Monday, May 2, 2011

Obituaries: Osama bin Laden

Read the obituaries for Osama bin Laden from Al Jazeera English and the New York Times (read the first page and skim the rest of the New York Times’ obit for the sake of time if you have to). Respond to all the following questions.

1. How does the focus of Al Jazeera’s obituary differ from the focus of the New York Times’ obituary? In other words, what topic does each obituary spend the most time talking about?

2. Do you feel that either of the obituaries are biased? If so, do they take a positive or negative bias toward Osama bin Laden?

3. The New York Times’ obituary argues that bin Laden “railed against globalization, even as his agents in Europe and North America took advantage of a globalized world to carry out their attacks, insinuating themselves into the very Western culture he despised.” Does al Qaeda’s use of the Western world’s technology and other systems undermine Al Qaeda’s mission? Explain.

4. Which obituary is more flattering? Use at least two specific examples to support your answer.

5. From what you see in these two examples, is there a formula to obituary writing? What is the basic structure?


  1. 1. The obituary mainly focuses on the life and actions coordinated by Osama bin Laden and how he has been the most wanted man in American since the September attack in 2001. The difference between the both is that The New York Times is very bias against him naming him "a new national enemy.... taunting the United States and Western civilization." The way they were directing the whole situation was mainly on Osama and what he did during his life and how he came to be.

    2. The New York Times is very biased against him and it has more of a negative view on his behalf as they list down all the actions he has committed since he became the most recognized al-Qaeda leader who the U.S. has worked hard to take down. The obituary from Al Jazeera is a timeline of who he was but now that this has happened, the views have really shown on what they see and what was done.

    3. No, I don't believe so. Osama may have died but then there will be others who will follow his footsteps. They will find ways to pass through the technology the Western world has developed and the motivation is even greater. Retaliation is at its waking.

    4. I believe The New York Times obituary was more flattering because its not as informative as the other one which depicted how he came into power. "Long before, he had become a hero in much of the Islamic world, as much a myth as a man — what a longtime C.I.A. officer called “the North Star” of global terrorism" and "He bought the time and the freedom to make Al Qaeda — which means “the base” — a multinational enterprise to export terror around the globe." This was more adequate of an obituary than anything because they are giving out their opinion.

    5. The basic structure of obituaries are informative and they give the person a better view on who the person was and what they did during their life. Some may en focus on the accomplishments they made during their life. Whether positive or negative, they become part of history as Osama becomes a new infamous icon for the world to see.

  2. 1. well in the first one they saw him as an idol as 4 the other one saw him as a big bad boy (hehehe)
    2.the first one is not bias dut the second one was bias.
    4. the first one calls him a good student and a shy boy.

  3. 1. Al Jazeera's gives his background of where he comes n what he did in good term. Mentions all his goals he had and how he had a good life, but then mentiones that how hw started to change and how stuff were then affected. New York times Tells all his views of high people how they wanted him. Bush all what he said was that he wanted him n justice. It says details of how he had been attacking the US.

    2. Each of the obituaries has their own point of view to the country. How they want the country to be look at and show his background.

    3. Yes, technology is used for good and bad. In this act shows us how even though it took almost a decade to catch Osama bin Laden, and thanks to technology he was found and now he is dead.

    4. New York Times; 1) His attacks, and 2)the way the US looks at him thats the same way I look at it too.

    5. Yes, it is good, because people could know your background. In the future something you did could change other people lifes. Only though if you were a person that was nice, and had been respect by others, then yes.

  4. 3. no their will be someone i line after him no mater what
    4. yes and no osama was a bad man but he did get a lot done so yes but no cuz look at how he did it you dont want to have a idol who did every thing the wrong way
    Cindy Mondragon=]

  5. 1. Al Jereeza is praising him and only highlight the good things that he did in during his lifetime, but most importantly they praised him for declaring war against the most powerful nation in the world.

    2. The second one was biased because they label him as a terrorist, and the one from NY Times is much longer and they include more details about his life.

    3. I don't think that terrorism will stop just because Osama is dead, there will always be people to replace him, and Western technologies can't do anything at all to stop these people because a lot of them are pretty well educated by the West.

    4. The one by Al Jereeza were more flattering because they speak very highly of him, such as they were praising him for declaring war agaisnt the US, and for being the mastermind of the attack on 9/11

    5. The basic structure is just highlighting his life history and all of the things he did, both bad and good and his death

  6. 1- Al Jazeera's obituary talks more about the life of Osama bin Laden, who he was and what he did, like the last words in his memory but the New York Times' changes the view of bin Laden, talking about the dangers he has done and all the negative he has been.
    2- Al Jazeera's is more of a neutral view of bin Laden while the Times' has a negative view.
    3- Just because din Laden is death doesn't mean that the problems are ended, there's probably going to be another person who is going to follow what ended.

