Thursday, September 30, 2010

Should America follow in their northern brothers footsteps?

Canadian judge strikes down prostitution law

By Emanuella Grinberg, CNN
September 29, 2010 7:50 p.m. EDT
Terri-Jean Bedford, left,  Valerie Scott and another sex worker sued to overturn Canada's prostitution laws.
Terri-Jean Bedford, left, Valerie Scott and another sex worker sued to overturn Canada's prostitution laws.
  • NEW: Federal, provincial government plan appeal in the interest of public safety
  • Judge rules that laws regulating prostitution do more harm than good to sex workers
  • Sex workers claimed laws forced them onto streets to face threats of violence
  • "I like the work, I like the people, I like the clients, I set my own hours," sex worker says
(CNN) -- Key provisions of Canada's prostitution law were struck down Tuesday by an Ontario judge who said they endangered the people they were meant to protect.
Ontario Superior Court Justice Susan Himel sided with three sex workers who argued that restrictions on prostitution in Canada's Criminal Code forced them onto the streets to conduct business under threats of arrest and violence.
The Canadian government will appeal the decision and seek a stay of its enforcement, a spokeswoman for Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said Wednesday.
If the judge's ruling stands, sex workers will be able to legally conduct business from their homes and brothels, communicate freely with customers in public places and hire employees, such as drivers, receptionists and accountants, to help run prostitution businesses.
As of Tuesday, the ruling was set to take effect in 30 days so the government can figure out how to address its potential consequences.
If it does take effect, it will only apply to Ontario until the Canada Supreme Court weighs in on the matter. The provincial government also plans to join the federal government's appeal and prevent it from being immediately enforced, a spokesman for Ontario's Ministry of the Attorney General said.
"Ontario's position at the Superior Court was that these provisions of the Criminal Code are designed to prevent individuals, particularly young people, from being drawn into prostitution, to protect our communities from the negative impacts of street prostitution and to ensure that those who control, coerce or abuse prostitutes are held accountable for their actions. Thus, in our view, they are consistent with the core Charter values of human dignity and equality," spokesman Brendan Crawley said in an e-mail.
For Valerie Scott, one of the sex workers named in the lawsuit, the case was about the "blatant hypocrisy" of Canadian law.
"In theory, I can't be arrested simply for being a known prostitute, but practicing the profession is illegal," said Scott, 52. "I file income tax as a sex worker... I have that responsibility, but I don't have the rights that come with the responsibility."
Scott has worked on the streets, in massage parlors and as an exotic dancer since her teens. She said she and the other women named in the suit -- Terri-Jean Bedford and Amy Lebovitch -- raised the challenge on behalf of sex workers who want to operate legitimate businesses, complete with zoning permits, reimbursable expenses and workers' compensation.
"When I began all this I just wanted to be a sex worker, but I recognized pretty clearly and quickly that in order to be so, I have to change the laws of the country, and it's a big job," Scott said. "I never thought I'd spend my afternoons studying company law and income tax, municipal zoning regulations."
The constitutional challenge dealt with three provisions that prohibit keeping a common bawdy house, or brothel, communicating for the purposes of prostitution and living on the avails of the trade.
In the ruling, Himel noted that even though the act of prostitution is not illegal in Canada, "Parliament has seen fit to criminalize most aspects of prostitution," violating the sex workers' constitutional rights.
Read the judge's decision (PDF)
"These laws, individually and together, force prostitutes to choose between their liberty interest and their right to security of person as protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms," Himel wrote in a 132-page decision. "I find that the danger faced by prostitutes greatly outweighs any harm which may be faced by other members of the public."
The lawsuit was launched in an effort to bring Canada's policies in line with countries like New Zealand and Australia, where prostitution has been decriminalized, said Alan Young, a lawyer for the sex workers.
"Our position was if you remove certain legal provisions, you can conduct sex work in a safer way," the York University law school professor said.
Even so, Scott said the ruling was completely unexpected.
"We're not used to good news. We had several different press releases prepared but we didn't even bother to write one where we won everything," said Scott, the executive director of Sex Professionals of Canada, which advocates for the decriminalization of prostitution.
"We didn't think it would be possible."
Witnesses for both sides agreed that all prostitution carries a risk of violence and significant social stigma, Himel wrote in her decision, summing up more than two years' worth of evidence, discovery and testimony in the case.
Key matters in dispute were whether indoor prostitution is safer than street prostitution and whether current laws did sex workers more harm than good, Himel wrote.
Lawyers for the applicants submitted affidavits from current and former sex workers who shared the view that prostitution conducted in indoor venues was generally safer than street prostitution. They described strategies for ensuring safety, from working in a familiar environment to verifying services, prices and contact information with clients before an encounter, according to the judge's decision.
The clandestine nature of prostitution forces sex workers to establish client contacts hastily and without opportunity to assess the situation, experts on behalf of the sex workers testified. Provisions in the law limited the places and ways in which prostitution could be practiced safely and led to reluctance to report robberies or attacks, witnesses for the applicants said.
Former and current sex workers speaking for the government told stories of violence and drug abuse perpetrated by pimps and johns, the judge wrote. Crown experts said that no form of prostitution is safe because it is an inherently harmful form of violence against women.
The judge also heard from police officers from across Canada with experience in enforcing prostitution-related provisions. They generally characterized sex workers as victims, commonly poverty-stricken and drug-addicted. Prostitution, the judge wrote, was generally described as a harmful activity with links to drugs, violence, organized crime and child exploitation.
Under cross-examination, the officers conceded that the level of violence on the street is worse than it is indoors, and that safety precautions can be taken in indoor locations to reduce violence, the judge noted.
Scott said she applied to the University of Toronto's business school with a business plan for running a brothel and was accepted. She plans to attend in April.
"I like the work, I like the people, I like the clients, I set my own hours, I set my own price structure, I call the shots with what I will and will not do," she said. "Personally, I took to sex work like a duck to water. If it's for you, if the person likes the job, it can be a very good job. And that's what it is -- a job. It's not a lifestyle."


