadinejad. Many people died due to gun shots and injuries during the protests. People were protesting that Mussevini was the rightful winner of the election.
    -mande douohou

  4. June 12, 2009. the meaningful day for Iranian people. The presidental election caused the "Green Revolution", Everyone protest that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad win the election, and still be the president of Iran. and support the opposition candiate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who are the last prime minister of Iran. This protest have been happened for one month. Many protester have died on this unrest.

  5. Polls open June 12, and many waited to vote, and many voting places had to extend their hours, to keep on receiving votes. However before midnight, Mir Hussein Moussavi held a conference saying he was the winner, but an hour later, he found out that he wasn't, and that Mr. Ahmadinejad had won instead. Many citizens weren't able to vote, and found this election really corrupted. This cause violence in a lot of places of Iran. Followers from Mir Hussein Moussavi protest but the president wave this action, and ignored their voices. Numbers of opposition protesters grew every day after the election day. The media was then control, and were not able to say or write what was going on. Even the soccer players from Iran, wore green armbands, it sign that they were against the president. Opposition leader everyday were seeing that many citizens were against, but still they didn't care. Some reporters risk a lot, and had a lot of the information many others wanted to know, and gave it to the media after a while. Police then became involved, and this is when the case of Neda happen. In Model UN class we seen this video several times, and until today it's really disturbing that the government didn't do anything about it. Life's were lost, and the security forces were blame, but this didn't wanted to take responsibility. Even President Obama send a strong message tone to Iran, for the election previously. As days pass, there was still protesters were still not happy and continue protesting. Now days it's really controversial of what really happen and if so what it is the true.