  7. The obituary shows the poet and political expressial self side of Osama bin Laden. He was more of a spoke person for the people who he presendet.

    The New York times, shows Osama Bin Laden as a more of a negative and opossition towards the United States.Only the negative actions he has done. They have not informend about how he worked with the unidet states.

    The follower or the people inspired by Bin Laden will still contunie his legazy. the people who support him will have acts of agression, and make killings apound his name.

    The new York is more expressing its and the relife on how he is dead and out of this world.They are not much as expressing details but more as they acts of showing feelings.

    obituaries is more detail and more informative towards the general aspects of how the person was during there life and self accompliments. Its more informative.

  8. 1.The story of Aljazeera is focus on mostly the life of Bin laden but the New York time is focus on 9/11.
    2. Both story is somewhat biased on their report.The Aljazeera news focus on a positive mood or a positive view of Osama and the New York Time focus more on negative of happened. The reason I think that the news is somewhat different is because The New York time is in the US and Aljazeera is based on Middle East.
    3.No, Al Qaeda’s use of the Western world’s technology and other systems undermine. The Al Qaeda people will find away to break through the use of technology. Even thought, bin laden is dead they have other plans for the western world we just don’t know it yet.
    4.The New York Time because of the fact that it focuses more on the view of the United States rather than other countries.
    5. The basic structure of obituaries is informative in order to give a person a better view on who the person was and what they did during their life.

  9. 1. The New York Time basically covers more the American view which is hate toward the Islamic society and also what happened on 9/11.
    2. Yes, I do think the New York Time is biased, not because they created a bad image of bin Laden, since he is what they say he is, but for reason they were just putting negative things about bin Laden based on U.S. government point of view.
    3. No, because most the weapons are globalized or modernized, bin Laden is just contradicting himself.
    4. I would say the New York Time is more flattering, they use words that somewhat make bin Laden the God of the Islamic nations.
    5. It is informative since it includes background and current information.

  10. 1) In the Al Jazeera, it tells the story of Osama bin Laden of his childhood all the way to current events.In the New York Times, Osama is seen the person that united terrorist.
    2)The first one isnt bias while the second one is.
    3) Even after he has died someone will rise up and take his place.Technology is good.
    4)The New York Times one is more flattering.
    5)The basic structure is about talking about the past all the way to recent events of a person.

  11. 1.Both obituaries focus on Osama and his life however only one goes well into detail about it. The Al Jazeera obituary acts as a time line and describes in detail his life, what he was able to “accomplish” and how he came into power. While the New York Times mainly focuses on the tragic events that he was held responsible for and all the conflict that he has caused.
    2. The New York Times is very bias against him because it just talks about all the bad that he has done and categorizes him as an enemy of the nation. It doesn’t correctly show the difference sides of him but just the side that portrays him as evil
    3. Yes it does undermine Al Qaeda’s mission because they were made on a basis on which they hated western world technology however it is that very technology that Al Qaeda uses.
    4. The New York Times seem to be more flattering toward Osama 1) bin laden was often states sponsor2) until this day the precise reach of his power remains unknown
    5. There seems to be no formula to obituaries. It’s just plain and simple, one just writes about the life and the events that one person has led or done.

  12. 1. In Al Jazeera they were sad and actually remorse the death of Osama bin Laden and in the NY times they were hating on him

    2. Yes they both are bias because one worships him like a king and the other hate him like the devil

    3. No i believe that someone will be next in line.

    4. "Challenging the might of the US" they seem like it was a challenge that had to be overcome

    5. What the obituaries is supposed to do is to give info

  13. 1. How does the focus of Al Jazeera’s obituary differ from the focus of the New York Times’ obituary? In other words, what topic does each obituary spend the most time talking about?
    Al Jazera’s focused the most on what the United States did to capture Osama and how far did they take measures and compare to the New York it talked more about how he became the enemy of the United States and how they wanted him dead and how he became in power. It mainly focused on his actions that he have taken and the consequences he brought to the United States.
    2. Do you feel that either of the obituaries are biased? If so, do they take a positive or negative bias toward Osama bin Laden? I believe the second one is biased over his actions and what he did that made him the most wanted terrorist.
    3. The New York Times’ obituary argues that bin Laden “railed against globalization, even as his agents in Europe and North America took advantage of a globalized world to carry out their attacks, insinuating themselves into the very Western culture he despised.” Does al Qaeda’s use of the Western world’s technology and other systems undermine Al Qaeda’s mission? Explain.
    I believe that technology will be the key to the western culture seeing that sooner or later they will find a way to combat back and plans that they already had planned if something liked this happened.
    4. Which obituary is more flattering? Use at least two specific examples to support your answer.
    I believe the New York times because it focus on what the United States wanted and also his negative actions.
    5. From what you see in these two examples, is there a formula to obituary writing? What is the basic structure?
    I believe that the obituary writing was about his background and how he became a terrorist and also it has the positive and negatives that he made during his life.