  1. I think that the prostitution-is-legal law is great for the economy. I mean it would bring a lot of tourist and also the condom companies, such as trojan and lifestyles, would get a LOT of customers. It would also protect the whores from all the crime and violence, also it would put them in brothels and in the streets you wont see 5 cent prostitutues wtih mini skirts and tube shirts that are sort of see through. Also the prostitutes and the losers who cant get a girl withouth paying them like this law. If Canada makes it illegal, they would regret it.

  2. I believe that prostitution should NOT be legal what so ever! For the fact that it isn't the right thing to do. It's also very gross knowing that people sell their bodies just for money when they can clearly just try and find another type of job besides prostitution.

  3. I think that it should be made illegal to be a prostitute or a sex worker because its a stupid Idea and the men and women who joines it are idiotic.

  4. In Reply to Ruchamah:
    I totally agree for the fact that people can carry diseases and other bad stuff from body to body. Therefore it is stupid.

  5. I think that prostitution is morally wrong, prostitution should not become legalized and for the canadian sepreme court using ontorio as a test subject is not right. and hiding the fact that they are prostitutes with the word sex workers. Also there are many diseases out there and having legalized prostitution will dramaticly increase the spread of any STD.

  6. I think prostitution is a good and bad thing...the good part about it is that some people do it because they had to feed their family and they have no choice but to do it...and the bad thing about it is that it shows that those women don't respect people and especially themselves...and the other bad thing about it is that they deal with drugs that can kill them or put their life in danger...and especially the ones that have daughters get kidnapped and put into the bussines of prostitutions by pimps...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Replying to Ruchamah And Jennifer:
    I agree with both of yall prostituion should be a big no no because its just wrong

  10. in regards to jennifer, i concur with what you said, about the jobs, people can find other jobs suitable. The government can help

  11. In Reply to Jennifer:
    I tottaly agree..that people carry diseases and its just a dumb Idea.

  12. I believe that this is a step in the right direction considering the profession. Yes, it is taboo among our society and is viewed upon as a shameful profession, but that is all in personal opinion. If you believe that your body is hallowed then so be it, but these people do not have such afflictions, and so their decision should be respected. The laws that are in place only lead to a cycle of abuse, and manipulation of such people. Is this what they deserve? While their tormentors are left with impunity. With the proposed laws, this eliminates said impunity, and allows prostitutes ans sex workers greater access to the civil liberties that all people are entitled to.

