Wednesday, November 2, 2011

To further study the relationship between GDP and indicators of development, use to compare our six countries: Russia, China, United Kingdom, Iran, Mexico, and Nigeria.

Go to the site where you can create your own graph here. Open each CIA Factbook in a different tab.

Choose to create an XY graph. Make a bubble graph. Create a graph with the per capita GDP represented in the X axis and any other significant statistic represented in the Y axis. Examples of significant statistics could be birth rate, death rate, or literacy rate, but there are many others.

In "size," enter the country's population. In "Line Width," choose "No line." Email me your graph, then respond to these questions in a blog comment:

1. Is there a positive or negative correlation between per capita income and your other significant statistic?
2. Is country population relevant or important in this graph? If so, how?
3. Think about your answer to question one. What conclusions can you draw about this?
4. According to this graph, which of our countries is the most developed? Explain.
5. According to this graph, which of our countries is least developed? Explain.
6. Do you think your graph is a fair and reasonable assessment of levels of development? Explain.


  1. 1.There is a positive correlation between per capita and the date rate,it seems that the higher a countries per capita is the lower the death rate becomes.
    2.A countries population is important in this graph because the size of the population determines the amount per capita of that country and whether that amount is suitable for the size of the population.
    3.The conclusions that I can draw about this is that as a country is more developed its death rates go down.
    4.According to the graph the most developed country is the U.K because it has a high per capita and its death rate is just right for its population size.
    5.According to the graph Nigeria is the least developed country because it has a low per capita and a high death rate.
    6.I don't believe the graph is a fair assessment of the levels of development because we are only comparing two factors out of many that can be used to determined if a country is well developed or not.

  2. 1. A negative correlation because the lower the gdp per capita, the higher the birthrate is.
    2. Yep because gdp per capita is amout of income by everyone divided by the population
    3. The poorer the people means they need more helpers around to do work. Such as farmers and plantations
    4.UK because they have a high gdp per capita and they have a alright birthrate
    5.Nigeria because they have a really low gpd per capita and a higher birthrate
    6.Yes because to think about it, the less developed countries have a higher birth rate.

  3. 1. There is a positive correlation between per capita income and labor force.

    2.It is important because it confirms that the population has a big role in the amount of people in the labor force.

    3.As the more workers there are with sustainable jobs, the higher the countries per capita income is.

    4.The United Kingdom because even though it doesn't have a high labor force, it has a high per capita income.

    5.Nigeria because it has a low labor force and a low GDP.

    6.Yes because it clearly shows which countries are far more developed in certain statistical areas such as in population and GDP.

    -Harold and Mande

  4. 1. There is mostly a positive correlation between per capita income and literacy rate.
    2. Population doesn't necessarily come into play in affecting the literacy rate and GDP. Development of the country does.
    3. We found that in countries where the GDP is higher, the literacy rate is higher as well because it shows development of the country.
    4. The United Kingdom is the most developed, because it has a higher GDP and a very high literacy rate of 99%.
    5. The country of Nigeria is the least developed because it has a very low GDP and a literacy rate of 68%.
    6. I don't think this graph necessarily explains the level of development, because other factors such as birth and death rates need to be taken into account.

  5. 1. Is there a positive or negative correlation between per capita income and your other significant statistic? There are exceptions but overall the higher the total population literacy rate the higher the GDP is.

    2. Is country population relevant or important in this graph? If so, how? Yes because GDP has all to do with distribution of wealth over the population, its a direct variable in determining GDP and because of this GDP is often a misleading and perhaps not an accurate representation of a countries wealth.

    3. Think about your answer to question one. What conclusions can you draw about this?
    Over all the better the literacy rate the better the GDP but such a conclusion cant be made because GDP also depends on population, however if only presented with the information on the graph then Assumptions and intelligent inferences may be made.

    4. According to this graph, which of our countries is the most developed? Explain.
    According to our graph the UK is the most developed as they have both the highest GDP and literacy rate.

    5. According to this graph, which of our countries is least developed? Explain.
    According to our graph Nigeria was the least developed with the least GDP value and the smallest literacy rate.

    6. Do you think your graph is a fair and reasonable assessment of levels of development? Explain. No as stated before GDP is often not a reliable source of determining then level of development in a country because it takes population into consideration and that skews the value we see.

    With jhossept Martinez.

  6. 1. There is a positive outcome when comparing the death rate vs countries per capita, because the higher your per capita the less death rate cause your country is able to provide things for you.

    2. Yes because your country depends on your population. Your per capita also depends on your population.

    3. The more developed you are the lower your death rate is.

    4. The United Kingdom due to its per capita

    5. Nigeria because its capita is very low

    6. No because only two things was being compared that was the death rate and capita. Other things need to be compared to determine the countries outcome.

  7. 1. There is a positive correlation between per capita income and literacy rate,because more people get educated, they have more job opportunities and have high income.
    2. The country population is relevant in this graph. like China, they are the second one of world with $10.09 trillion. because of their huge population, that caused their GDP-per capital become $7600.
    3.Education is important for people,more know ledges equals more opportunities.
    4.Russia and UK are the countries which most developed. because based on the graph showing, these two countries have high literacy rate and high per capita income.
    5.Nigeria is least developed country, because they have the lowest GDP and lowest literacy rate.
    6. Yes, I think is reasonable assessment of levels of development. Because we can easily see the differences between different countries. and compare it to each others.

  8. 1. Well, there was definitely a negative and positive pattern going on in this graph. One rule I came up with was that, the poorer you are, the more amount of kids you will have and the richer you are, the less amount of kids will be produced.

    2. The amount of a countries' population is very important because it shows the ratio of pop. to birth rate and to GDP per capita, but compared to China's population, other populations are very tiny.

    3.The poorer you are, the amount of children being born rises and vice versa.

    4. The United Kingdom has a higher GDP and moderate rate of births.

    5. Nigeria was the lowest because the birth rate in comparison to its GDP was very low.

    6. No because we're only comparing two different areas of facts and it cannot be determined if its developed or not.
