Monday, April 11, 2011

On the Media: Extra Credit (MUN 3/4)

Listen to any of the following segments of the NPR program "On the Media":

"The Tension in Free Expression"
"The First Amendment in the Courts"
"The Media Blackout of Terry Jones"

For each segment you listen to, explain how this segment is relevant to our mock trial of Terry Jones. You will receive 10 bonus points for each post.


  1. "The Tension in Free Speech"
    1. Its relevant because it speaks about the freedom of speech being the one defense Terry Jones can use for the burning of the Koran and the violence that spurred in Afghanistan because of the actions of this desecration. As they say, Americans treat the Bill of Rights as something that we can't afford. They compare how one can burn a Koran and feel sorry for them and when it comes to a flag, they call for violence. The connection that they are putting out there is that Terry Jones is using the 1st amendment to continue these actions.

    "The First Amendment and the Courts"
    2. They speak about that in 1977, the Supreme court allowed people who are influenced with their hatred toward Jews to show it in front of victims of the Holocaust. This is also relevant because it relates to whether if Terry Jones knew this would offend people and kill someone, also there's a chance that he may be charged for this. Its an encouragement for those people who are extreme to express their beliefs without censorship.

    "The Media Blackout of Pastor Terry Jones"
    3. This is more focused on what happened and how this event didn't reach the news since it wasn't noticed and they didn't want him to get his publicity. The way you can say it is that the burning of the Koran wasn't really taken into account by Americans but it was exposed to the Middle East. Which leaves the question: What was done and what should be done to avoid these sort of conflicts. This is very informative about the situation and even goes back to the beginning.

  2. As usual, Maria Hernandez is awesome.

  3. 1.) The Tension in Free Speech
    They generally talk about different situations that can and can't be justify, seeing that in the bill of rights, the first amendment is freedom of speech, that is giving to American citizens. For example Freedom of speech gave license to Terry Jones to put in fire the Koran of judgment of the Islam. 12 people were attack and 1 was killed. But compare to flag burning this is an illegal action that is not approve. At the end the freedom of expression is a right that can be used as an excused to do certain actions that they believe is right.

  4. 2.)The First amendment and the courts
    They generally speak of the consequences that can bring the freedom of speech. In a point freedom of speech can become an offense that can cause people anger and can be response back with violence and even death. They also mention the burning of the Koran that Terry Jones went through. They knew that he had the certain knowledge to predict the violence that his action can bring to the Islam people. There have been attempt from the government during war time to suppress speech but at the end people have the right to critique the government, war, and polices, but its asking to think before they act seeing that it can bring violence their freedom of speech.

  5. This generally talks about the event of the burning of Koran and how the news spread internationally. Seeing that at the beginning they didn't pay attention to this event and they were no coverage inside the United States about this. But the Foreign press agency file the story that was notice in Afghanistan. At the end he advise the medias to not fall in the trap of Terry Jones and not being manipulated by him.

  6. 3.) The Media Blackout of Pastor Terry Jones

    This generally talks about the event of the burning of Koran and how the news spread internationally. Seeing that at the beginning they didn't pay attention to this event and they were no coverage inside the United States about this. But the Foreign press agency file the story that was notice in Afghanistan. At the end he advise the medias to not fall in the trap of Terry Jones and not being manipulated by him.