  13. I think that there are two sides of the stories a good and a bad. the good one is if they make it legal than the prostitutes will be protected in various ways such as using more protection and also not like getting beat up and things like that. Also people wont see them in the streets half naked. But the bad side is that there shouldnt be any prostitutions because its a crime and if little girls hear thats the 'easy' way of getting money than i think they will too prostitute. These grown prostitutes have said that they started since their teen years and its a way of getting money fast so they like their 'job' but its jst not right, other girls (teens) are going to see that n be like "i want to be a prostitute" and that is jst WRONG!!

  14. This law should not be inforced because these prostitutes should not have to go to the streets to do their buissness they should be able to do it in their homes. If you alow that then drugs and violence will be linked with the prostitutes you can see that in the US. If they are allowed to work in their homes they will be put in greater risk. I do not belive in prostitution but it is a way of life so...

  15. Well personally I agree with CAP8U that prostitution is morraly incorrect and should be made illegal. Unfortunately (and as much as I hate to admit it), prostitution is one of those things that is going to continue regardless of the law. So instead of conducting ways to combat the issue, which over time does cost significant amounts of money, the Canadian government should work towards legalizing and legitimizing prostition so that they can also benefit on the potential profit.
    And to those who dwell on the scenario of possible spread of disease (Jennifer Ochoa and Ruchamah), once prostitution is approved, I'm sure that the government will almost immediately afterwards pass laws and regulations that these buisnesses would be forced to abide by to prevent any such thing from happening.

  16. In replay to Karina:
    i totally agree with you there is two sides of this issue and taht would beneift the people and the prostitutes

  17. In my opinion they should not pass this law. It is true that this law would have many benefits for the prostitutes like more protection for them, and also stop them from offering services in the streets but it also would have negative effects because by passing this law it means that society is supporting and approving of services like these being categorized as just normal jobs when they are not. In my opinion this would greatly affect children because they will see this as normal and think it is ok to get involved when it is not.

  18. in reply to Christelle
    i agree that if they do it in public than there will violence included

  19. i think that if the canadian government doesnt want postitution specialy on young adults they should take this serious they should make one big decision that will either be agaisnt prostitution or with prostitution that will determend the future

  20. Also, in regards to will.diaz7, its pretty obvious that you weren't taking this seriously. Perhaps you should grow up, reread this article, and then try to comment this again with a little more maturity.

  21. I think as long as certain standards are set that protect both the client and the sex worker then this could be a good thing. Although I agree this might not be the most moral job you can get, it is a source of income, and people do depend on it. Morality should be set aside because in some cases it's like an opinion, it will differ greatly from people to people, it's not right to limit some people because you think it's not right. Also if the law goes through it will get the prostitues off the streets and into their homes/brothels.

  22. in reply to christelle i think that postitudes should do what ever they whant if the government is not agaisnt it

  23. In response to Karina:
    I agree that this issue has 2 sides of the story.It is true that prostitution is a way of life and if this law passed that would mean that prostitues would have privacy so their wouldnt be any out in the streets but accepting it would have a negative effect on society because kids would start to think its ok to get involved.

  24. In response to Karina, I am elated to say that for the most part I agree with you, and find that you have strong moral fiber. But just one thing. I don't envision a future with the proposed laws, that'll initiate a sudden up rise of teen prostitutes. Yes it may make it seem less condemned by society's standards, but I don't believe it will disestablish the mentality of mainstream Canadian public.

  25. IN response to insanenck:
    I agree with you completely although one of the arguements that goes againts making prostitution legal that i didn't consider, is the fact that young girls will be tempted to become prostitutes as the "easy way out" to get money. This might be good if they use the money to go to College, but it's unlikely.

  26. In response to SaynyorPhallic
    " With the proposed laws, this eliminates said impunity, and allows prostitutes ans sex workers greater access to the civil liberties"

  27. in reply to crystal
    i agree that teens will think that its going to be okk to become prostitutes when its not okk its jst like an easy way to get money out of people jst by sex which teens shouldnt even know anything about at that age but since society is so 'advanced' these days...

  28. Prostitution shouldn't legalized because most of the stuff they are asking for like prostituting at home for their safty is just adding more problems to their safties because now the clients know where they live. Futhermore making prostitution public is going corrupt goverment and the new generation open minded to the idea of prostitution because it is legal.

  29. In response to Karina the prostitutes are not going to be protected because the same thing could happen to them when prostitution is legalized, but this time around the clients know where they live because the prostitutes want to conduct it at their homes for safty.

  30. Protitution should be legalized because the are many woman out there that prostitute because they need to provide a living for them selfs and kids. Some women prostitute because thats the only thing they know how to do. It will help many woman out there if prostitution was legal becuase they wouldn't get arrested. If prostitution is legalized they should put policies that go with that law to control prostitution.

  31. Well this is a good idea but as well as a bad idea in both matters. Sex prostititution is illegal in any way but its because people only see bad things about it. If this plan does take place then prostittution can be more safer and more proffesional as I can say.

  32. in response to Derege if prostitution was legalized woman would be better protected because that way the police would help them out when they get abused instead of being like your a prostitute so your going to jail. and prostituting in their homes is safer for them because they are in their own homes were they can actuially be safe and not out in the street.

  33. In response for CHAVEZ: what if these women are just doing prostitution for the easy money dont you think thats it dumb for them to do this??

  34. I think prostitution is wrong overall. It's a disrespect to a woman body, they shouldn't be selling their body. Its funny how the call it sex worker, people shouldn't even have to look at this as a option to work in they could find a more respectful job.

  35. I think why were they prostitutes didnt they have a job already to get money.

  36. well prostitution should be legal because most of the women have to jobs n olders think its easy money. it is easy money but at the same time its helping them to pay bills. minors around 18 and under shouldnt be doing that. that should be illegal because people know that the economy is slow but its going to rise minors should just keep looking for jobs and not open the first door they see. older women prostitution should be legal its nothing bad they making money for themselves and it not hurting noone only those men that have a wife and children

  37. In response to Jennifer Ochoa:

    I totally agree with you. Prostitution shouldn't even be a option to work in. They should respect themselves by not doing this.

  38. well i think that they should make prostitution legal because the females will benifit from this law. They can start there own bussiness in there home and make it more convinient. Also maybe the chick has a little bit of money issues and doesnt have a job to feed her family so the only option is to go into prostitution. With that money she could use it to pay of her bills and feed her family. Prostitution should be legal

  39. I belive that this legalization is a good idea in a sense of manner that these women get their benificial benefits out of this job, the economy is running pretty low right now and most places are not hiring, so this way these women can have a job to keep a roof over their heads also its keeps them frm being abused by men, and i also insist that these women and men have some type of medical document providingin descriptive detail if there is any disease.

  40. Prostitutes should have the right to do their business in their homes. Doing their business in their homes is safer and there is a very low risk of them being killed or abused. These women need a way to get money to take care of themselves and its their choice to be prostitutes.

  41. If a person wants to sell sex for money in the comfort of their home, then let them. In saying so, i would like to say that prostitution is a self disrespectful act. When attempting to document such a law you can not be religiously bias or base the law on personal beliefs because thats not how things work. People have many beliefs and in this worldwide economic breakdown, the world will consist of prostitutes. My personal opinion is to get them of the streets and make prostitution involment, meaning if you are the girl/guy selling sex or the person engaging in the sexual act, illegal. But at the end of the day, the law will be made off of rightous facts and not self opinions.

  42. in response to valeria.. it is disrespect for women body and women that are out there but its there choice and is their own body it dont mean its talking about all women.....people have the right to do whatever they want in their lifes

  43. In reply to karina i agree cus if violence comes yhen theywill kill them or something bad might happen.

  44. In response to Mande

    I totally agree with you dude....
    The men and women should show a medical report that shows if they have some sort of sexual disease or something.

  45. In response to Aaron

    The ladies should have a right to do their jobs and make money.

  46. In response to Valeria i belive that you need to look at this situation as a chance for thse women to get out of debt from the society, they see this as a job because they get paid for it its something they like to do or its probably the only job available not all markets are hiring, and thse women can run their own bussiness in their own home so it is a easier way to make money

  47. i think prostitution should be illegal. prostitutioncan spread diseases to others and can get childreen involved. if they need money for them to live they need to make more jobs and posibilities instead of turning to prostitution.they need jobs that just it!

  48. In response to Pamela:

    I mean you're right it's their body. But it's still a disrespect to even do that. They could find another job instead of selling themselves.

  49. prostitutes should become call girls instead of street prostitutes because they will be safer if they have a buisness at home insted of a street. prostitutes have the right to sell their body for money in a safe way that way everyone wins for example the client earns his or her pleassure and also the prostitute earns her easy money.

  50. I disagree with making prostitution legal because it goes against human morals. Laws are made according to the goodness of humanity and prostitution is far from humanely sane. Diseases can spread through many things not just sex, but in response to (insanenck)your insane. The government shouldn't make anything of this sort legal or encourage it by passing more laws just to keep them clean. Don't you think that one good reason prostitution is around isn't chosen upon girls but forced in some sort of way.Either they need the money or are physically being forced by someone superior. We need to help these people find a way to make money without opening legs. It's not the simplest thing to do but it's absolutely the right thing to do.

  51. In response to Mande:

    Maybe it's a bad situation but if they look hard enough they might find a job. They make it too easy on themselves. And if they like what they do something is wrong with them!

  52. in response to valeria;

    i know but its there own choice they want to do it let them you cant stop them so let it be legal

  53. i think prostitution shoouoldbe legalize because maybe those prostitutes do it for living and thats how they pay for their utilities.

  54. In response to Valeria
    The difference in you thinking that its wrong may be in contrast with what the sex workers think, we must let them be themselves and not bring their self of steam down i mean society is already critizising them in negativitywhy should we continue the mal judgment of these humans

  55. in responce to aeron women and men should get a medical report to see if they have a disease such as blu wafles and aids to prevent it from spreading.

  56. reply to marcelino ramos: i agree with you you are very smart good job at decyphering this you have a good point as long as they have aproval that they have no std'd you will go far marcelino. "that way everyone wins for example the client earns his or her pleassure and also the prostitute earns her easy money." nice quote

  57. also the only harms that prostitution might cause are couples breaking up, minor sexual diseases, the gains are money plasure and satisfaction.

  58. I think prostitution should be illegal because is not right for this women to be selling their body for money and they are just having disrespect toward their body and them self by doing prostitution. If the case of them to go toward prostitution to get money then they should just get another type of job that does not consider selling their body.

  59. Prostitutes don't know what hard life is. they want it easy. they prefer to sell their body instead on having morals and be respected. i mean there are other jobs that they can do. many diseases can be spread of this.

  60. In responce to Jennifer: Yeah you're right. We think the same in that they should get another job instead of selling their body.

  61. prostitution is illegal in some places and sadly people still do it. for those that really need the money, they will do it even if its illegal so why make it legal?. the ones that supposely do it for their families, i don't think their families would ever be okay with this. i absolutely agree with DJ. how will this make the govt. look if they passed this law. people that do this don't respect themselves. its wrong, disguisting and it should never be legal

  62. in reply to Katherine i say that is very true they just want the easy money and not work towards getting money like it should be earn by a good and respected jobs

  63. I think that prostitution is not a good thing because it does not show respect or dignity to anyone who is invoved in prostitution. Another reason is that it can transmit diseases and many teenagers are tempted to believe that prostitution is an easy way to get money, but it is not.

  64. I believe that prostitution being legal should not even be a discussed in terms of "should we do because our allies did it" it is the simple fact that we cant tell people what they can and cannot do with theyre own body for tis the body not for them to control? if someone wishes to put themselves out there then let them and some dont do it for the sex some (as people before me have stated) need the money and are doing what they are best at to get the money so they wont be on the street. isnt that what we have been taught since we were little "use the skills you have to make and dream and with that dream try and become successful" they may have had a dream once and realized it wasnt possible so they resorted to this. i believe that canada and other countries should be able to do what they want but i dont think it should be legal here in the us of a. if it does become legal i dont care because im not going to try and find a prostitute

  65. I think that what they are doing in Canada is wrong allowing prostitution to be legal beacuse the little girls might not know any other way to make money. So they would think that prostitution is okay beacuse all the females are doing it. Beacuse they might not have a education and that could be a easy way for them to make quick cash with little work. And well all the young girls that look up to the top industry girls want to have a competition and be the best and they could lead to be a exploited child or even death by the customer that did something wrong.



  67. in reponse to CHAVEZ:
    i agree with you and i disagree i agree because you have an excellent point but i disagree because i just dont believe it should be legal here.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Prostitiution should not be legalized becuase it just makes the city/state/country look bad!! Another thing is that you pass diseases around and give bad examples and then the whole world will think its right and then the whole world will die of AIDS/HIV!!



  71. In response to Chavez ....i agree with what u said , but i also disagree...i disagree because it should not be legal here. I believe that will lower the standards of women and young girl of today. I agree because u make a good point

  72. in response to katherine and jennifer: i completely agree with yall there are many good paying jobs where you can keep your dignity!!

  73. I believe that Canada legalizing prostitution is very wrong. Prostitution has been going on for a while in Canada and in the rest of the world. If Canada really thought prostitution is acceptable, they would have legalized it many years ago. Legalizing prostitution gives Canada a bad image; making them seem like they don't care for women's respect and self-worth. I believe it's very selfish and a bad way to 'improve' their economy.

  74. I think that make sense for the women wanting the law that will protect them from danger when they are out in the street, so my opinion would be that the Canada should make a law that will protect the prostitutes because they are not going to stop anytime soon, these prostitutes are still a part of the society, and they have the right to be protected by the law, that will prevent criminal from happening.

  75. in reponse to daisy:
    if you were in a position where you had children or just need to put a roof over your own head you had no way to get a job and you had no way to recieve money from the government you just had that option. would you or would you not take it?

  76. Prostitution should not be ligalize because this will cause the country to look bad and also since prostitution is legal more an more people will drop out of school and persue that "job". Therefore te country will eventually will go poor and stupid since thats the only thing that people are knowledgeble to do.

  77. Prostitution should not be legalized this is so wrong no women should have to live up to this rules and neither should anyone.Prostituion is just wrong and dissgusting so we should just end tis horror or else Canada will influence other countiries to legalize prostitution also and this would come to a very bad end. So much for the saying of "STOP AIDS" instead of helping Canada is increasing the risk of this so what your making money you'll soon be killing PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  78. I think that prostitution should be legal. It should be legal because the woman who go sell themselves want to. Woman become prostitutes have a need to do that job. One is because maybe they need the money to support there family or themselves or maybe because they love the job.

  79. in response to yesenia:
    no one is being subjected it to doing this they are doing it of they own accord, and it is not just women its is men also, and that is why someone above us said that legal prostitutes should be suject to desease test. and how is this killing people?


    So you think that its allright for a lady to b a prostitute??or young girl??

    So what if one of your familly members got into this so called buisnes you will still thinkthat this is right??

  81. in response to harold: why would i be in a position of not being able to get a job? and why would i not be able to get help from the government? your "situation" does not make sense to me!!

  82. In response to Jennifer:
    I completely agree. There are many jobs out there that these women can get that can earn them money and sustain them without degrading their dignity and self-worth.

  83. TO HAROLD:


  84. I think its great that Canda decrminalized prostitution because now there can be a whole new set of jobs for people. Also if they dont decrminalize this all prostitutes and sex wrokers will still keep doing it whithout the goverment knowing. Other countries have done it so i dont see anythign wrong with Canada doing so.

  85. In response to Jennifer Ochoa

    I agree that prostitution should not be legaliazed because its gross and disgusting. Poeple should get a better job than selling their bodies because its just wrong.

  86. I agree with stephanie because is true if they wanted to legalize it they would have done it a very long time ago to "better" their economy.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. in reponse to daisy:
    it is a simulation not a situation and it does not make sense to you because of the lack of common sense that you have try rereading the simulation and then answer me when you are less idiotic and understand what is being said

  89. In response to Harold

    I know its men too but still this will create HIV a non curing decease and soon people will begin to die.

  90. I think this topic has an answer and its in plain sight. This has gotten out of control and prostitution should be illegal. In my last comment to Will, prostitution has no respect from the community and no respect for themselves. Prostitution is BAD.

  91. In response to Jason:
    prostitution should be legal because many woman out there are jobless and are not able to support there family.

  92. In response to the whole international community:

    prostitution is just wrong and shouldnt be practiced by anybody beacuse is just twisted in a way and is so damn wrongg so point proven

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. But guillermo fellow son what if yur own familly members got into this so called franchise would it stiilll be right

  95. In response to Stephanie:

    Yes, prostitution has been recetly legalized but other countries did it and probaly went to through the same things Canada did, so other countries might be ahead of Canada. Also this give a bunch of poeple new opportunities for jobs so i find it that it can help the economy. Futhermore, nobody is forcing women to do this job they do it because they like it and like to be sex workers. Canada has also legalized weed so I dont see any wrong in legalizing prostituion. Women do work as protitues i get that, but ther is also men who do it so i still dont see wrong in what you said.

  96. In response to Stephanie,
    I agree with what u are saying, but they would not pass this law without a reason behind it.....If their economy was so low this wouldn't do much to improve it

  97. in response to yesenia:
    although AIDS/HIV is uncurable it is not a factor because they WILL BE SUBJECTED TO DESEASE TESTING!!!!! and if one of the cilient gives HIV to the prostitute only then will the prostitute have HIV/AIDS

  98. wow alex you get them and im totaly on yur side asian boy lmao

  99. i really dont know what to say if we say no they would still be doing it like we are right now but if we legalize it they would put it out in the open to let people and children see them would be wrong . the only way to do it is if we put them in a little street where they can only be there.

  100. Jason, you have to take this seriously. For real Jason.

  101. In response to Marcus: Using prostitution as a tool for bettering Canada's economy makes it seems as if women are objects of money for Canada. The Unites States is also going through bad times in the economy, but they're not legalizing prostitution because it's simply WRONG. There are plenty of other ways to improve Canada's economy.

  102. respones to harold: i totally agree with you man we should let people do what they want to do where not the onesthat want it they are.

  103. In response to dan:

    what do you mean by as we are doing it right now??
    sow are you with this oragainst this??

  104. I don’t think we can say there are jobs these women can get , because there isn't one person who want to sell her body if there was any other way she can make money ………

  105. I think prostitution should be illegal because this may make girls or guys make bad choices because even though they may not go to college they may still get a job. Which is prostitution. Also this may raise the number in the spread of aids and HIV. So even though this may help the economy in Canada it makes the spread in diseases worse.

  106. alex i am taking this seariously

  107. in response to guillermo: there are many diferent jobs... you can work at mcDonalds thats a job you can work at CVS you can work at walgreens you can go back to school and become successful.. you dont need to base your life off of selling your body!!

  108. Prostitution should be Illegal period!
    It’s a bad way for women to conduct business in this world. If prostitution become legal it wouldn’t be easy for society to control prostitution because people can do anything in their home and no one would know about it, some people can be raped, and many people also carry diseases such as HIV/AIDS. This will duplicate the diseases even more.
    Also by legalizing sex trafficking can become a problem. Prostitution is a demand market created by men who buy and sell women's sexuality for their own profit and pleasure.
    Family wised this can become an easier way for men to cheat on their wife, meaning more divorce.

  109. A response to Daisy,

    Not all people will die, only those who have common sense and wear protection will survive.

    A response to Jason,

    I actually think that my comment is smart, but idiotic, sand this is america for crying out loud! freedom of expression.

    A response to Alex,

    I am smart but i express it in a weird way.

    A response to those who think that is should be illegal,

    people are still going to do it, so why not protect those who sell their bodies.

    Also a response to those who disagree with me,

    I mean come on, this law protects people, and it has some profits to some companies. also manypeople like this law and its CANADA, one of the people we are competing with so let them do it and mess up their inceted percentage.and to those who think im idiotic, i dont care, i am mature and i am thinking street wise and thinking openly so ha.

  110. kathya you dont have to go to college to be a prostitute you can be a well smart talented person and still be a prsostitute is all up to the person aka prostitute okay swetty

  111. In response to Stephanie
    There is no one behind these women with a gun telling them they have to become prostitute.... Alot of women like to do what they do , and if that what they what to do with their life well so be it.

  112. in response to William Diaz:
    i agree with you but i think you should'nt used the word "whore" it is rude.

  113. in response to dan:
    i totally agree with you because people are doing it illegally with or without being caught so making it legal or not doesnt count

  114. Jason im not saying you have to go to college to be a prostitute. You can drop out of school like high school or what ever and you can be a protitute, thats what i meant.

  115. I think that Canada should not legalize prostitution because this gives them a bad image, i mean does canada really want to attract the kind of people who are interested in going to a place where prostitution is legal? They will bring along with them more trouble than just being prostitution customers.

  116. okay kathya whatever you say but i got a point

  117. To Stephanie:

    If women want to do this its their choice. we canoot force out of somthing or force them into, for they have their rihgt up in Canada

    To people in International: Stop using words that offend sex workers and protitutes!!

  118. in response to the entire international community:
    it is no point in legalizing and illegalizing prostitution; its just like marijuana it can be illegal all it wants but people will still do it and if they go to jail they will get out and still do it.

  119. To Harold's comment:
    I go for both ways because prostitution sometimes can be the only alternative to get your life moving because in many countries there isn't many jobs offered to people so they have to seek out this dark industry which may have many risks impose. I don't agree mostly because those who do prostitute can endanger their lives and carry diseases such as HIV/AIDS or herpes and make someone suffer for their own stupidity. I don't know, its a very confusing topic to brainstorm about but hey, everyone has a choice even if it turns out to be a mistake of a millions. Now...I have a lot think about.
    Good afternoon to ya'll.

  120. To my dear friend will.diaz7:
    I suggest if you don't take your time actually trying to read the article or have any mind for it; for you to shut the hell up because everything you're saying is useless and stupid. Try actually to make sense of what you say and honestly, tourism attracted by this? Really? Didn't you have anything else to say? What a waste.

    P.S. Sorry to the teachers but it angers me to see such immaturity.

  121. Prostitution has been going on for a while and many woman have catched diseases such as HIV/AIDS and they have also been getting raped and mistreated, so i believe that it shouldnt be legalized.
    Yes woman have the right to do anything they want with their body but i just think its not right to sell it because its disrespecting your body and yourself.

  122. The people who like this as a life style good for them but getting on your back is not a job so stop making it one

  123. i agree with Rose
    if they legalize prostitution i think that the HIV/Aids rate will increase and also our death rate.

  124. I think that the U.S needs to help some other states or city's and they can do it by helping the one next to them. and i agree with rose because if they let that happen a lot of HIV/AIDS will increase a lot and some thing my happen to these and other people and many people will die. But theres womens that acually like doing this but some of them we can not force them because is there life and they like it but i agree with some other people.


  125. i agree with rose too because if they legalize prostitution the world is going to be contaminated by HIV/AIDS which is not good.Their should be something to help out these desperate people on having unprotected sex.

  126. Prostitution is a choice of a person's own will, you cannot tell a person what to do, it will violate them. It should be legalized, don't let this affect people's opinion of Canadians. They have a right to do what they want. It is their own country, if they think its okay, then let it be. It is a way for people to make money, for some people. it is the only way. They have no choice but to do so. For some women, they gain self esteem by doing this. Although, I disagree to the part where it shall be legalized in their own homes, for the safety of the sex workers will be disregarded.

  127. i think prostitution is WRONG that just nasty and lots of disease can come with it. if you can stand out in the street the whole day then why can't you go to school to get an education and have a better life. but i guess desperate needs comes in desperate time. people that are doing this is just plain nasty if they can just get thir butt in school and stay there then they wouldnt have to be doing this. would you preffer death and disease over a good eduation with a better life??

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. I disagree on making prostitution legal because it can cause violence and can also cause disease spreding. For example HIV/AIDS can be the issue

  130. i dont agree with annie because how will the other people will know if they have some kind of diseas and they might not want to be with them or with some one else and what about the ones that are been force to do this thing what they dont have no right or what.

  131. I agree with dice king because yes people do have to feed their family but doing stuff like that can change their life and family life forever. Prostitution is a horrible thing, I know no one is that desprate to do that and if they do it its because they want to.
